[comp.ai] George Lakoff on "Metaphor and War"

dst@dst.boltz.cs.cmu.edu (Dave Touretzky) (12/31/90)

The following is posted as a favor to George Lakoff.  Please address all
correspondence to him, not to me.


To Friends and Colleagues on the Net:

From George Lakoff,
Professor of Linguistics,
University of California at Berkeley

January 15 is getting very close. As things now stand, President
Bush seems to have convinced most of the country that
war in the gulf is morally justified, and that
it makes sense to think of ``winning'' such a

I have just completed a study of the way the war has
been justified. I have found that the justification is
based very largely on a metaphorical system
of thought in general use for understanding foreign policy.
I have analyzed the system, checked it to see what
the metaphors hide, and have checked to the best of my
ability to see whether the metaphors fit the situation in the
gulf, even if one accepts them. So far as I can see,
the justification for war, point by point,
is anything but clear.

The paper I have written is relatively short -- 7,000 words.
Yet it is far too long for the op-ed pages, and January
15 is too close for journal or magazine publication.
The only alternative I have for getting these ideas out
is via the various computer networks. 

While there is still time, it is vital that debate over
the justification for war be seriously revived.
I am therefore asking your help. Please look over the
enclosed paper. If you find it of value, please
send it on to members of your newsgroup, to friends,
and to other newsgroups. 
Feel free to distribute it to anyone interested.

More importantly, if you feel strongly about this issue,
start talking and writing about it yourself. 

Computer networks have never before played an important
role in a matter of vital public importance. The time has come.
The media have failed to question what should be questioned.
It is up to us to do so. There are a lot of us connected by
these networks, and together we have enormous influence.
Just imagine the media value of a major computerized debate over
the impending war! 

We have a chance to participate in the greatest experiment
ever conducted in vital, widespread, instantaneous democratic
Tens of thousands of lives are at stake.
During the next two weeks
there is nothing more important that we can send over these
networks than a fully open and informed exchange of views
about the war.

Here is the first contribution. Pass it on!


Metaphor and War

The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf

George Lakoff Linguistics Department University of California  at
Berkeley (lakoff@cogsci.berkeley.edu)

Metaphors can kill.  The discourse over whether we should  go  to
war  in  the  gulf is a panorama of metaphor.  Secretary of State
Baker sees  Saddam  as  ``sitting  on  our  economic  lifeline.''
President Bush sees him as having a ``stranglehold'' on our econ-
omy.  General Schwartzkopf characterizes the occupation of Kuwait
as  a ``rape'' that is ongoing. The President says that the US is
in the gulf to ``protect freedom, protect our future, and protect
the  innocent'',  and  that we must ``push Saddam Hussein back.''
Saddam is seen as Hitler.   It  is  vital,  literally  vital,  to
understand  just  what  role  metaphorical  thought is playing in
bringing us to the brink of war.  Metaphorical  thought,  in  it-
self, is neither good nor bad; it is simply commonplace and ines-
capable. Abstractions and enormously complex situations are  rou-
tinely  understood  via metaphor.  Indeed, there is an extensive,
and mostly unconscious, system of metaphor that we use  automati-
cally  and unreflectively to understand complexities and abstrac-
tions.  Part of this system is devoted to understanding  interna-
tional relations and war. We now know enough about this system to
have an idea of how it functions.  The metaphorical understanding
of  a  situation  functions  in  two  parts.   First,  there is a
widespread, relatively fixed set of metaphors that structure  how
we  think.  For example, a decision to go to war might be seen as
a form of cost-benefit analysis, where war is justified when  the
costs  of  going  to  war are less than the costs of not going to
war. Second, there is a set of metaphorical definitions that that
allow one to apply such a metaphor to a particular situation.  In
this case, there must be a definition of  ``cost'',  including  a
means  of  comparing  relative  ``costs''.  The use of a metaphor
with a set of definitions becomes pernicious when it hides reali-
ties  in  a  harmful way.  It is important to distinguish what is
metaphorical from what is not.  Pain, dismemberment, death, star-
vation, and the death and injury of loved ones are not metaphori-
cal.  They are real and  in  a  war,  they  could  afflict  tens,
perhaps hundreds of thousands, of real human beings, whether Ira-
qi, Kuwaiti, or American.

              War as Politics; Politics as Business

Military and international relations strategists do use  a  cost-
benefit analysis metaphor. It comes about through a metaphor that
is taken as definitional by most strategic thinkers in  the  area
of  international  politics.  Clausewitz's Metaphor: WAR IS POLI-
TICS PURSUED BY OTHER MEANS.  Karl von Clausewitz was a  Prussian
general  who  perceived  war  in  terms of political cost-benefit
analysis.  Each nation-state has political  objectives,  and  war
may  best  serve those objectives. The political ``gains'' are to
to be weighed against acceptable ``costs.'' When the costs of war
exceed the political gains, the war should cease. There is anoth-
er metaphor implicit here: POLITICS IS BUSINESS  where  efficient
political  management  is  seen  as  akin  to  efficient business
management. As in a  well-run  business,  a  well-run  government
should  keep  a  careful tally of costs and gains.  This metaphor
for characterizing politics, together with Clausewitz's metaphor,
makes  war a matter of cost-benefit analysis: defining beneficial
``objectives'', tallying  the  ``costs'',  and  deciding  whether
achieving  the  objectives  is ``worth'' the costs.  The New York
Times, on November 12, 1990, ran a  front-page  story  announcing
that  ``a  national  debate  has  begun  as to whether the United
States should  go  to  war  in  the  Persian  Gulf.''  The  Times
described   the   debate   as  defined  by  what  I  have  called
Clausewitz's  metaphor  (though  it  described  the  metaphor  as
literal),  and  then  raised  the  question,  ``What  then is the
nation's political object in the gulf and what level of sacrifice
is  it  worth?'' The ``debate'' was not over whether Clausewitz's
metaphor was appropriate, but only over how various analysts cal-
culated  the relative gains and losses. The same has been true of
the hearings of the Senate  Foreign  Relations  Committee,  where
Clausewitz's  metaphor  provides  the framework within which most
discussion has taken place.  The broad acceptance of Clausewitz's
metaphor  raises vital questions: What, exactly, makes it a meta-
phor rather than a literal truth? Why does it seem so natural  to
foreign  policy  experts?  How does it fit into the overall meta-
phor system for understanding foreign  relations  and  war?  And,
most  importantly,  what realities does it hide?  To answer these
questions, let us turn to the system of metaphorical thought most
commonly used by the general public in comprehending internation-
al politics.  What follows is a two-part discussion of  the  role
of  metaphorical  reasoning about the gulf crisis. The first part
lays out the central metaphor systems used in reasoning about the
crisis:  both  the  system used by foreign policy experts and the
system used by the public at large. The second part discusses how
the system has been applied to the crisis in the gulf.

