[comp.ai] Date Change for Malaysian Computational Linguistics Conference

walker@FLASH.BELLCORE.COM (Don Walker) (10/20/90)


Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

Tutorials:    10-11 June 1991
Conference:   12-14 June 1991

The above conference will be held in the university campus on the
given dates.  Please note the change of dates with respect to our
previous announcement, which has been made specifically to allow
those wishing to attend the 1991 ACL annual meeting to return in

Topics covered include, but are not limited to:  syntax, semantics,
discourse, formal models, grammar formalisms, language analysis
and generation, understanding and knowledge representation, lexical
issues, machine translation, etc., with the main objectives of the
conference being:  (i) bringing awareness of the state-of-the-art
of the various subfields, and (ii) highlighting the most recent
developments and implementation.

About 45 papers will be presented, including 8 from our invited
speakers (who will also conduct the tutorials, as well as form the
program committee for the selection of papers), namely:  Makato
NAGAO (Computational Linguistics - in general), Lauri KARTUNNEN
(Morphology), Eva HAJICOVA (Syntax), Petr SGALL (Semantics), Martin
KAY (Formal Models), Christian BOITET (Machine Translation), Yorick
WILKS (Artificial Intelligence), with the program committee to be
chaired by Makato NAGAO.

Those wishing to submit papers are reminded that 4 copies (of length
not exceeding 15 pages) are to be sent to the Program Chairman
strictly before 1 December 1990, the address being:  Prof. Makato
Nagao, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University, Yoshida,
Sakyo, Kyoto 606, JAPAN [FAX: +81-75-751-1576].  Notification of
acceptance will be sent out by 15 March 1991, together with the
formatting instructions for the final copies.  Camera ready copies
of accepted papers will have to be in Penang by 15 April 1991.

The final announcement containing detailed information as well as
the registration form should be going out to selected addresses by
the middle of October 1990.  All those who are interested but have
not indicated their interest to attend the conference/tutorials
are invited to write to the Secretariat: Josephine Ong, Pusat
Pengajian Luar Kampus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang,
Malaysia [FAX: 60-4-871526, Telex: MA 40254].  Academic matters
are handled by Zaharin Yusoff, Projek Terjemahan Melalui Komputer,
PPS Matematik & S Komputer, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang,
Malaysia [FAX: 60-4-871526, Telex: MA 40254, Tel: 60-4-874125].

Registration fees are set at M$300 for the conference and M$200
for the tutorials, with a 50% discount given to students.  The
approximate exchange rate is US$1 = M$2.70 or M$1 = US$0.37.  The
fees include conference/tutorial material, coffee, tea, lunch,
conference dinner, and transport to and from assigned hotels.
Registration forms and full remittance are due in by 15 April 1991.