oliphant@telepro.UUCP (Mike Oliphant) (09/15/90)
Thanks very much to all who responded to my request for information on PhD programs in Cognitive Science. As promised, here is a summary of the information I received. Note that while all of these universities have Cog Sci programs, they do not all offer PhDs in Cog Sci. Please inform me of any errors in this summary and of any programs that have been left out. Mike ---Summary Follows--- Institution: UCSD Location: San Diego, California Comments: PhD program in Cog Sci. Emphasis on connectionism Contact: Lynne Keith (lkeith@ucsd.edu) Instituition: MIT Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts Comments: PhD program in Cog Sci. Seems to have a strong Neuroscience orientation Institution: Indiana University Location: Bloomington, Indiana Comments: Joint PhD in Cog Sci and another field (ie: Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology, Philosophy) Contact: Cathy Barnes (barnesc@ucs.indiana.edu) Institution: DePaul University Location: Chicago, Illinois Contact: Helmut Epp at ? 25 E Jackson ? Chicago, IL (sorry, this is all the information I received) Institution: Brown University Location: Providence, Rhode Island Comments: Strong Linguistics orientation. Cog Sci is an extension of their Linguistics department. Institution: University of Pennsylvania Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Comments: No PhD program on Cog Sci, but have active people in Psychology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Math, and Computer Science Institution: Edinburgh University Location: Edinburgh, Scotland Comments: PhD program in Cog Sci. Emphasis on natural language and strong ties with the department of Artificial Intelligence. Contact: Betty Hughes (betty@uk.ac.ed.cogsci) Institution: Sussex University Location: Brighton, England Comments: PhD program in Cog Sci. Contact: Dr. David S Young (davidy@cogs.sussex.ac.uk) Institution: Birmingham University Location: Birmingham, England Comments: PhD program in Cog Sci. Contact: Dr. Mike Harris (M.J.G.Harris@birmingham.ac.uk) Institution: Boston University Location: Boston, Massachusetts Comments: Program in Cognitive and Neural Systems Contact: Stephen Grossberg, Director CNS Program Center for Adaptive Systems 111 Cummington Street Boston University Boston, MA 02215 -- Mike Oliphant UUCP: alberta!herald!telepro!oliphant Internet: oliphant@telepro.uucp FidoNet: (1:140/91) - ZMH only * * Call TelePro, the development system for DIALOG Professional * * Phone: +1 306 249 2352 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 baud HST * FidoNet: (1:140/90) *
salzberg@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Steven L Salzberg) (09/19/90)
The Johns Hopkins University has a Ph.D. program in Cognitive Science. For info write to Prof. Alfonso Caramazza, Director, Cognitive Science Center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218. The orientation of this program is broad, but it includes neuropsychology and linguistics in particular. -Steven Salzberg