                       Part 1: The Systems

                   The State-as-Person System

A state is conceptualized as a person, engaging in  social  rela-
tions  within  a  world community. Its land-mass is its home.  It
lives in a neighborhood, and has neighbors, friends and  enemies.
States  are  seen  as  having  inherent dispositions: they can be
peaceful or aggressive, responsible or irresponsible, industrious
or lazy.

Well-being is wealth. The general well-being of a state is under-
stood  in  economic terms: its economic health.  A serious threat
to economic health can thus be seen as a death  threat.   To  the
extent  that  a nation's economy depends on foreign oil, that oil
supply becomes a `lifeline' (reinforced by the image  of  an  oil

Strength for a state is military strength.

Maturity for the person-state is industrialization.   Unindustri-
alized  nations are `underdeveloped', with industrialization as a
natural state to be reached.  Third-world nations are thus  imma-
ture  children,  to  be taught how to develop properly or discip-
lined if they get out of line.  Nations that fail to  industrial-
ize  at  a  rate  considered  normal are seen as akin to retarded
children and judged as ``backward'' nations.

Rationality is the maximization of self-interest.

There is an implicit logic to the use of these  metaphors:  Since
it is in the interest of every person to be as strong and healthy
as possible, a rational state seeks to maximize wealth and  mili-
tary  might.   Violence  can  further  self-interest.  It  can be
stopped in three ways: Either a balance of power, so that no  one
in  a  neighborhood is strong enough to threaten anyone else.  Or
the use  of  collective  persuasion  by  the  community  to  make
violence  counter  to  self-interest.   Or a cop strong enough to
deter violence or punish it.  The cop should act morally, in  the
community's interest, and with the sanction of the community as a
whole.  Morality is a matter of accounting, of keeping the  moral
books balanced. A wrongdoer incurs a debt, and he must be made to
pay. The moral books can be balanced by a return to the situation
prior  to  the wrongdoing, by giving back what has been taken, by
recompense, or by punishment.  Justice is the  balancing  of  the
moral books.  War in this metaphor is a fight between two people,
a form of hand-to-hand combat.  Thus, the US might seek to ``push
Iraq  back out of Kuwait'' or ``deal the enemy a heavy blow,'' or
``deliver a knockout punch.'' A just war is thus a form of combat
for  the  purpose  of  settling  moral  accounts. The most common
discourse form in the West where there is combat to settle  moral
accounts  is the classic fairy tale.  When people are replaced by
states in such a fairy tale, what results is  a  scenario  for  a
just war.

                 The Fairy Tale of the Just War

Cast of characters: A villain, a victim, and a hero.  The  victim
and  the  hero  may be the same person.  The scenario: A crime is
committed by the villain against an innocent victim (typically an
assault,  theft, or kidnapping). The offense occurs due to an im-
balance of power and creates a moral imbalance. The  hero  either
gathers helpers or decides to go it alone.  The hero makes sacri-
fices; he undergoes difficulties,  typically  making  an  arduous
heroic  journey,  sometimes  across the sea to a treacherous ter-
rain. The villain is inherently evil, perhaps even a monster, and
thus reasoning with him is out of the question.  The hero is left
with no choice but to engage the villain in battle. The hero  de-
feats  the  villain  and rescues the victim. The moral balance is
restored.  Victory is achieved. The hero, who always acts  honor-
ably,  has  proved  his manhood and achieved glory. The sacrifice
was worthwhile.  The hero receives acclaim, along with the grati-
tude of the victim and the community.

The fairy tale has an asymmetry built into it. The hero is  moral
and courageous, while the villain is amoral and vicious. The hero
is rational, but though the villain may be cunning and  calculat-
ing,  he  cannot  be  reasoned with. Heroes thus cannot negotiate
with villains; they must defeat them. The enemy-as-demon metaphor
arises  as  a  consequence  of the fact that we understand what a
just war is in terms of this fairy tale.  The most natural way to
justify  a  war on moral grounds is to fit this fairy tale struc-
ture to a given situation. This is done by  metaphorical  defini-
tion, that is, by answering the questions: Who is the victim? Who
is the villain? Who is the hero?  What is the crime? What  counts
as  victory?  Each set of answers provides a different filled-out
scenario.  As the gulf crisis developed, President Bush tried  to
justify going to war by the use of such a scenario.  At first, he
couldn't get his story straight.  What happened was that  he  was
using  two  different  sets  of  metaphorical  definitions, which
resulted in two different scenarios: The Rescue Scenario: Iraq is
villain,  the  US  is hero, Kuwait is victim, the crime is kidnap
and rape. The Self-Defense Scenario: Iraq is villain, the  US  is
hero,  the  US  and other industrialized nations are victims, the
crime is a death threat, that is, a threat  to  economic  health.
The  American  people could not accept the second scenario, since
it amounted to trading lives for  oil.   The  administration  has
settled on the first, and that seems to have been accepted by the
public, the media, and Congress as providing moral  justification
for going to war.

                  The Ruler-for-State Metonymy

There is a metonymy that goes  hand-in-hand  with  the  State-as-
Person metaphor:


Thus, we can refer to Iraq by referring to Saddam Hussein, and so
have  a  single  person, not just an amorphous state, to play the
villain in the just war scenario. It is this metonymy that is in-
voked  when  the  President  says  ``We have to get Saddam out of
Kuwait.''  Incidentally,  the  metonymy  only  applies  to  those
leaders  perceived  as  rulers. Thus, it would be strange for us,
but not for the Iraqis,  to  describe  an  American  invasion  of
Kuwait by saying, ``George Bush marched into Kuwait.''

                     The Experts' Metaphors

Experts in international relations have an additional  system  of
metaphors  that  are  taken  as defining a ``rational'' approach.
The  principal  ones  are  the  Rational   Actor   metaphor   and
Clausewitz's  metaphor,  which  are  commonly taught as truths in
courses on international relations.  We are now in a position  to
show  precisely what is metaphorical about Clausewitz's metaphor.
To do so, we need to look  at  a  system  of  metaphors  that  is
presupposed  by  Clausewitz's  metaphor.   We  will begin with an
everyday system of metaphors for understanding causation:

                   The Causal Commerce System

The Causal Commerce system is a way to comprehend actions intend-
ed  to achieve positive effects, but which may also have negative
effects.  The system is composed of three metaphors:

Causal Transfer: An effect is an object transferred from a  cause
to  an affected party.  For example, sanctions are seen as ``giv-
ing'' Iraq economic difficulties. Correspondingly, economic  dif-
ficulties  for  Iraq  are  seen as ``coming from'' the sanctions.
This metaphor turns purposeful actions into transfers of objects.
The  Exchange  Metaphor for Value: The value of something is what
you are willing to exchange for it.  Whenever we ask  whether  it
is ``worth'' going to war to get Iraq out of Kuwait, we are using
the Exchange Metaphor for Value plus the  Causal  Transfer  meta-
phor.  Well-being  is  Wealth: Things of value constitute wealth.
Increases in well-being are ``gains'';  decreases  in  well-being
are  ``costs.''  The metaphor of Well-being-as-Wealth has the ef-
fect of making qualitiative effects  quantitative.  It  not  only
makes qualitatively different things comparable, it even provides
a kind of arithmetic calculus for adding up costs and gains. Tak-
en  together, these three metaphors portray actions as commercial
transactions with costs and gains.  Seeing  actions  as  transac-
tions  is  crucial to applying ideas from economics to actions in


A risk is an action taken to achieve a positive effect, where the
outcome is uncertain and where there is also a significant proba-
bility of a negative effect.  Since Causal Commerce allows one to
see positive effects of actions as ``gains'' and negative effects
as ``costs'', it becomes natural to see a risky action metaphori-
cally as a financial risk of a certain type, namely, a gamble.

