(Svein-Ivar Lillehaug) (12/07/90)
I'm interested in information (pointers to projects and papers) considering the co-op between AI and medicine. -Projects with great contributions to the AI-field. Any surveys on this kind of stuff? -Papers, articles or other stuff discussing the reasons for the medical lack of success ("thousands" of projects, but only a few systems in daily use) out of this co-op. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Svein-Ivar Lillehaug ~ ~ ~ TF/FBT ~ ~ ~ Box 2806 Elverhoey ~ ~ ~ N-9000 TROMSOE ~ Teleph.: +47 83 80150 ~ ~ NORWAY ~ Telefax: +47 83 82420 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ TROMSOE, city of the midnight fun -from the book "Let's go Europe" ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~