[comp.ai] IJCAI'91 Call for Workshops

kim@CS.TORONTO.EDU (Kimberlee Pietrzak-Smith) (08/09/90)

                  Call for Workshop Proposals: IJCAI-91
	The IJCAI-91 Program Committee invites proposals for the Workshop
Program of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI-91),to be held in Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August 1991. 

	Gathering in an informal setting, workshop participants will have the
opportunity to meet and discuss selected technical topics in an atmosphere
which fosters the active exchange of ideas among researchers and
practitioners.  Members from all segments of the AI community are invited
to submit proposals for review.
	To encourage interaction and a broad exchange of ideas, the workshops
will be kept small, preferably under 35 participants.  Attendance should be
limited to active participants only.  The format of workshop presentations
will be determined by the organizers proposing the workshop, but ample time
must be allotted for general discussion.  Workshops can vary in length , but
most will last a half day or a full day.  Proposals for workshops
should be between one and two pages in length, and should contain:

1. A brief description of the workshop identifying specific technical issues
that will be its focus.

2. A discussion of why the workshop is of interest at this time,

3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the 
organizing committee, consisting of three or four people knowledgeable in the 
field and not all at the same organization,

4. A proposed schedule for organizing the workshop and a preliminary
	Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible, but no
later than 21 December 1990.  Proposals will be reviewed as they are received
and resources allocated as workshops are approved. Organizers will be notified
of the committee's decision no later than 15 February 1991. 

        Workshop organizers will be responsible for:

1. Producing a Call for Participation in the workshop, open to all members 
of the AI community, which will be distributed by IJCAI.

2. Reviewing requests to participate in the workshop and selecting the

3. Scheduling the workshop activities.  All organizational arrangements
must be completed by May 15, 1991.

4. Preparing a review of the workshop for publication.
	IJCAI will provide logistical support and a meeting place
for the workshop, and, in conjunction with the organizers, will determine the
workshop date and time. IJCAI reserves the right to cancel any workshop
if deadlines are missed.

To cover costs, it will be necessary to charge a fee of $US50 for each
	Please submit your proposals, and any enquiries to:
       Dr. Joseph Katz
       MITRE Corporation
       Burlington Road
       Bedford, MA 01730
       Tel: (+1-617) 271-8899 
       Fax: (+1-617) 271-2423
       email:  katz@mbunix.mitre.org