[comp.ai] Blackboard References

schulz@rhrk.uni-kl.de (Christian Schulz [MW]) (03/28/91)

Hallo there,

a fiew weeks ago I asked in comp.ai for references to the current research
in the domain of blackboard architectures. I got a lot of hints and answers.
Thanks a lot. Some people asked me to summarize this to the net. In posting
this mail I do so.
If anybody works on the application of blackboard architectures in the field
of planning, please contact me at the adress below.

M. Radtke                                  phone: ++49/0631-205-3306
CIM-Centrum Kaiserslautern - CCK           fax:   ++49/0631-205-3238
Postfach 3049                              e-mail:schulz@rhrk.uni-kl.de
D-6750 Kaiserslautern

Some comments to the list of references:

1. I put all answers I got directly into this list. That means I haven't edited
   them in order to avoid redundant references. This is also the reason for
   posting some German phrases.
2. I can recommend the following articles/book:
    - R. Engelmore, T. Morgan (eds.): Blackboard Systems.
      (Addison-Wesley, 1988, ISBN 0-201-17431-6)
    - the articles by Nii (AI-Magazine 1986 Nr. 2 & 3)


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% *************************************************
%  Zu  Ihrer  Anfrage  nach             
%     (B|b)lackboard
%  haben wir folgende Eintraege gefunden :  
% *************************************************
A: E._H. Durfee, V._R. Lesser
T: Incremental Planning to Control a Blackboard-Based Problem Solver
J: 1986
R: In: Proc. AAAI-86, 58-64
K: plans
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a02009/0

A: D._D. Corkill, K._Q. Gallagher, K._E. Murray
T: GBB: A Generic Blackboard Development System
J: 1986
R: In: Proc. AAAI-86, 1008-1014
K: know-repr
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a02164/0

A: D._D. Corkill, K._Q. Gallagher, P._M. Johnson
T: Archieving Flexibility, Efficiency, and Generality in Blackboard Architectures
J: 1987
R: In: Proc. AAAI-87, 18-23
K: progr
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a04041/0

A: M._V. Johnson_jr., B. Hayes-Roth
T: Integrating Diverse Reasoning Methods in the BB1 Blackboard Control Architecture
J: 1987
R: In: Proc. AAAI-87, 30-35
K: progr
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a04043/0

A: D._D. Corkill, K._Q. Gallagher
T: Tuning a Blackboard-Based Application: A Case Study Using GBB
J: 1988
R: In: Proc. AAAI-88, 671-676
K: progr
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a06429/0

A: W._L. Lakin, J._A._H. Miles
T: A Blackboard System for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
J: 1984
R: In: Proc. ECAI-84, 243
E: ww-ak
S: ww-ak
I: a01792/0

A: J. Jones, M. Millington, P. Ross
T: A Blackboard Shell in Prolog
J: 1986
R: In: Proc. ECAI-86 (Volume I), 428-436
K: progr
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a02596/0

A: J._R. Ensor, J._D. Gabbe
T: Transactional Blackboards
J: 1985
R: In: Proc. IJCAI-85, 340-344
K: exp-sys
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a00433/0

A: K. Valkonen, H. Ja"ppinen, A. Lehtola
T: Blackboard-Based Dependency Parsing
J: 1987
R: In: Proc. IJCAI-87, 700-702
K: ling, n-l-p
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a03892/0

A: H. Velthuijsen, B._J. Lippolt, J._C. Vonk
T: A Parallel Blackboard System for Robot Control
J: 1987
R: In: Proc. IJCAI-87, 1157-1159
K: robot
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a03987/0

A: H. Balzert
T: A Blackboard Architecture for the Realization of Software-Ergonomic Demands
J: 1987
R: In: H.-J. Bullinger, B. Shakel, eds.: Human-Computer Interaction: INTERACT'87. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1041-1046
K: psych
E: ww-kemke
S: ww-kemke
I: a04387/0

A: T._E. Weymouth
T: Incremental Inference: Spatial Reasoning within a Blackboard Architecture
J: 1987
R: In: Proc. of the 1987 Workshop on Spatial Reasoning and Multi-Sensor Fusion, St. Charles, IL, 34-41
K: vision
E: ww-grs
S: ww-grs
I: a03999/0

A: K. Lu"tjen
T: BPI: Ein Blackboard-basierts Produktionssytem fu"r die automatische Bildauswertung
J: 1986
R: In: G. Hartmann, ed.: Mustererkennung 1986. Berlin etc.: Springer, 164-168
E: sfb (314/023)
S: ww-vitra
I: a03626/0

A: K. Waldho"r
T: Das Blackboard-System BASAR
J: 1989
R: In: J. Retti, K. Leidlmair, eds.: 5. O"sterreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung. Berlin etc.: Springer, 71-80
E: ww-ak
S: ww-ak
I: a07991/0

A: K. Valkonen, H. Ja"ppinen, A. Lethola, M. Ylilammi
T: Declarative Model for Dependency Parsing: A View into Blackboard Methodology
J: 1987
R: In: Proc. EACL-87, 218-225
K: ling, n-l-p
E: ww-das
S: ww-das
I: a08222/0

A: C. Ma"rtin, K. Waldho"r
T: BASAR: A Blackboard Based Software Architecture
J: 1988
R: In: Proc. ECAI-88, 2-4
E: ww-grs
S: ww-grs
I: a08237/0

A: H. Laasri, B. Maitre, T. Mondot, F. Charpillet, J._P. Haton
T: ATOME: A Blackboard Architecture with Temporal and Hypothetical Reasoning
J: 1988
R: In: Proc. ECAI-88, 5-10
E: ww-grs
S: ww-grs
I: a08238/0

