(Ross Gayler) (08/30/90)
I have to -rapidly- prepare a summary of work that has been done on expert systems for legislative reasoning, so any assistance would be much appreciated. The type of system I am most interested in is one that has had some body of legislation hand-crafted into the E/S representation (NOT machine understanding of the legislation as natural language text). The type of legislation is mostly procedural and the aim of the system is assist in the application of the legislation to individual cases. The prototypical case would be something like social security regulations: given the details of an applicant (1) is the applicant eligible for a payment (2) how much are they eligible for, and (3) when should payments start? You could assist me by: telling me of a system of this type, theoretical analyses relevant to this area, the name of a person you consider to be expert in this area. Please supply enough detail so that I can track them down. Email addresses would be really useful. Thanks. Ross Gayler (09/01/90)
>I have to -rapidly- prepare a summary of work that has been done on expert >systems for legislative reasoning, so any assistance would be much appreciated. Aren't Legislative and Reasoning a contradiction in terms? More seriously, there is a lot of work going on in this area. Look for material in the category "AI and the Law." There was an article in AI Magazine a few years ago about an Expert System for the British Nationality Act. There is also a lot of activity in this area at Northeastern University in Boston. I believe they have established a Center for Computer Science and the Law. Carol Hafner in the College of Computer Science or Don Berman in the Law school at Northeastern might be able to help you. A. Gunderson
stein@fuhainf.UUCP (Stein) (09/04/90)
From article <>, by >>I have to -rapidly- prepare a summary of work that has been done on expert >>systems for legislative reasoning, so any assistance would be much