[comp.ai] CLIPS info

kirchner@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Roger B. Kirchner) (01/04/91)

We've just gotten info on ordering CLIPS (C Language Integrated
Production System) from

University of Georgia
382 East Broad Street
Athens Georgia 30602 (404)542-3265
Fax: (404)542-4807, Internet: service@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu

We're ordering ProgNo: COS-10025, the IBM PC version with CLIPSITS
(Intelligent Tutoring System, a tool for practicing syntax and concepts
in CLIPS User's Guide, in ten lessons), bundled for $300.00.  Both a line-
oriented and a windowed version are included.  We intend to compile the
source on a NeXT.  Maybe a student will add a windowed interface. (hope

Also available:
PN: COS-10022 on TK50 tape for DEC MIPS RISC, $250.00
PN: MCS-21208 on 5.25 disks for IBM PC (without CLIPSITS), $250.00
PN: MSC-21467 on 3.5 disks for Macintosh. Mac interface, windows show
changing fact base as CLIPS executes, $250.00
PN: MSC-21475 on 9 Track 1600 BPI DEC VAX BACKUP format for DEC VAX, $250.00

All versions have source code.  Line-oriented version should run on any
system supporting a full (K&R) compiler or ANSCI C.

Current version is 4.3 (rel June 1989)
"Advanced features found in CLIPS version 4.3 includes an integrated
MicroEMACS editor, the ability to generate C source code from a CLIPS
rule base to produce dedicated executable, binary load and save capabilities 
for CLIPS rule bases, and the utility program CRSV (Cross-Reference,
Styoe, and Verification) designed to facilitate the development
and maintenance of large rule bases."

If used for academic instruction or unfunded research there is a 50% discount.
Documentation is $62.00, with no academic discount.