[comp.ai] A summary of classification building tools

ling@csd.uwo.ca (Charles X. Ling) (02/26/91)

Hi, I posted the follwoing request to the comp.ai, and I have received
more requests than replies. A summary of what I have got is attached.

My original message was:

>I am looking for machine learning tools for building up a classification
>system. I heard that most successes in inductive construction of 
>classification systems (and expert systems) are derived from Quinlan's 
>ID3. If you have used such commercially available packages,
>please e-mail me at your earlest convenience:

>1. Your experience with the software. The domain you have worked on.
>   Did the tool help greatly in the system development?

>2. Which company sells the package, how much? Their address and/or
>   phone number.

Replies are from:
From reppenhagen.pad@nixpbe.uucp Thu Feb 21 06:37:19 1991
Received: from unido.informatik.uni-dortmund.de ([]) by csd.uwo.ca;
	(id AA09131) Thu, 21 Feb 91 06:36:35 EST
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Date: Thu, 21 Feb 91 11:36:04 GMT
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	id AA11331; Thu, 21 Feb 91 11:36:04 GMT
Subject: commercial knowledge acquisition tool
Apparently-To: ling@csd.uwo.ca
Status: RO

With our experience in real world applications
we can recommend NINA-C for automating knowledge acquisition tasks.
NINA-C is available for $ 3000

Contact adress:
Regina Reppenhagen, Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, AI Centre AP333
Pontanusstr. 55, W-4790 Paderborn          Email:    reppenhagen.pad@sni.de
Tel. 49 5251 8-46485, Fax: 49 5251 8-46476 from USA: reppenhagen.pad@sni-usa.com

      The Induction Tool      N I N A - C

      The C-Induction Tool is a software tool for generating rules from
      case data efficiently. It is a knowledge acquisition tool, which
      supports you with the building of expert systems.

      Overview of Functionality

	Generating rules from examples

      Features of NINA-C
	+ Extension of the ID3-algorithm
	+ Generating of
	    * Decision trees from classified examples
	    * TWAICE rules (possibly with confidence factors)
	+ Handling of real application data
	    * noisy data (postpruning process)
	    * incomplete data (don't care values)
	    * contradictory data
	+ Data types: real, integer, symbolic, boolean
	+ Selectable split type per attribute (binary tree or value tree)
	    Operators in premises: =  <>  <=  >
	+ Attribute-attribute-comparisons
	  (e.g. in addition to attribute = value, attribute = attribute)
	+ Performance (NINA-C is programmed in C)
	+ Handling large amounts of data
	+ Simple operation
	    * Examples in table form (ASCII file)
	    * Induction trace

From db@info.ucl.ac.be Thu Feb 21 10:10:03 1991
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Date: Thu, 21 Feb 91 15:38:06 +0100
From: db@info.ucl.ac.be (Daniel Brics)
Message-Id: <9102211438.AA04808@info-stlz0.info.ucl.ac.be>
To: ling@csd.uwo.ca
Subject: classification
Status: RO

Dear Mr. Ling,
In your News mailing, you ask for some information about a good package
of classification algorithms.
Prof. Quinlan is selling under license a classification package (7000 C lines)
for about 80 dollars. Easy to install. Well done. Numerous features.
You can contact him by mail at "quinlan@cs.su.oz.au" for more information.
Best regards,
Daniel Brics.

From mgv@USCEAST.CS.SCAROLINA.EDU Thu Feb 21 11:02:08 1991
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From: Marco Valtorta <mgv@USCEAST.CS.SCAROLINA.EDU>
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To: ling%csd.uwo.ca@RELAY.CS.NET
Subject: Re: Tools for building classification systems
Newsgroups: comp.ai
References: <2314@ria.ccs.uwo.ca>
Status: RO


There are several tools labeled "inductive" in the appendix to
Harmon, P. and B. Sawyer.
_Creating Expert Systems_,
Wiley, 1990.
(For example, RuleMaster by Radian Corp.) ......

One tool that is not there is KATE.  KATE is (almost--opinions vary) a spinoff 
of ESPRIT project P1063, INSTIL.  It is sold by INTELLISOFT, 28 rue Georges
Clemenceau, 91400 ORSAY, FRANCE.  Tel: (33)(1) 64-46-28-88 or 45-88-93-02.

From HOPPET%DB0TUI11.BITNET@tubvm.cs.tu-berlin.de Sat Feb 23 08:44:21 1991
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	(id AA24516) Sat, 23 Feb 91 08:43:58 EST
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Received: by DB0TUI11 (Mailer R2.07B) id 8887; Sat, 23 Feb 91 14:42:00 +0200
Date:         Sat, 23 Feb 91 14:39:07 +0200
From: Thomas Hoppe <HOPPET@tubvm.cs.tu-berlin.de>
Subject:      Re: Tools for building classification systems
To: ling@csd.uwo.ca
Status: RO

If your are interested and you would like to experiment, I have an
ID3-like implementation in Prolog. Send me a short notice.

Best regards, Thomas Hoppe  (email: hoppet@db0tui11.bitnet)

gowj@novavax.UUCP (James Gow) (02/26/91)

I am looking for a kb shell written in Logo. Any one got one?