[comp.ai] Artificial Life

bruce@seismo.gps.caltech.edu (Bruce Worden) (08/03/90)


I am interested in getting some references on a phenomenon referred to as
"Artificial Life".  I read about it in the most recent Time magazine (Aug.
6, 1990 issue) and I would like to learn more.  The article mentioned
work by Christopher Langton at Los Alamos National Lab., David Ackley at
Bellcore, David Jefferson and Robert Collins at UCLA, Rodney Brooks at M.I.T.,
Craig Reynolds at Symbolics, Inc., and also the Santa Fe Institute.  It 
also mentions Steven Levy, who is writing a book on artificial life.

If you know of any references to work being done in this field, I would 
appreciate it if you would e-mail them to me.  If there is enough interest, 
I will post the list.  I apologise in advance if this is the wrong newsgroup 
to post this request.  If so, I would appreciate any suggestions of more
appropriate newsgroups (again, by e-mail).


Bruce Worden -- bruce@seismo.gps.caltech.edu

mt@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Michael Travers) (08/04/90)

In article <1990Aug2.195325.4102@laguna.ccsf.caltech.edu> bruce@seismo.gps.caltech.edu (Bruce Worden) writes:

>I am interested in getting some references on a phenomenon referred to as
>"Artificial Life".  

Check out:

    Artificial Life, ed. C. Langton, Addison-Wesley 1989.

This book is the proceedings of the first Artificial Life workshop.  It has
a very good annotated bibliography.


Michael Travers / MIT Media Lab / mt@media-lab.media.mit.edu