                        Risks are Gambles

In gambling to achieve certain ``gains'',  there  are  ``stakes''
that  one can ``lose''. When one asks what is ``at stake'' in go-
ing to war, one is using the metaphors  of  Causal  Commerce  and
Risks-as-Gambles.  These  are  also  the metaphors that President
Bush uses when he refers to strategic moves  in  the  gulf  as  a
``poker  game''  where  it would be foolish for him to ``show his
cards'', that is, to make strategic knowledge public.

                The Mathematicization of Metaphor

The Causal Commerce and Risks-as-Gambles metaphors lie behind our
everyday  way  of understanding risky actions as gambles. At this
point, mathematics enters the picture, since there is mathematics
of  gambling,  namely,  probability  theory, decision theory, and
game theory. Since the metaphors of Causal  Commerce  and  Risks-
as-Gambles are so common in our everyday thought, their metaphor-
ical nature often goes unnoticed.  As a result, it is not  uncom-
mon  for  social scientists to think that the mathematics of gam-
bling literally applies to all forms of risky action, and that it
can provide a general basis for the scientific study of risky ac-
tion, so that risk can be minimized.

                         Rational Action

Within the social sciences, especially in economics, it is common
to  see  a  rational  person as someone who acts in his own self-
interest, that is, to maximize his own well-being. Hard-core  ad-
vocates of this view may even see altruistic action as being ones
self-interest if there is a value in feeling righteous about  al-
truism and in deriving gratitude from others.  In the Causal Com-
merce system, where well-being is wealth, this view  of  Rational
Action translates metaphorically into maximizing gains and minim-
izing losses. In other words:

               Rationality is Profit Maximization

This metaphor presupposes Causal Commerce plus  Risks-as-Gambles,
and  brings with it the mathematics of gambling as applied to ri-
sky action. It has the effect of turning specialists in mathemat-
ical  economics into ``scientific'' specialists in acting ration-
ally so as to minimize risk  and  cost  while  maximizing  gains.
Suppose   we   now   add  the  State-as-Person  metaphor  to  the
Rationality-as-Profit-Maximization metaphor. The result is:

               International Politics is Business

Here the state is a Rational Actor, whose  actions  are  transac-
tions  and  who  is  engaged  in  maximizing gains and minimizing
costs. This metaphor brings with  it  the  mathematics  of  cost-
benefit  calculation and game theory, which is commonly taught in
graduate programs in international relations.  Clausewitz's meta-
phor,  the  major  metaphor  preferred by international relations
strategists, presupposes this system.  Clausewitz's Metaphor: War
is Politics, pursued by other means.  Since politics is business,
war becomes a matter of maximizing political gains and minimizing
losses.  In  Clausewitzian  terms, war is justified when there is
more to be gained by going to war  than  by  not  going  to  war.
Morality  is  absent from the Clausewitzian equation, except when
there a political cost to acting immorally or  a  political  gain
from acting morally.  Clausewitz's metaphor only allows war to be
justified on pragmatic, not moral, grounds.  To  justify  war  on
both  moral and pragmatic grounds, the Fairy Tale of the Just War
and Clausewitz's metaphor  must  mesh:  The  ``worthwhile  sacri-
fices''  of the fairy tale must equal the Clausewitzian ``costs''
and the ``victory'' in the fairy tale must equal the Clausewitzi-
an ``gains.'' Clausewitz's metaphor is the perfect expert's meta-
phor, since it requires  specialists  in  political  cost-benefit
calculation.   It sanctions the use of the mathematics of econom-
ics, probability theory, decision theory, and game theory in  the
name   of   making   foreign   policy  rational  and  scientific.
Clausewitz's metaphor is commonly seen as literally true.  We are
now  in  a  position  to  see exactly what makes it metaphorical.
First, it uses the State-as-Person  metaphor.  Second,  it  turns
qualitative  effects  on human beings into quantifiable costs and
gains, thus seeing political action as economics. Third, it  sees
rationality  as  profit-making.  Fourth,  it sees war in terms of
only one dimension of war, that of political expediency, which is
in turn conceptualized as business.

                      War as Violent Crime

To bear in mind what  is  hidden  by  Clausewitz's  metaphor,  we
should  consider an alternative metaphor that is _n_o_t used by pro-
fessional strategists nor by the general public to understand war
NAPPING, ARSON, RAPE, AND THEFT.  Here, war is understood only in
terms  of  its  moral  dimension,  and not, say, its political or
economic dimension.  The metaphor highlights those aspects of war
that  would  otherwise  be seen as major crimes.  There is an Us-
Them asymmetry between the public use  of  Clausewitz's  metaphor
and  the  War-as-Crime metaphor.  The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait is
reported on in terms of murder, theft and rape. The planned Amer-
ican invasion is never discussed in terms of murder, assault, and
arson.  Moreover, the US plans for war are seen, in Clausewitzian
terms,  as  rational  calculation. But the Iraqi invasion is dis-
cussed not as a rational move by Saddam, but as  the  work  of  a
madman.  We see US as rational, moral, and courageous and Them as
criminal and insane.

                    War as a Competitive Game

It has long been noted that we understand war  as  a  competitive
game like chess, or as a sport, like football or boxing.  It is a
metaphor in which there is a clear winner and loser, and a  clear
end  to  the  game.   The metaphor highlights strategic thinking,
team work, preparedness, the spectators in the world  arena,  the
glory of winning and the shame of defeat.  This metaphor is taken
very seriously.  There is a long tradition in the West of  train-
ing  military  officers in team sports and chess. The military is
trained to win.  This can lead to a metaphor conflict, as it  did
in Vietnam, since Clausewitz's metaphor seeks to maximize geopol-
itical gains, which may or may not be  consistent  with  absolute
military victory. The situation at present is that the public has
accepted the rescue scenario of the just war fairy tale  as  pro-
viding moral justification. The president, for internal political
reasons, has accepted the competitive  game  metaphor  as  taking
precedence over Clausewitz's metaphor: If he must choose, he will
go for the military win over maximizing geopolitical gains.   The
testimony  of  the  experts  before Congress falls largely within
Clausewitz's metaphor. Much of it is testimony  about  what  will
maximize gains and minimize losses.  For all that been questioned
in the Congressional hearings, these metaphors have not.  It  im-
portant to see what they hide.

                      Is Saddam Irrational?

