fal@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at (Franz Lackinger) (02/06/91)
CALL FOR PAPERS =============== E D B T ' 9 2 ============== INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EXTENDING DATA BASE TECHNOLOGY Vienna, Austria, March 23-27, 1992 PROMOTED BY EDBT Foundation SPONSORED BY Austrian Industries, ERCIM, Vienna Tourist Board and others to be announced IN COOPERATION WITH OCG, GI, IEEE, ACM UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF Commission of European Community THE CONFERENCE -------------- EDBT 92 will be a forum for presentation of new results in research, development and applications of database technology. The conference will favour the sharing of information between researchers and partitioners and outline future developments of database systems and applications. Tutorials will be offered in the first two days of the Conference, and keynote speakers will be invited. The Conference and Tutorials will be held at the Palais Auersperg in Vienna. TOPICS OF INTEREST ------------------ EDBT 92 will accept scientific and technical papers on all areas related to database technology. Major topics of interest include, but are not limited to: o Deductive Databases o Knowledge Bases o Multimedia Databases, Hypermedia Systems o Object-Oriented Database Systems, Object Managers o Environment and Technology to Support database design and Programming o New Applications of Databases o Active Databases and Real-time Databases o Performance Issues and Implementation Techniques o Extensible Systems o Database Machines o User Interfaces o Theory of Data and Knowledge Bases INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS ----------------------- Five copies of a manuscript limited to 25 doublespaced pages (5000 words) should be submitted before June 20, 1991 to: Dr. Alain Pirotte EDBT 92 Philips Research Laboratory Belgium Avenue Albert Einstein 4 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium e-mail: pirotte@prlb.philips.be The Conference Proceedings will be edited and published by Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) and will be distributed at the conference. IMPORTANT DATES --------------- ---------------------------------------------- | | | June 20, 1991 - submission deadline | | | | September 20, 1991 - acceptance notification | | | | November 11, 1991 - camera-ready copies due | | | ---------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION ----------------------- Conference Chairperson C. Delobel (University of Paris-Sud and GIP Altair) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Program Committee Chairperson A. Pirotte (Philips Research Laboratory Belgium) Members: S. Abiteboul F M. Adiba F H. Ait-Kaci F S. Alagic YU P. Apers NL E. Bertino I J. Bubenko S S. Christodoulakis Gr D. DeWitt USA J. Demetrovics H K. Dittrich CH M. Freeston D G. Gardarin F S. Gibbs CH G. Gonnet CH P. Hitchcock GB M. Jarke D L. Kalinichenko USSR Y. Kambayashi J H. Kangassalo Fin R. Ladin USA Ch. Lecluse F W. Litwin F P. Lockemann D R. Manthey D C. Medeiros Bras A. Mendelzon CND R. Morrison GB A. Olive E D. Roelants B N. Roussopoulos USA M. Schrefl A A. Sernadas P A. Shoshani USA A. Solvberg N W. Staniszkis Pol P. Stocker GB M. Stonebraker USA L. Tanca I B. Thalheim D P. Valduriez F Y. Vassiliou Gr J. Vidart Arg R. Zicari I J. Zlatuska CZ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chairperson G. Gottlob (Technical University Vienna) Organization Consultant M. Missikoff (IASI-CNR) Technical exhibition coordination Austrian Computer Society Scientific tutorials coordinator S. Ceri (Politecnico di Milano) EC coordinator G. Metakides (European Community) U.S. coordinator H.V. Jagadish (Bell Laboratories) Far East coordinator Hirotaka Sakai (Chuo University) Local arrangements coordination Austrian Computer Society Vienna is a very busy and popular tourist center. To facilitate arrangements and to ensure the reservation of hotel accomodation for all participants, you are kindly requested to return this form to the organizers as soon as possible if wishing to receive further information. For further information on EDBT 92 please contact: Conference Secretariat: Brigitte Haberstroh EDBT 92 Technical University Vienna Paniglgasse 16 1040 Wien Tel.: +43 (1) 58801 / 6122 Fax: +43 (1) 505 53 04 e-mail: haberstroh@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at ************** FORM ******************* Name: Affiliation: Address: City: State: ZIP Tel.: Fax: I intend to: 1) Submit a paper with the provisional title... 2) Participate in the Conference 3) Participate in the Tutorials Suggestions for tutorial topics: 4) Participate in the exhibition 5) Please send me further information concerning the exhibition. *************************************** mbG, Franz -----