A: C. Popp
T: Answering WHY?, HOW? and WHY-NOT? Questions in a Blackboard System
J: 1988
R: In: Proc. ECAI-88, 259-261
K: know-repr
E: ww-grs
S: ww-grs
I: a08287/0

A: J. Rice
T: The ELINT Application on Poligon: The Architecture and Performance of a Concurrent Blackboard System
J: 1989
R: In: Proc. IJCAI-89, 212-217
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a08479/0

A: D._D. Corkill, K._Q. Gallagher, P._M. Johnson
T: Achieving Flexibility, Efficiency, and Generality in Blackboard Architectures
J: 1988
R: In: A._H. Bond, L. Gasser, eds.: Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence. San Mateo, CA: Kaufmann, 541-546
E: dfki(89-8/S)
S: dfki
I: a10143/0

A: L._V. Leao, S._N. Talukdar
T: COPS: A System for Constructing Multiple Blackboards
J: 1988
R: In: A._H. Bond, L. Gasser, eds.: Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence. San Mateo, CA: Kaufmann, 547-556
E: dfki(89-8/S)
S: dfki
I: a10144/0

A: J._L. McClelland
T: The Programmable Blackboard Model of Reading
J: 1986
R: In: J._L. McClelland, D._E. Rumelhart, and the PDP Research Group, eds.: Parallel Distributed Processing: Volume 2: Psychological and Biological Models. Cambridge, MA: mitp, 122-169
E: dfki-nebel
S: dfki-nebel
I: a10571/0

A: W._R. Murray
T: A Blackboard-Based Dynamic Instructional Planner
J: 1990
R: In: Proc. AAAI-90, 434-441
E: dfki(S90-159)
S: dfki
I: a11677/0

A: V. Jagannathan, L._S. Baum, R._T. Dodhiawala
T: Designing a Distributed Blackboard System with Erasmus
J: 1987
R: In: Conference Proc. of the Second Annual Artificial Intelligence Research Forum, Palo Alto, CA, 102-110
E: ww-ww
S: ww-ww
I: a10858/0

A: M._K. Saxena, K._K. Biswas, P._C._P. Bhatt
T: Knowledge Representation in Distributed Blackboard Architecture: Some Issues
J: 1990
R: In: S. Ramani, R. Chandrasekar, K._S._R. Anjaneyulu, eds.: Knowledge Based Computer Systems. International Conference KBCS-89, Bombay, India, December 1989. Berlin etc.: Springer, 230-239
E: fbbib(7823)
S: fbbib
I: a12133/0

A: B. Hayes-Roth
T: A Blackboard Architecture for Control
J: 1985
R: In: Artificial Intelligence 26, 251-321
E: fbbib(Z-61-26)
S: fbbib
I: a02863/0

A: C. Popp
T: Eine Erkla"rungskomponente fu"r ein Blackboard-System
J: 1990
R: Du"sseldorf: VDI-Verlag
K: infer, exp-sys
E: ww-ak
S: ww-ak
I: b00611/0


You can try these publications :

@Book( Engelmore88 ,
Author="Ed : R. Engelmore.",
Title="Blackboard {S}ystems",

@Article( Hayes-RothB86 ,
Author="B. Hayes-Roth and M. Vaughan Johnson and A. Garvey and M. Hewett",
Title="Application of the {BB}1 blackboard control architecture to
arrangement assembly tasks",
Journal="Artificial Intelligence in Engineering",

Olivier Corby, Secoia project, corby@mirsa.inria.fr,
phone : (33), INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
2004 rte des lucioles, BP 109, 06561 Valbonne Cedex, FRANCE.
Da uni-kl in Deutschland liegt, meine Antwort in deutscher


Es gibt ueber aktuelle Entwicklungen im BB-Bereich zwei
umfangreiche Buecher, die (relativ) aktuell sind:

    R. Engelmore, T. Morgan (eds.): Blackboard Systems.
    (Addison-Wesley, 1988, ISBN 0-201-17431-6)

    V. Jagannathan, R. Dodhiawala, L.S. Baum (eds.):
    Blackboard Architectures and Applications.
    (Academic Press, 1989, ISBN 0-12-379940-6)

Das erste Buch enthaelt viele "klassische" Aufsaetze zu
BB-Thematik, waehrend das zweite Buch den aktuellen Stand
(aus der Sicht von 1989) der BB-Entwicklung aufzeigt. Beide
Buecher enthalten umfangreiche Bibliographien, so dass man
zu allen Systemen und Fragestellungen auf weiterfuehrende
Literatur verwiesen wird.

Will man den heutigen Stand der BB-Entwicklung sichten, ist
man auf Konferenzbaende von KI-Konferenzen angewiesen (etwa
IJCAI, AAAI oder ECAI - nur um einige wenige zu nennen).

C. Pyka --- claude@nats1.informatik.uni-hamburg.de

% ISSN 0738-4602
@Article( Nii86Blackboard ,
	Author="P.H. Nii",
	Title="The Blackboard Model of Problem Solving, Part One",
	Journal="AI Magazine",
	Year=1986 )

% ISSN 07838-4602
@Article( Nii86Blackboard ,
	Author="P.H. Nii",
	Title="The Blackboard Model of Problem Solving, Part One",
	Journal="AI Magazine",
	Year=1986 )

Coco Djossou			|
Secoia Project			| voice (+33)
INRIA Sophia Antipolis		| fax   (+33)
2004, route des Lucioles	| E-mail djosssou@mirsa.inria.fr
F-06561 Valbonne Cedex (France)	|