The villain in the Fairy Tale of the Just War may be cunning, but
he  cannot  be rational. You just do not reason with a demon, nor
do you enter into negotiations with him. The logic of  the  meta-
phor  demands  that Saddam be irrational. But is he?  Administra-
tion policy is confused on the issue. Clausewitz's  metaphor,  as
used  by  strategists, assumes that the enemy is rational: He too
is maximizing gains and minimizing costs.  Our strategy from  the
outset  has been to ``increase the cost'' to Saddam. That assumes
he is rational and is maximizing his self-interest.  At the  same
time, he is being called irrational. The nuclear weapons argument
depends on it. If he is rational, he should follow the  logic  of
deterrence.  We have thousands of hydrogen bombs in warheads. Is-
rael is estimated to have between 100 and 200 deliverable  atomic
bombs.   It  would take Saddam at least eight months and possibly
five years before he had a  crude,  untested  atomic  bomb  on  a
truck.   The most popular estimate for even a few deliverable nu-
clear warheads is ten years.  The argument that he would  not  be
deterred  by  our  nuclear  arsenal and by Israel's assumes irra-
tionality.  The Hitler analogy also assumes that Saddam is a vil-
lainous  madman.  The analogy presupposes a Hitler myth, in which
Hitler too was an irrational demon, rather than a rational  self-
serving  brutal politician. In the myth, Munich was a mistake and
Hitler could have been stopped early on had England  entered  the
war  then. Military historians disagree as to whether the myth is
true. Be that as it may, the analogy does not hold.   Whether  or
not Saddam is Hitler, Iraq isn't Germany.  It has 17 million peo-
ple, not 70 million. It is economically  weak,  not  strong.   It
simply  is  not  a  threat to the world.  Saddam is certainly im-
moral, ruthless, and brutal, but there is no evidence that he  is
anything  but rational.  Everything he has done, from assassinat-
ing political opponents, to using poison gas against his  politi-
cal enemies, the Kurds, to invading Kuwait can be see as further-
ing his own self-interest.

                        Kuwait as Victim

The classical victim is innocent. To the Iraquis, Kuwait was any-
thing  but an innocent ingenue.  The war with Iran virtually ban-
krupted Iraq. Iraq saw itself as having fought  that  war  partly
for the benefit of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, where Shiite citizens
supported Khomeini's Islamic Revolution.  Kuwait  had  agreed  to
help finance the war, but after the war, the Kuwaitis insisted on
repayment of the ``loan.'' Kuwaitis had invested hundreds of bil-
lions  in Europe, America and Japan, but would not invest in Iraq
after the war to help it rebuild.  On the contrary, it began what
amounted  to  economic  warfare against Iraq by overproducing its
oil quota to hold oil  prices  down.   In  addition,  Kuwait  had
drilled  laterally into Iraqi territory in the Rumailah oil field
and had extracted oil from Iraqi territory.  Kuwait further  took
advantage  of  Iraq by buying its currency, but only at extremely
low exchange rates.  Subsequently,  wealthy  Kuwaitis  used  that
Iraqi currency on trips to Iraq, where they bought Iraqi goods at
bargain rates. Among the things  they  bought  most  flamboyantly
were  liquor  and prostitutes-widows and orphans of men killed in
the war, who, because of the state of the economy, had  no  other
means  of  support.   All this did not endear Kuwaitis to Iraqis,
who were suffering from over 70%  inflation.  Moreover,  Kuwaitis
had long been resented for good reason by Iraqis and moslems from
other nations.  Capital rich, but  labor  poor,  Kuwait  imported
cheap  labor from other moslem countries to do its least pleasant
work. At the time of the invasion, there were 400,000 Kuwaiti ci-
tizens  and  2.2 millions foreign laborers who were denied rights
of citizenry and treated by the Kuwaitis as  lesser  beings.   In
short,  to  the  Iraqis  and  to  labor-exporting Arab countries,
Kuwait is badly miscast as a purely innocent victim.   This  does
not in any way justify the horrors perpetrated on the Kuwaitis by
the Iraqi army. But it is part of what is hidden when  Kuwait  is
cast  as  an innocent victim.  The ``legitimate government'' that
we seek to reinstall is an oppressive monarchy.

                        What is Victory?

In a fairy tale or a game, victory is well-defined.  Once  it  is
achieved,  the  story or game is over. Neither is the case in the
gulf crisis. History continues, and ``victory'' makes sense  only
in  terms  of  continuing history.  The president's stated objec-
tives are total Iraqi withdrawal and restoration of  the  Kuwaiti
monarchy.  But  no  one believes the matter will end there, since
Saddam would still be in power with all  of  his  forces  intact.
General  Powell said in his Senate testimony that if Saddam with-
drew, the US would have to ``strengthen the indigenous  countries
of  the  region''  to achieve a balance of power. Presumably that
means arming Assad, who is every  bit  as  dangerous  as  Saddam.
Would  arming  another villain count as victory? If we go to war,
what will constitute ``victory''?  Suppose we conquer Iraq,  wip-
ing  out its military capability.  How would Iraq be governed? No
puppet government that we set up could govern  effectively  since
it  would be hated by the entire populace. Since Saddam has wiped
out all opposition, the only remaining effective  government  for
the country would be his Ba'ath party. Would it count as a victo-
ry if Saddam's friends wound up in  power?  If  not,  what  other
choice is there? And if Iraq has no remaining military force, how
could it defend itself against Syria and Iran? It would certainly
not  be a ``victory'' for us if either of them took over Iraq. If
Syria did, then Assad's Arab nationalism would become  a  threat.
If  Iran  did, then Islamic fundamentalism would become even more
powerful and threatening.  It would seem that the  closest  thing
to  a ``victory'' for the US in case of war would be to drive the
Iraqis out of Kuwait; destroy just enough of Iraq's  military  to
leave  it  capable  of  defending  itself against Syria and Iran;
somehow get Saddam out of power, but let his Ba'ath party  remain
in  control of a country just strong enough to defend itself, but
not strong enough to be a threat; and keep the price of oil at  a
reasonably  low  level.   The problems: It is not obvious that we
could get Saddam out of power without wiping out most  of  Iraq's
military  capability.   We  would  have  invaded an Arab country,
which would create vast hatred for us throughout the Arab  world,
and  would  no doubt result in decades of increased terrorism and
lack of cooperation by Arab states.  We would,  by  defeating  an
Arab  nationalist  state, strengthen Islamic fundamentalism. Iraq
would remain a cruel dictatorship run by cronies  of  Saddam.  By
reinstating the government of Kuwait, we would inflame the hatred
of the poor toward the rich throughout the Arab world,  and  thus
increase  instability.  And the price of oil would go through the
roof. Even the closest thing to a victory doesn't look very  vic-
torious.   In  the  debate over whether to go to war, very little
time has been spent clarifying what a victory would be.   And  if
``victory''  cannot  be  defined, neither can ``worthwhile sacri-

