(Caroline Knight) (03/11/91)
REMINDER - AISB'91 Tutorials - Cheap rate ends 15th March Get your application for the tutorials in before Friday the 15th March and get the cheap rate - prices all go up on the 16th! Here is a reminder of the tutorials: AISB'91 has 6 full-day tutorials taking place on the 16th of April at Bodington Hall, Leeds, UK You may select a second choice should your preferred tutorial be full - numbers are limited to 30 maximum. The fees for registration for the tutorials before 15th March 1991 after 15th March 1991 Full 190 pounds 255 pounds AISB members 140 pounds 205 pounds full-time students 55 pounds 105 pounds You do not need to attend the conference to attend a tutorial. Note that cheques and bankers drafts must be in pounds sterling only, drawn on a British clearing bank. Please make cheques payable to The University of Leeds. All registration forms and payments will be acknowledged. To obtain a registration form contact: Tutorial 1 Knowledge Base Coherence Checking ---------- Professor Jean-Pierre LAURENT University of Savoie FRANCE Tutorial 2 Advanced Constraint Techniques ---------- Dr. Hans Werner Guesgen and Dr. Joachim Hertberg German National Centre for Computer Science (GMD) Sankt Augustin, GERMANY Tutorial 3 Functional Representation and Modeling ---------- Prof. Jon Sticklen and Dr. Dean Allemang* Michigan State University USA * Universitaet Zurich, SWITZERLAND Tutorial 4 Intelligent Pattern Recognition and Applications ---------- Prof. Patrick Wang Northeastern University, Boston USA Tutorial 5 SILICON SOULS - Philosophical foundations of computing and AI ---------- Prof Aaron Sloman Univ of Sussex Brighton UK Tutorial 6 - Knowledge Acquisition ---------- Dr Nigel Shadbolt Univ of Nottingham UK ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here are further details of each tutorial: Tutorial 1 Knowledge Base Coherence Checking ---------- Professor Jean-Pierre LAURENT University of Savoie FRANCE Brief Description of Content ---------------------------- As well as Conventional Softwares, AI Systems need validation tools also. Some of these tools must be specific, especially for validating Knowledge-Based Systems, and in particular for checking the coherence of a Knowledge Base (KB). In introduction to this tutorial we will clarify the distinctions to be made between Validation, Verification, Static Analysis and Testing. Among the Verification methods the issue of checking the Coherence of a Knowledge Base is quite specific to KB Systems. The notion of a model of KB for Coherence Checking will be discussed and concepts of "Static Coherence" and "Dynamic Coherence" will be introduced. The problem of Dynamic Coherence of a Knowledge Base is the main challenge, as there is obviously a risk of combinatorial explosion when checking for Dynamic Coherence. First we will present methods which try to check exhaustively for the coherence of a knowledge Base. They exhibit the specification of all the possible initial Fact Bases that may allow infering a terminal fact and then a human expert can attest that these initial Fact bases are realistic or not. Second we will present a pragmatic approach in which, instead of trying to assert the global coherence of a KB, it is proposed to check wether it contains incoherences. It uses a specific and heuristic knowledge provided by the experts in the field (which we call "Coherence Knowledge") to automatically generate a reasonable set of "conjectures of incoherence". For each of these, a backward-chaining proof is attempted, to assert whether the corresponding incoherence can be deduced from the KB or not. Once no more incoherence conjectures can be proved, the KB is "assumed to be coherent". This approach is illustrated by the SACCO System, dealing with KBs which contain classes and objects, and furthermore rules with variables. This system takes into account the fact that exhaustive coherence checking may often be impossible in practice. It also offers the possibility to define, from the beginning of the development phase, protocols for KB coherence checking, that will be used to receipt the KB system or not. Professor Jean-Pierre LAURENT was initially a member of the University of PARIS VI Research Group. After a sabbatical period in 1979 at the Stanford Research Institute, he was Professor in 1981 at the University of Chambery (France). He has created there the LIA Laboratory, the main research areas of which are : Methodologies for Developping Knowledge-Based Systems, Quality of AI Software Systems, and Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Thirty researchers are currently working in his laboratory. J.P. LAURENT has co-organized the "First European Workshop on Validation, Verification and Test of KB Systems" during ECAI 90 in Stockholm (August) and has given a tutorial on this topic at COGNITIVA 90 in Madrid (November). He is one of the main founders and responsible persons of the French National Program in AI. He was a member of the "IJCAI 89 Advisory committee" and will be the Local Chairman of the IJCAI 93 Conference that he will organize in Chambery. Tutorial 2 Advanced Constraint Techniques ---------- Dr. Hans Werner Guesgen and Dr. Joachim Hertberg German National Centre for Computer Science (GMD) Sankt Augustin, GERMANY Brief Description of Content ---------------------------- Constraint satisfaction describes a class of techniques that can be applied to solve, or partially solve, networks of relations. The venerable Waltz Filtering technique as well as Mackworth's arc and path consistency algorithms are representatives of this class. Classical constraint techniques, however, have been