[comp.ai] SPECIAL STUDENT SESSION at ACL-91 in Berkeley, 18-21 June 1991

walker@FLASH.BELLCORE.COM (Don Walker) (02/06/91)


			Student Session
			     at the
29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

			18-21 June 1991 
		   University of California 
		   Berkeley, California USA 

PURPOSE: The goal of this session is to provide a forum in which
graduate student members can present WORK IN PROGRESS and receive
feedback from other members of the computational linguistics
community, particularly senior researchers.  The session(s) will
be workshop-style, consisting of short paper presentations and
discussion.  Note that having a student session for the presentation
of ongoing work in NO way influences the treatment of student-written
papers submitted to the main conference.  Rather, the student
session will provide an entirely separate track emphasizing students'
work in progress rather than completed work.

REQUIREMENTS: Papers should describe original, unpublished work in
progress that demonstrates INSIGHT, CREATIVITY, and PROMISE.  Topics
of interest are the same as for the main conference.  Authors must
have ACL Student Membership at the time of the conference. For
membership information contact Don Walker at the address below.
Because of differences in FOCUS (complete results vs. work in
progress) and SUBMISSION FORMAT, papers submitted to the main
conference can not be considered for the student session.  Students
may of course submit papers to both.

FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION: Authors should submit four copies of an
extended abstract 2 pages long (including title, authors, references,
etc).  Chosen abstracts will be printed in the conference proceedings
directly from the submissions.  Submissions therefore should be final
camera-ready copy (preferably laser-printer output), laid out in the
conventional double-column conference format.  In addition, a SEPARATE
``topic area'' page should include the title, name(s) of the
author(s), complete addresses (including e-mail), and one or two
keywords indicating the topic area.  Send to:

	Bonnie Webber (ACL Student Session) 
	University of Pennsylvania 
	Department of Computer and Information Science 
	200 South 33rd Street 
	Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389, USA 
	(+1-215) 898-7745 

SCHEDULE: Submissions are due by 1 MARCH 1991; authors will be
notified of acceptance by 15 APRIL 1991.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Sandra Carberry (Delaware), Mark Liberman
(Pennsylvania), Terry Nutter (Virginia Tech), Bill Rapaport (SUNY
Buffalo), Tomek Strzalkowski (NYU), Bonnie Webber (Pennsylvania),
Kent Wittenberg (Bellcore and MCC), and the members of the student
session committee.

STUDENT SESSION COMMITTEE: Dania Egedi (Duke), Jong-Gyun Lim
(Columbia), Susan McRoy (Toronto), Philip Resnik (Pennsylvania),
Jeff Siskind (MIT), David Traum (Rochester), Barbara Vauthey (NYU
and Fribourg).

CONFERENCE INFORMATION:  For registration forms and other
information on the conference and on the ACL more generally, contact
Don Walker (ACL), Bellcore, MRE 2A379, 445 South Street, Box 1910,
Morristown, NJ 07960-1910, USA; (+1-201)829-4312;