                       The Arab Viewpoint

The metaphors used to conceptualize the gulf crisis hide the most
powerful  political ideas in the Arab world: Arab nationalism and
Islamic fundamentalism.  The first seeks to form a racially-based
all-Arab  nation,  the  second,  a  theocratic all-Islamic state.
Though bitterly opposed to one another, they share a great  deal.
Both  are conceptualized in family terms, an Arab brotherhood and
an Islamic brotherhood. Both see brotherhoods as more  legitimate
than  existing states.  Both are at odds with the state-as-person
metaphor, which sees currently existing states as distinct  enti-
ties  with  a  right  to exist in perpetuity.  Also hidden by our
metaphors is perhaps the most important daily concern  throughout
the  Arab world: Arab dignity.  Both political movements are seen
as ways to achieve dignity through unity.  The  current  national
boundaries  are  widely perceived as working against Arab dignity
in two ways: one internal and one external. The internal issue is
the  division between rich and poor in the Arab world. Poor Arabs
see rich Arabs as rich by accident, by where the British happened
to  draw  the  lines that created the contemporary nations of the
Middle East. To see Arabs metaphorically as one big family is  to
suggest  that  oil  wealth  should  belong  to all Arabs. To many
Arabs, the national boundaries drawn by colonial powers  are  il-
legitimate,  violating  the  conception  of  Arabs  as  a  single
``brotherhood'' and impoverishing millions.   To  those  impover-
ished  millions, the positive side of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait
was that it challenged national borders and brought to  the  fore
the  divisions between rich and poor that result from those lines
in the sand.  If there is to be peace in the region, these  divi-
sions  must be addressed, say, by having rich Arab countries make
extensive investments in development that will help  poor  Arabs.
As long as the huge gulf between rich and poor exists in the Arab
world, a large number of poor Arabs will continue to see  one  of
the superstate solutions, either Arab nationalism or Islamic fun-
damentalism, as being in their self-interest, and the region will
continue  to  be  unstable.   The external issue is the weakness.
The current national  boundaries  keep  Arab  nations  squabbling
among  themselves and therefore weak relative to Western nations.
To unity advocates, what we call  ``stability''  means  continued
weakness.   Weakness  is  a major theme in the Arab world, and is
often conceptualized in sexual terms, even more than in the West.
American  officials,  in  speaking of the ``rape'' of Kuwait, are
conceptualizing a weak,  defenseless  country  as  female  and  a
strong  militarily  powerful  country  as male.  Similarly, it is
common for Arabs to conceptualize the colonization and subsequent
domination  of  the Arab world by the West, especially the US, as
emasculation.  An Arab proverb that is reported to be popular  in
Iraq  these  days  is  that ``It is better to be a cock for a day
than a chicken for a year.'' The message is clear: It  is  better
to  be  male,  that is, strong and dominant for a short period of
time than to be female, that is, weak and defenseless for a  long
time.  Much  of  the support for Saddam among Arabs is due to the
fact that he is seen as standing up to the US, even if only for a
while, and that there is a dignity in this.  If upholding dignity
is an essential part of what defines  Saddam's  ``rational  self-
interest'',  it  is  vitally important for our government to know
this, since he may be willing to go to war to ``be a cock  for  a
day.''  The US does not have anything like a proper understanding
of the issue of Arab dignity.  Take the question of whether  Iraq
will  come  out  of this with part of the Rumailah oil fields and
two islands giving it a port on the gulf. From  Iraq's  point  of
view  these  are  seen  as economic necessities if Iraq is to re-
build. President Bush has spoken of this as  ``rewarding  aggres-
sion'',  using  the  Third-World-Countries-As-Children  metaphor,
where the great powers are grown-ups who have the  obligation  to
reward  or  punish  children  so as to make them behave properly.
This is exactly the attitude that grates on Arabs who want to  be
treated  with  dignity. Instead of seeing Iraq as a sovereign na-
tion that has taken military action for  economic  purposes,  the
president treats Iraq as if it were a child gone bad, who has be-
come the neighborhood bully and should be properly disciplined by
the  grown-ups.  The issue of the Rumailah oil fields and the two
islands has alternatively been discussed in the media in terms of
``saving face.'' Saving face is a very different concept than up-
holding Arab dignity and insisting on being treated as an  equal,
not an inferior.

         What is Hidden By Seeing the State as a Person?

The State-as-Person metaphor highlights the ways in which  states
act  as  units,  and  hides  the internal structure of the state.
Class structure is hidden by this metaphor, as is ethnic composi-
tion,  religious rivalry, political parties, the ecology, the in-
fluence of the military and of  corporations  (especially  multi-
national corporations).  Consider ``national interest.'' It is in
a person's interest to be healthy and strong. The State-as-Person
metaphor translates this into a ``national interest'' of economic
health and military strength.  But what is in the ``national  in-
terest''  may  or may not be in the interest of many ordinary ci-
tizens, groups, or institutions, who may become poorer as the GNP
rises  and  weaker as the military gets stronger.  The ``national
interest'' is a metaphorical concept, and it is defined in Ameri-
ca  by politicians and policy makers. For the most part, they are
influenced more by the rich than by the poor, more by large  cor-
porations  than  by  small  business, and more by developers than
ecological activists.  When President Bush argues that  going  to
war  would  ``serve our vital national interests'', he is using a
metaphor that hides exactly whose interests would be  served  and
whose would not.  For example, poor people, especially blacks and
Hispanics, are represented in the military in  disproportionately
large  numbers,  and  in a war the lower classes and those ethnic
groups will suffer proportionally more casualties.  Thus  war  is
less  in  the interest of ethnic minorities and the lower classes
than the white upper classes.  Also hidden are the  interests  of
the  military  itself,  which  are  served when war is justified.
Hopes that, after the cold war, the military might play a smaller
role  have been dashed by the president's decision to prepare for
war.  He was advised, as he should be, by the  national  security
council, which consists primarily of military men.  War is so aw-
ful a prospect that one would not like  to  think  that  military
self-interest  itself  could  help tilt the balance to a decision
for war. But in a democratic society, the question must be asked,
since  the justifications for war also justify continued military
funding and an undiminished national political role for the mili-

                          Energy Policy

The State-as-Person metaphor defines  health  for  the  state  in
economic terms, with our current understanding of economic health
taken as a given, including our dependence on foreign oil.   Many
commentators  have  argued that a change in energy policy to make
us less dependent on foreign oil would be more rational than  go-
ing  to  war  to  preserve our supply of cheap oil from the gulf.
This argument may have a real force, but it has  no  metaphorical
force  when  the definition of economic health is taken as fixed.
After all, you don't deal with an attack on your health by chang-
ing the definition of health.  Metaphorical logic pushes a change
in energy policy out of the spotlight in the current  crisis.   I
do not want to give the impression that all that is involved here
is metaphor. Obviously there  are  powerful  corporate  interests
lined  up against a fundamental restructuring of our national en-
ergy policy. What is sad is that they have a very compelling sys-
tem  of  metaphorical  thought  on  their  side. If the debate is
framed in terms of an attack on our economic health,  one  cannot
argue for redefining what economic health is without changing the
grounds for the debate.  And if the debate is framed in terms  of
rescuing a victim, then changes in energy policy seem utterly be-
side the point.