found improvable when used in practical applications: on the one hand, new theoretical concepts had to be developed to cope with inconsistency and with infinite domains, cf. work of Dechter and Pearl on constraint relaxation and the well known work of Allen on reasoning about time. On the other hand, there has been work in new ways of implementing constraint satisfaction exploiting the fact that a constraint network suggests itself for parallel or massively parallel implementation, cf. work of Cooper and Swain, and Kasif. The tutorial will present a coherent overview over these more recent concepts and approaches. It presents the concept of dynamic constraints as a formalism subsuming classical constraint satisfaction, constraint manipulation and relaxation, bearing a relationship to reflective systems; moreover, the tutorial presents approaches to paralllel implementations of constraint satisfaction in general and dynamic constraints in particular. Dr. Guesgen has published a book "CONSAT: A system for constraint satisfaction" (Morgan Kaufmann), has presented papers on the subject at IJCAI'87 and IJCAI'89, and has had a paper on constraint propagation (with Dr. Hertzberg) in Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Hertzberg is the Program Chair for the 1991 European Workshop on Planning. Tutorial 3 Functional Representation and Modeling ---------- Prof. Jon Sticklen and Dr. Dean Allemang* Michigan State University USA * Universitaet Zurich, SWITZERLAND Brief Description of Content ---------------------------- A growing body of AI research centres on using the known functions of a device as indices to causal understanding of how the device "works". The results of Functional Representation and Modeling have typically leveraged this organization of causal understanding to produce tractable solutions to inherently complex modeling problems. The Functional Approach is a subfield of Model Based Reasoning (MBR). The MBR area can be broken down into (a) techniques for obtaining a behavioural model of a device [e.g. deKleer and Brown, Kuipers, Bylander...] and (b) techniques for utilizing a behavioural model once it is in hand [e.g. davis, deKleer's circuit work,...]. Techniques of Functional Reasoning are of the second type. In this tutorial, the fundamentals of Functional Representation and Reasoning will be explained. Liberal use of examples through out will illustrate the representational concepts underlying the Functional Approach. Contacts with other MBR techniques will be made whenever appropriate. Sufficient background will be covered to make this suitable for both those unacquainted with the MBR field, and for more experienced individuals who may be working now in MBR research. A general familiarity with AI is assumed. Participants should send in with their registration materials a one page description of a modeling problem which they face in their domain. Professor Sticklen is the Research Director of the AI/Knowledge Based Systems Lab, within the Computer Science Department at Michigan State University, and is an internationally recognised expert on model based reasoning. Tutorial 4 Intelligent Pattern Recognition and Applications ---------- Prof. Patrick Wang Northeastern University, Boston USA Brief Description of Content ---------------------------- The following is Prof Wang's original proposal for two separate tutorials. The actual full-day will contain elements of both. (a) Pattern recognition and image processing have a very close relation. They both deal with digitized images by computer. On one hand, the image processing techniques are normally employed in pattern recognition as "preprocessing", such as digitization, noise elimination, image data compression, skeletonization (thinning), and primitive selection. On the other hand, the results of pattern recognition are helpful in solving image processing problems such as scene analysis, image description and understanding, segmentation, edge detection, and feature extraction. Applications of pattern recognition and image processing include character recognition, signature verification, target detection, medical diagnosis, remote sensing, identification of human faces and fingerprints, speech recognition and understanding, and machine vision and parts inspection. This tutorial covers the following subtopics: * What is pattern recognition (PR)? * The roles image processing plays in PR * Image digitization and noise elimination * Thinning and image data compression: sequential methods vs. parallel vs. flexible * Image segmentation and egde detection * Primitive selection and feature extraction * Imaging models * Examples and applications. (b) For the past decades, there is a growing interest in the study of AI and rule-based systems. Pattern recognition plays an important role in such systems. In fact, there is now much interaction between expert systems and pattern analysis. It is interesting to see that the core of pattern recognition, including "learning techniques" and "inference" also plays an important and central role in AI. Visual perception, scene analysis and image understanding are also essential to robotic vision. On the other hand, the methods in AI such as knowledge representation, semantic networks, and heuristic searching algorithms can also be applied to improve the pattern representation and matching techniques in many pattern recognition problems - leading to "smart" pattern recognition. Moreover, the recognition and understanding of sensory data like speech or images, which are major concerns in pattern recognition, have always been considered as important subfield of AI. This tutorial covers the