[comp.ai] ICANN-91

pako@lut.fi (Pasi Koikkalainen) (12/07/90)

January 15 is approaching fast ....
... but there is still time to write a paper for ICANN-91.

-== ICANN-91 ====-

-== Helsinki University of Technology ==-
-== Espoo, Finland, June 24-28,  1991 ==-

Conference Chair:                 Conference Committee:
 Teuvo Kohonen   (Finland)          Bernard Angeniol   (France)
                                    Eduardo Caianiello (Italy)
Program Chair:                      Rolf Eckmiller     (FRG)
 Igor Aleksander (England)          John Hertz         (Denmark)
                                    Luc Steels         (Belgium)

-== Second Announcement and Call for Papers =========================-

THE CONFERENCE:                         ACTIVITIES:
===============                        ============
This  conference  will be  a major     - Oral and poster sessions
international contact  forum   for     - Invited talks
experts from academia and industry     - Industrial exhibition 
worldwide. Around 1000 participants    - Prototype demonstrations
are expected.                          - Video presentations
         -=============== TUTORIALS ==================-

Nine tutorals will be given on Monday 24, 1990, covering the central
techniques, developments, and prospects of Artificial Neural Networks.
The tutorial speakers are leading experts in the filed:

1a J. Hertz      - The Physics of Neural Networks      
1b E. Oja        - Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
2  B. Widrow and T. Kohonen - Introduction to Neural Networks
3a J. Taylor    - Mathematical Problems in Neural Networks Dynamics
3b F. Faggin    - Hardware Implementations of Neural Networks
4a H. Ritter    - Self-Organizing Map and Applications
4b T. Schwartz  - How to Start a Business in Neural Networks
5a P. Werbos    - Generalized Backprobagation: Basic Principles and
                  Central Applications
5b P. Treleaven - Neural Programming Environment

               -==== INVITED SPEAKERS ====-

In the oral sessions there will be invited talks given by some of the
leading experts in various fields of Neural Networks. The invited 
speakers include:

B. Angeniol (France), G. Carpenter (USA), R. Eckmiller (Germany), 
F. Fogelman (France), K. Goser (Germany), S. Grossberg (USA),
J. Hertz (Denmark), K. Koenderink (Holland), A. Lansner (Sweden),
C. von der Malsburg (Germany), W. von Seelen (Germany), 
J. G. Taylor (UK), P. Treleaven (UK)

     -================ PLENARY SESSIONS ====================-

There will be several plenary sessions on topics that are of interest
to all participants. The speakers who are pioneers in neural networks are:

I. Alexander     - Professor at Imperial College (England)
A. Amari         - Professor at Tokyo University (Japan)
E. Caianiello    - Professor at University of Salerno (Italy)
F. Faggin        - President of Synaptics Inc. (USA)
R. Hecht-Nielsen - Chair of the Board of HNC corporation (USA)
T. Kohonen       - Professor at Helsinki University of Technology (Finland)


As a new feature in neural network conferences participants will have
a possibility to show video presentations and demonstrate prototype
programs and systems on a non-commercial basis in a separate demonstration
track, running in parallel with the oral and poster sessions. There will 
be a video room and PC/workstation classes available with standard equipment.
The time slot reservation for the demonstration can be made using the 
registration form on which you also have to indicate the title of your demo.
Detailed information will automatically be sent to those who reserve a
time slot for demonstration.

Further information can be requested from:

          Mr. Jari Kangas
          Helsinki University of Technology
          Laboratory of Computer and Information Science
          SF-02150 Espoo, Finland
          E-mail (internet): icann91@hutmc.hut.fi
          Fax: +358-0-4513277, Telex: 125161 HTKK SF

            =-= INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS =-=
 Complete papers of at most 6 pages are invited for oral or poster
 presentation in one of the sessions given below:

 1.  Mathematical theories of networks and dynamical systems
 2.  Neural network architectures and algorithms
      (including organizations and comparative studies)
 3.  Artificial associative memories
 4.  Pattern recognition and signal processing (especially vision and speech)
 5.  Self-organization and vector quantization
 6.  Robotics and control
 7.  "Neural" knowledge data bases and non-rule-based decision making
 8.  Software development
      (design tools, parallel algorithms, and software packages)
 9.  Hardware implementations (coprocessors, VLSI, optical, and molecular)
 10. Commercial and industrial applications
 11. Biological and physiological connection
      (synaptic and cell functions, sensory and motor functions, and memory)
 12. Neural models for cognitive science and high-level brain functions
 13. Physics connection (thermodynamical models, spin glasses, and chaos)

Papers may be submitted for oral or poster presentation. All papers must 
be written in English. Only complete papers of at most 6 pages will be 
considered for oral presentations, and for 4 pages for posters. The program
committee may designate a paper intended for oral presentation to a poster
presentation instead, and may also change the intended session to balance
the conference program.

== DEADLINE IS  January 15,  1991

Deadline for submitting manuscripts is January 15,  1991.  The  Conference
Proceedings will be published as a book by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Therefore, the final versions must be typed or pasted on special forms
provided by the publisher for authors of accepted papers. The papers will
be reproduced directly from the received forms. In order to help the authors,
the conference organizers, and the publisher, we request that the submitted
manuscripts already follow the final layout. Therefore, please observe
carefully the instructions below.

1. The typing area is 16.7 x 25.8 cm (6.5 x 10 in.)
2. Do not use page numbers
3. Use a font (also tables and figures) large enough to withstand 
   reduction to 70%. Do not use font smaller than 11 points.
4. The title should be written in capital letters 2 cm from the top
   of the first page, followed by the authors' names and addresses and
   the abstract left-justified, indenting everything by 2 cm.
5. In the text, do not indent headings or captions.
6. Insert all tables, figures, and figure captions in the text at their
   final positions.
7. For references in the text, use numbers in square brackets.

Submit 6 review copies of the manuscript. 
With each manuscript, please indicate
     - the name of the principal author
     - the mail address, telephone, and fax numbers
     - whether the paper in intended for oral or poster presentation
     - which session it is submitted to (see sessions above). You can
       also give two alternatives.

You will be notified of the review result by February 20, 1991, and the
authors of accepted papers will receive an authors' kit from the publisher.
Deadline for the final papers typed on the special forms is  March 15, 1991.
NOTICE! The final camera-ready papers must be received by the Organizing
Committee by that date!


Prof. Olli Simula
ICANN-91 Organization Chairman
Helsinki University of Technology
SF-02150 Espoo, Finland
Fax: +358 0 451 3277
Telex: 125161 HTKK SF
Email (internet): icann91@hutmc.hut.fi


The street address of the Conference venue is
Helsinki University of Technology
Otakaari 1
SF-02150 Espoo


In addition to the scientific program, several social occasions are
included in the registration fee. These include:
24 June: Get-together party and opening of the exhibition
26 June: Concert sponsored by the City of Espoo
27 June: Banquet

Several tours and excursions are optional:
24 June: City Sightseeing (90 FIM)
25 June: Porvoo by bus and boat (400 FIM)
26 June: Finnish Glass Discovery (350 FIM)
27 June: Design Tour (100 FIM)

Pre- and post-conference tours and excursions will also be arranged:
21-23 June: Lapland with Midnight sun (2900 FIM)
22-23 June: Cruise to Tallinn (Estonia, USSR), (850 FIM)
28-30 June: Leningrad by air (USSR), (2950 FIM) 


There will be a special ICANN-91 reception desk at Helsinki-Vantaa
airport. The desk will be open on Sunday June 23 and on Monday June
24 from noon until midnight. Registration desk is located in the Lobby
of the main building at the Helsinki University of Technology, address:
Otakaari 1, 02150 Espoo. For more information about registration and 
accommodation, please contact:

P.O.Box 151
Neitsytpolku 12 A
SF-00141 Helsinki, 
Tel.: +358 0 175 355
Fax: +358 0 170 122
Telex: 123 585 cms sf


 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Pasi Koikkalainen 
 *  Lappeenranta University of Technology
 *  P.O.Box 20, 53851 LPR, Finland