                      The ``Costs'' of War

Clausewitz's metaphor requires a calculation of the ``costs'' and
the ``gains'' of going to war. What, exactly, goes into that cal-
culation and what does not?  Certainly American casualties,  loss
of  equipment, and dollars spent on the operation count as costs.
But Vietnam taught us that there are social costs: trauma to fam-
ilies and communities, disruption of lives, psychological effects
on veterans, long-term health problems, in addition to  the  cost
of  spending our money on war instead of on vital social needs at
home.  Also hidden are political costs: the enmity of  Arabs  for
many years, and the cost of increased terrorism.  And barely dis-
cussed is the moral cost that comes from killing and maiming as a
way  to  settle disputes.  And there is the moral cost of using a
``cost'' metaphor at all. When we do so, we quantify the  effects
of  war  and  thus hide from ourselves the qualitative reality of
pain and death.  But those are costs to us.  What is most  ghoul-
ish  about  the cost-benefit calculation is that ``costs'' to the
other side count as ``gains'' for us. In Vietnam, the body counts
of  killed  Viet  Cong  were  taken as evidence of what was being
``gained'' in the war. Dead human beings went on the profit  side
of  our  ledger.   There  is  a lot of talk of American deaths as
``costs'', but Iraqi deaths aren't mentioned.  The  metaphors  of
cost-benefit accounting and the fairy tale villain lead us to de-
value of the lives of Iraqis, even when most  of  those  actually
killed  will not be villains at all, but simply innocent draftees
or reservists or civilians.

                         America as Hero

The classic fairy tale defines what constitutes a hero: it  is  a
person  who  rescues  an innocent victim and who defeats and pun-
ishes a guilty and inherently evil villain, and who does  so  for
moral rather than venal reasons. If America starts a war, will it
be functioning as a hero? It will certainly not fit  the  profile
very  well.  First,  one  of  its main goals will be to reinstate
``the legitimate government of Kuwait.'' That  means  reinstating
an  absolute  monarchy,  where  women  are  not accorded anything
resembling reasonable rights, and where 80% of the people  living
in  the  country are foreign workers who do the dirtiest jobs and
are not accorded the opportunity to become citizens. This is  not
an innocent victim whose rescue makes us heroic.  Second, the ac-
tual human beings who will suffer from an  all-out  attack  will,
for  the  most  part, be innocent people who did not take part in
the atrocities in Kuwait. Killing and maiming a lot  of  innocent
bystanders  in  the  process  of nabbing a much smaller number of
villains does not make one much of a hero.  Third, in  the  self-
defense scenario, where oil is at issue, America is acting in its
self-interest.  But, in order to qualify as a legitimate hero  in
the rescue scenario, it must be acting selflessly. Thus, there is
a contradiction between the self-interested  hero  of  the  self-
defense  scenario  and  the  purely  selfless  hero of the rescue
scenario.  Fourth, America may be a hero to the royal families of
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, but it will not be a hero to most Arabs.
Most Arabs do not think in terms of our metaphors.  A great  many
Arabs  will see us as a kind of colonial power using illegitimate
force against an Arab brother.  To them, we will be villains, not
heroes.   America  appears as classic hero only if you don't look
carefully at how the metaphor is applied to the situation. It  is
here  that  the  State-as-Person metaphor functions in a way that
hides vital truths. The State-as-Person metaphor hides the inter-
nal structure of states and allows us to think of Kuwait as a un-
itary entity, the defenseless maiden to be rescued in  the  fairy
tale.   The  metaphor  hides the monarchical character of Kuwait,
and the way Kuwaitis treat women and the  vast  majority  of  the
people  who  live in their country.  The State-as-Person metaphor
also hides the internal structures of Iraq, and  thus  hides  the
actual  people  who  will  mostly be killed, maimed, or otherwise
harmed in a war.  The  same  metaphor  also  hides  the  internal
structure  of  the  US,  and therefore hides the fact that is the
poor and minorities who will make the most sacrifices  while  not
getting any significant benefit. And it hides the main ideas that
drive Middle Eastern politics.

                          Things to Do

War would create much more suffering than it would alleviate, and
should  be renounced in this case on humanitarian grounds.  There
is no shortage of alternatives to war.  Troops can be rotated out
and  brought  to  the minimum level to deter an invasion of Saudi
Arabia.  Economic sanctions can be continued. A serious system of
international  inspections  can  be  instituted  to  prevent  the
development of Iraq's nuclear  capacity.   A  certain  amount  of
``face-saving''  for  Saddam  is  better  than  war: As part of a
compromise, the Kuwaiti monarchy can be sacrificed and  elections
held  in Kuwait.  The problems of rich and poor Arabs must be ad-
dressed, with pressures placed on the Kuwaitis and others to  in-
vest significantly in development to help poor Arabs.  Balance of
power solutions within the region should always be seen as  moves
toward  reducing, not increasing armaments; positive economic in-
centives can used, together with the threat of refusal by us  and
the Soviets to supply spare parts needed to keep hi-tech military
weaponry functional.  If there is a moral  to  come  out  of  the
Congressional  hearings,  it  is  that  there  are  a lot of very
knowledgeable people in this country who have thought  about  al-
ternatives to war.  They should be taken seriously.


jjh@xn.ll.mit.edu (James J. Hunt) (01/03/91)

I applaud George Lakoff's analysis of the metaphors in decision making in
regard to the gulf.  However, there are some simplifications and oversights
in his logic that need addressing.

George writes:
>                      War as Violent Crime
>To bear in mind what  is  hidden  by  Clausewitz's  metaphor,  we
>should  consider an alternative metaphor that is _n_o_t used by pro-
>fessional strategists nor by the general public to understand war
>as  we engage in it.  WAR IS VIOLENT CRIME: MURDER, ASSAULT, KID-
>NAPPING, ARSON, RAPE, AND THEFT.  Here, war is understood only in
>terms  of  its  moral  dimension,  and not, say, its political or
>economic dimension.  The metaphor highlights those aspects of war
>that  would  otherwise  be seen as major crimes.  There is an Us-
>Them asymmetry between the public use  of  Clausewitz's  metaphor
>and  the  War-as-Crime metaphor.  The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait is
>reported on in terms of murder, theft and rape. The planned Amer-
>ican invasion is never discussed in terms of murder, assault, and
>arson.  Moreover, the US plans for war are seen, in Clausewitzian
>terms,  as  rational  calculation. But the Iraqi invasion is dis-
>cussed not as a rational move by Saddam, but as  the  work  of  a
>madman.  We see US as rational, moral, and courageous and Them as
>criminal and insane.

Nor do we generally talk of our police forces' use of deadly force as being
criminal either.  For all but a very few of us, there is some line beyond
which deadly force is considered justifiable.  If this were not the case, we
would not have police or military forces at all.  They could serve not
purpose.  Also, those who choose to us deadly force without provocation in
kind (the Iraqi Government), have already insulated themselves against this
argument.  The question becomes when is it appropriate and justifiable to
use deadly force in response?