following subtopics: * Overview of Pattern Recognition (PR) [including most recent developments at MIT] * Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) [including most recent developments at MIT] * The relation between PR and AI: concentrating on learning * The concepts of Learning and Inferencing: supervised vs. non-supervised * The four main approaches to PR: Statistical, Syntactical, Structural and Histogram * Some Multi-dimensional models for PR and Object Recognition: examples and applications of array grammars and others (including MIT) * Degrees of recognizability, learnability, understandability and ambiguity * Knowledge representation and semantic networks for PR * An example - Line-drawing PR: BM Method vs. Extended Freeman Chain Code (EFCC) vs. Improved EFCC (IEFCC) * Anaother example - Knowledge Pattern Representation of Chinese Characters: hierarchical structure, induced knowledge, syntax-semantics correlation, common patterns and logical relations between characters, and new character principle. Dr. Wang is a Visiting Scientist at MIT AI Lab on leave from Northeastern University. He also teaches part-time at Harvard University. He has edited four books, and published over sixty technical papers in imaging technology, pattern recognition and AI. He has given tutorials in this area at the Electronic Imaging Conferences (EI'89, EI'90) and at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'90). Tutorial 5 SILICON SOULS - Philosophical foundations of computing and AI ---------- Prof Aaron Sloman Univ of Sussex Brighton UK Prof. Sloman's tutorial is already proving popular. If you wish to attend please book as soon as you are able. There is a maximum of 30 attendees. All booking is being handled at leeds, contact: The following is taken from the original provisional proposal. Note that the actual tutorial will vary with the level and manner of participation. This tutorial requires the participants to restrain themselves as well as join in - note the prerequisites below. Brief description ----------------- This will not be a technical tutorial. Rather the tutor will introduce a collection of philosophical questions about the nature of computation, the aims of AI, connectionist and non-connectionist approaches to AI, the relevance of computation to the study of mind, varieties of mechanism, consciousness, and the nature of emotions and other affective states. Considerable time will be provided for discussion by participants. More detailed outline --------------------- Prerequisites Intelligence. The ability to think about abstractions without necessarily worrying about what their applications are. Some familiarity with the writings of a non-empty subset of: Dennett, Haugeland, Fodor, Pylyshyn, Dreyfus, Hofstadter, Clarke, Searle, Penrose. Ability to listen before talking. Ability to take part in a discussion without hogging it or going on and on about topics that don't interest the rest of the group. Content The tutorial will last a whole day and will be make up of four main sessions separated by breaks for refreshment. Session 1. - Breakfast till morning coffee Approaches to the study of mind. Factual vs non-factual questions. The space of possible designs. Computational and other mechanisms. Virtual machines. How computers treat _themselves_ as virtual machines. The importance of structural variability. Limitations of vector spaces. Causal connections between virtual mechanisms. Why the _physical_ symbol system theory is muddled. Is there any philosophically important difference between GOFAI and connectionism? (No). Session 2. Morning coffee till lunch. What needs to be explained? Characteristics of mind: Intentionality, flexibility, productive laziness. Why it's silly to look for a boundary between minds and non-minds: look for many small discontinuities, not one big one. Why most people who discuss consciousness are fooling themselves. What are the criteria for an adequate explanation of mind? Will the concepts of ordinary language survive the development of adequate theories? Disposing of some fallacious views about the characteristics of computers. Session 3. Lunch till tea Interesting discontinuities in the space of possible designs. Mechanisms required for intentionality. Semantics in computers without AI. Structural vs causal underpinnings of meaning. The functional requirements for meaningful use of symbols. What kinds of functionally distinct, independently variable, causally interacting substates characterise human minds? Are all cultures the same? Are children and adults the same? Are there different architectures for human-like minds? Where do other animals fit in.? Session 4. Tea till exhaustion Architectural requirements for affective states: desires, emotions, pains, pleasures. Can machines have "raw feels"? Can anything clear be extracted from the mess of current thought about consciousness. Is there something to be explained? What are the really hard unsolved philosophical problems in AI and cognitive science. (The representation of arbitrary perceivable shaps?) Tutorial 6 - Knowledge Acquisition ---------- Dr Nigel Shadbolt Univ of Nottingham UK We have no further details on Tutorial 6 - but one of us (Caroline) attended the previous version and not only enjoyed it but also thought it provided many useful knowledge elicitation techniques. It is recommended for any one who needs to acquire knowledge whether for an expert system task or some other purpose. We hope that this gives you a feel for the tutorials and that you will enjoy one of them. Caroline Knight & Steve Todd AISB'91 Tutorial organisers All booking is being handled at leeds, contact: