[comp.ai] Call for Papers: ACL-91 Workshop on Lexical Semantics and KR

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                          CALL FOR PAPERS
          Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation
                           17 June 1991
                     University of California
                    Berkeley, California, USA
                   A workshop sponsored by the
          Special Interest Group on the Lexicon (SIGLEX)
                              of the
            Association for Computational Linguistics
TOPICS OF INTEREST: The recent resurgence of interest in lexical
semantics (LS) has brought many linguistic formalisms closer to the
knowledge representation (KR) languages utilized in AI. In fact, some
formalisms from computational linguistics are emerging which may be
more expressive and formally better understood than many KR languages.
Furthermore, the interests of computational linguists now extend to
include areas previously thought beyond the scope of grammar and
linguistics, such as commonsense knowledge, inheritance, default
reasoning, collocational relations, and even domain knowledge.
With such an extension of the purview of "linguistic" knowledge, the
question emerges as to whether there is any logical justification for
distinguishing between lexical semantics and world knowledge.  The
purpose of this workshop is to explore this question in detail, with
papers addressing the following points:
a. Possible methods for determining what is lexical knowledge
   and what is outside the scope of such knowledge.
b. Potential demonstrations that the inferences necessary for language
   understanding are no different from supposed non-linguistic
c. Arguments from language acquisition and general concept development.
d. Cross-linguistic evidence for the specificity of lexical semantic
e. Philosophical arguments for the (impossibility of the) autonomy of
   lexical knowledge.
f. Theoretical approaches and implemented systems that combine lexical
   and non-lexical knowledge.
FORMAT OF SUBMISSION:  Authors should submit four copies of a
position paper describing the work they have done in this area and
specifying why they would like to participate in the workshop.
Papers should be a minimum of four pages and a maximum of ten
single-spaced pages (exclusive of references).  The title page
should include the title, full names of all authors and their
complete addresses including electronic addresses where applicable,
and a short (5 line) summary. Submissions that do not conform to
this format will not be reviewed. Send submissions to:
        James Pustejovsky
        Computer Science Department
        Ford Hall
        Brandeis University
        Waltham, MA 02254-9110 USA
        (+1-617) 736-2709
SCHEDULE: Papers must be received by 1 March 1991.  Authors will
be notified of acceptance by 5 April 1991.
WORKSHOP INFORMATION: Attendance will be limited to 35-40 participants.
The workshop is held in connection with the 29th Meeting of the
ACL (18-21 June).  Local arrangements are being handled by Peter
Norvig (Division of Computer Science, University of California,
573 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA, (+1-415) 642-9533,
                                Ulrich Heid
                                Peter Norvig
                                James Pustejovsky
                                Robert Wilensky