>                      Is Saddam Irrational?

This is asking some what the wrong question.  The question is not is he
acting in his own self interest, but rather can he be persuaded to change is
course of action by anything we might say or do short of military action. 

>                        What is Victory?
>In a fairy tale or a game, victory is well-defined.  Once  it  is
>achieved,  the  story or game is over. Neither is the case in the
>gulf crisis. History continues, and ``victory'' makes sense  only
>in  terms  of  continuing history.  The president's stated objec-
>tives are total Iraqi withdrawal and restoration of  the  Kuwaiti
>monarchy.  But  no  one believes the matter will end there, since
>Saddam would still be in power with all  of  his  forces  intact.
>General  Powell said in his Senate testimony that if Saddam with-
>drew, the US would have to ``strengthen the indigenous  countries
>of  the  region''  to achieve a balance of power. Presumably that
>means arming Assad, who is every  bit  as  dangerous  as  Saddam.
>Would  arming  another villain count as victory? If we go to war,
>what will constitute ``victory''?  Suppose we conquer Iraq,  wip-
>ing  out its military capability.  How would Iraq be governed? No
>puppet government that we set up could govern  effectively  since
>it  would be hated by the entire populace. Since Saddam has wiped
>out all opposition, the only remaining effective  government  for
>the country would be his Ba'ath party. Would it count as a victo-
>ry if Saddam's friends wound up in  power?  If  not,  what  other
>choice is there? And if Iraq has no remaining military force, how
>could it defend itself against Syria and Iran? It would certainly
>not  be a ``victory'' for us if either of them took over Iraq. If
>Syria did, then Assad's Arab nationalism would become  a  threat.
>If  Iran  did, then Islamic fundamentalism would become even more
>powerful and threatening.  It would seem that the  closest  thing
>to  a ``victory'' for the US in case of war would be to drive the
>Iraqis out of Kuwait; destroy just enough of Iraq's  military  to
>leave  it  capable  of  defending  itself against Syria and Iran;
>somehow get Saddam out of power, but let his Ba'ath party  remain
>in  control of a country just strong enough to defend itself, but
>not strong enough to be a threat; and keep the price of oil at  a
>reasonably  low  level.   The problems: It is not obvious that we
>could get Saddam out of power without wiping out most  of  Iraq's
>military  capability.   We  would  have  invaded an Arab country,
>which would create vast hatred for us throughout the Arab  world,
>and  would  no doubt result in decades of increased terrorism and
>lack of cooperation by Arab states.  We would,  by  defeating  an
>Arab  nationalist  state, strengthen Islamic fundamentalism. Iraq
>would remain a cruel dictatorship run by cronies  of  Saddam.  By
>reinstating the government of Kuwait, we would inflame the hatred
>of the poor toward the rich throughout the Arab world,  and  thus
>increase  instability.  And the price of oil would go through the
>roof. Even the closest thing to a victory doesn't look very  vic-
>torious.   In  the  debate over whether to go to war, very little
>time has been spent clarifying what a victory would be.   And  if
>``victory''  cannot  be  defined, neither can ``worthwhile sacri-

In the military victory scenario we can and should use the UN and the Arab
League to maintain short term order in Iraq and provide stability until a
stable Iraqi democracy can be established.  This will take a long time, but
we need not be directly involved.

