(Manfred Meyer) (02/16/91)
2nd Russian Conference on Logic Programming
September 11-16, 1991, Leningrad (or possibly St.Petersburg)
The 2nd Russian Conference on Logic Programming is organized by
the Russian Association for Logic Programming, Joint Venture
"Intertech" (Moscow), International Laboratory of Intelligent
Systems (Novosibirsk) and Eurobalt Corp. It will take place from
September 11 to September 16. The first two days the Conference
will be held in Leningrad (or, as we hope, in St. Petersburg).
>From September 13 it will continue on the board of a ship coming
along Neva River or Ladoga Lake. The Conference program will
include welcome party, 4 days of sessions and conference dinner.
The size of the ship allows to invite 150 participants. We expect
about 100 participants from the USSR and about 50 participants
from abroad. The conference fee is 400 USD for participants and
450 USD for accompanying persons. The conference fee includes full
board on the ship from the evening of September 11 to the morning
of September 16. Participants from the Eastern countries should
contact one of the co-chairs of the Organizing Committee about the
possibility to pay in the local currency. The official language is
English. Conference proceedings will be published in one of
Western publishing companies after the Conference. Papers in all
areas of Logic Programming are welcome. Send 5 copies of an
extended abstract (up to 15 double spaced pages) to the Conf.
Secretary at the following address:
Gorchinskaya O.Yu.
Institut of Control Systems
Profsoyuznaya 65
117342 Moscow
Important dates:
May 15 - deadline for submission of papers;
June 10 - notification of accepting or rejection
Due to problems of communicating by mail the organizing
committee decided to publish proceedings after the Conference.
Participants should deliver camera-ready copies to the beginning
of the Conference.
We recommend you to send the paper at least one month before
the deadline for submission. In other case we can not guarantee
that it will arrive at the time. We also ask to send separately by
email or fax the following information: full name, address, title
of the talk, phone and fax numbers to one of the following
Andrei Voronkov
Universitetski prospect 4
630090 Novosibirsk 90
fax +7-383-2-350860
Eugene Dantsin
Those who wish to participate without presenting paper should send
the same information except the title of the talk to the same fax
number or email addresses. But the number of participants is very
limited and we can not guarantee participation. The usual mail
can be extremely slow (usually three weeks from Europe but
sometimes much longer. So the only reliable way to communicate is
via fax, telephone or email. By this reason we shall try to
consider also some late applications (but not very late).
Invited Speakers:
M.Bruynooghe (Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium)
F.Bry (ECRC, Munich, Germany)
Yu.Gavrilenko (Computer Center, Moscow, Russia)
G.Mints (Inst. of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia)
E.Shapiro (Weizmann Inst.of Sci., Rehovot, Israel)
Program Committee: Organizing Committee
D.Yu.Boulanger Moscow E.Ya.Dantsin (Leningrad)
E.Ya.Dantsin (Leningrad) O.Yu.Gorchinskaya(Moscow)
A.I.Degtyarev (Kiev) R.Freidson (Leningrad) - co-chair
A.Ya.Dikovskii (Moscow) -chair A.A.Voronkov (Novosibirsk) -
Yu.Gavrilenko (Moscow) co-chair
N.I.Iliinski (Moscow)
G.E.Mints (Tallinn)
K.P.Vershinin (Kiev)
A.A.Voronkov (Novosibirsk)
Other information may be obtained by the following telephone
Olga Gorchinskaya (Moscow) +7-095-431-22-48
Eugene Dantsin (Leningrad) +7-812-511-30-52
Robert Freidson (Leningrad) +7-812-233-62-91
Andrei Voronkov (Novosibirsk) +7-383-2-350860