>                       The Arab Viewpoint
>The metaphors used to conceptualize the gulf crisis hide the most
>powerful  political ideas in the Arab world: Arab nationalism and
>Islamic fundamentalism.  The first seeks to form a racially-based
>all-Arab  nation,  the  second,  a  theocratic all-Islamic state.
>Though bitterly opposed to one another, they share a great  deal.
>Both  are conceptualized in family terms, an Arab brotherhood and
>an Islamic brotherhood. Both see brotherhoods as more  legitimate
>than  existing states.  Both are at odds with the state-as-person
>metaphor, which sees currently existing states as distinct  enti-
>ties  with  a  right  to exist in perpetuity.  Also hidden by our
>metaphors is perhaps the most important daily concern  throughout
>the  Arab world: Arab dignity.  Both political movements are seen
>as ways to achieve dignity through unity.  The  current  national
>boundaries  are  widely perceived as working against Arab dignity
>in two ways: one internal and one external. The internal issue is
>the  division between rich and poor in the Arab world. Poor Arabs
>see rich Arabs as rich by accident, by where the British happened
>to  draw  the  lines that created the contemporary nations of the
>Middle East. To see Arabs metaphorically as one big family is  to
>suggest  that  oil  wealth  should  belong  to all Arabs. To many
>Arabs, the national boundaries drawn by colonial powers  are  il-
>legitimate,  violating  the  conception  of  Arabs  as  a  single
>``brotherhood'' and impoverishing millions.   To  those  impover-
>ished  millions, the positive side of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait
>was that it challenged national borders and brought to  the  fore
>the  divisions between rich and poor that result from those lines
>in the sand.  If there is to be peace in the region, these  divi-
>sions  must be addressed, say, by having rich Arab countries make
>extensive investments in development that will help  poor  Arabs.
>As long as the huge gulf between rich and poor exists in the Arab
>world, a large number of poor Arabs will continue to see  one  of
>the superstate solutions, either Arab nationalism or Islamic fun-
>damentalism, as being in their self-interest, and the region will
>continue  to  be  unstable.   The external issue is the weakness.
>The current national  boundaries  keep  Arab  nations  squabbling
>among  themselves and therefore weak relative to Western nations.
>To unity advocates, what we call  ``stability''  means  continued
>weakness.   Weakness  is  a major theme in the Arab world, and is
>often conceptualized in sexual terms, even more than in the West.
>American  officials,  in  speaking of the ``rape'' of Kuwait, are
>conceptualizing a weak,  defenseless  country  as  female  and  a
>strong  militarily  powerful  country  as male.  Similarly, it is
>common for Arabs to conceptualize the colonization and subsequent
>domination  of  the Arab world by the West, especially the US, as
>emasculation.  An Arab proverb that is reported to be popular  in
>Iraq  these  days  is  that ``It is better to be a cock for a day
>than a chicken for a year.'' The message is clear: It  is  better
>to  be  male,  that is, strong and dominant for a short period of
>time than to be female, that is, weak and defenseless for a  long
>time.  Much  of  the support for Saddam among Arabs is due to the
>fact that he is seen as standing up to the US, even if only for a
>while, and that there is a dignity in this.  If upholding dignity
>is an essential part of what defines  Saddam's  ``rational  self-
>interest'',  it  is  vitally important for our government to know
>this, since he may be willing to go to war to ``be a cock  for  a
>day.''  The US does not have anything like a proper understanding
>of the issue of Arab dignity.  Take the question of whether  Iraq
>will  come  out  of this with part of the Rumailah oil fields and
>two islands giving it a port on the gulf. From  Iraq's  point  of
>view  these  are  seen  as economic necessities if Iraq is to re-
>build. President Bush has spoken of this as  ``rewarding  aggres-
>sion'',  using  the  Third-World-Countries-As-Children  metaphor,
>where the great powers are grown-ups who have the  obligation  to
>reward  or  punish  children  so as to make them behave properly.
>This is exactly the attitude that grates on Arabs who want to  be
>treated  with  dignity. Instead of seeing Iraq as a sovereign na-
>tion that has taken military action for  economic  purposes,  the
>president treats Iraq as if it were a child gone bad, who has be-
>come the neighborhood bully and should be properly disciplined by
>the  grown-ups.  The issue of the Rumailah oil fields and the two
>islands has alternatively been discussed in the media in terms of
>``saving face.'' Saving face is a very different concept than up-
>holding Arab dignity and insisting on being treated as an  equal,
>not an inferior.
I believe the ``be a cock for a day'' mentality is understood.  This is
precisely why non military means of persuasion are bound to fail.  We will
not starve Iraq to death.  Any other economic situation can be maintained
indefinitely by a regime that has the will to kill all opponents.
>                        Kuwait as Victim
>The classical victim is innocent. To the Iraquis, Kuwait was any-
>thing  but an innocent ingenue.  The war with Iran virtually ban-
>krupted Iraq. Iraq saw itself as having fought  that  war  partly
>for the benefit of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, where Shiite citizens
>supported Khomeini's Islamic Revolution.  Kuwait  had  agreed  to
>help finance the war, but after the war, the Kuwaitis insisted on
>repayment of the ``loan.'' Kuwaitis had invested hundreds of bil-
>lions  in Europe, America and Japan, but would not invest in Iraq
>after the war to help it rebuild.  On the contrary, it began what
>amounted  to  economic  warfare against Iraq by overproducing its
>oil quota to hold oil  prices  down.   In  addition,  Kuwait  had
>drilled  laterally into Iraqi territory in the Rumailah oil field
>and had extracted oil from Iraqi territory.  Kuwait further  took
>advantage  of  Iraq by buying its currency, but only at extremely
>low exchange rates.  Subsequently,  wealthy  Kuwaitis  used  that
>Iraqi currency on trips to Iraq, where they bought Iraqi goods at
>bargain rates. Among the things  they  bought  most  flamboyantly
>were  liquor  and prostitutes-widows and orphans of men killed in
>the war, who, because of the state of the economy, had  no  other
>means  of  support.   All this did not endear Kuwaitis to Iraqis,
>who were suffering from over 70%  inflation.  Moreover,  Kuwaitis
>had long been resented for good reason by Iraqis and moslems from
>other nations.  Capital rich, but  labor  poor,  Kuwait  imported
>cheap  labor from other moslem countries to do its least pleasant
>work. At the time of the invasion, there were 400,000 Kuwaiti ci-
>tizens  and  2.2 millions foreign laborers who were denied rights
>of citizenry and treated by the Kuwaitis as  lesser  beings.   In
>short,  to  the  Iraqis  and  to  labor-exporting Arab countries,
>Kuwait is badly miscast as a purely innocent victim.   This  does
>not in any way justify the horrors perpetrated on the Kuwaitis by
>the Iraqi army. But it is part of what is hidden when  Kuwait  is
>cast  as  an innocent victim.  The ``legitimate government'' that
>we seek to reinstall is an oppressive monarchy.
We must be extremely carefull when we seek to change someone elses
government.  Democracy can not be declared by decree.  They only time the US
has managed to successfully install a democracy is when it has been willing
buy the favor of the people and occupy the country for a long time after the
establishment of the new government.  This has happened only in West Germany
and Japan after WWII.  Every other time we have tried, we have failed:
Russia in 1917, Germany 1918, Vietnam, the Philipines 1945, Korea 1945, any
South American country, etc.  Occupying Kuwait would be unacceptable, and I
do not beleive the indigenous democratic movement is sufficiently strong to
maintain power.  Constitutional reform of the monarchy might be the right
>                          Things to Do
>War would create much more suffering than it would alleviate, and
>should  be renounced in this case on humanitarian grounds.  There
>is no shortage of alternatives to war.  Troops can be rotated out
>and  brought  to  the minimum level to deter an invasion of Saudi
>Arabia.  Economic sanctions can be continued. A serious system of
>international  inspections  can  be  instituted  to  prevent  the
>development of Iraq's nuclear  capacity.   A  certain  amount  of
>``face-saving''  for  Saddam  is  better  than  war: As part of a
>compromise, the Kuwaiti monarchy can be sacrificed and  elections
>held  in Kuwait.  The problems of rich and poor Arabs must be ad-
>dressed, with pressures placed on the Kuwaitis and others to  in-
>vest significantly in development to help poor Arabs.  Balance of
>power solutions within the region should always be seen as  moves
>toward  reducing, not increasing armaments; positive economic in-
>centives can used, together with the threat of refusal by us  and
>the Soviets to supply spare parts needed to keep hi-tech military
>weaponry functional.  If there is a moral  to  come  out  of  the
>Congressional  hearings,  it  is  that  there  are  a lot of very
>knowledgeable people in this country who have thought  about  al-
>ternatives to war.  They should be taken seriously.
I do not beleive that Husien will leave Kuwait short of being militarily
forced out.  Arab pride will drive hom to remain in Kuwait.  By waiting we
only allow him more chance to dig in and make the final attack more bloody.
Right now we could end run the forces in Kuwait and hit Bagdad directly.  If
we wait to long Husien will be able to fortify his entire boarder with Saudi

The cost of any long term presence of US troops in Saudia Arabia and/or
Kuwait will drive a thorn deeper and deeper into the side of Arab pride.  We
must address this problem as soon as possible and get out.  We can leave a
UN and Arab league force in Iraq for ten years to stabilize the region with
only a small commitment of US personnel involved.  Countries like the USSR,
Japan, and Germany that are unable to provide military support now would be
able to provide peace keeping forces after Iraq is defeated.  Then they
could see themselves as preventing further conflict.

We could further ally Arab anger by dealing decisively with the Palistinian
question after the conflict is over.  There is a growing feeling in the US
that Israeli stubbornness on this issue has gone to far.  By forcing this
issue we become less the Imperialist and more the good cop.

The last thing that George ignores is how the resolution of this conflict
will effect future events all over the world.  If at the end, it looks like
the world community acted decisively to put down aggression, other locally
strong countries will be less inclide to attack their neighbors, and other
locally weak countries will not feel they must make themselves overly strong
to protect themselves.  If however, it seems that Hussein was successful
with his adventure, others will follow his example, and we will have no
arguments for weak countries not to try and obtain their own nuclear and
chemical armaments.  War is not desirable or admirable, but the world does
need a credible deterrent to aggression.


jcnerne@PacBell.COM (Jim C. Nerney) (01/04/91)

Lakoff claims that a particular form of abstraction, metaphor,
muddles discussions about the Kuwait conflict.  I suggest that
another form of abstraction, more damaging than metaphor,
befuddles Lakoff's discussion.  Idealization, abstraction
built on abstraction, with a flavor of emotional commitment,
is very evident in Lakoff's paper.