[comp.ai] NETL / Scott Fahlman

root@blakex.RAIDERNET.COM (Blake McBride) (03/19/91)

  I have a few questions relating to "NETL: A System for Representing and
Using Real-World Knowledge" and Scott Fahlman (the author).

	A.  Is Scott Fahlman on the net, and if so where?

	B.  Whats been doing with the NETL project?

	C.  Does anyone have C/Lisp code for a NETL simulator?

 Thanks for the info...

Blake McBride				Home (615) 790-8521
3020 Liberty Hills Drive		Work (615) 790-1088
Franklin, TN  37064			root@blakex.raidernet.com
U.S.A.					...!uunet!mjbtn!raider!blakex!root

sef@sef-pmax.slisp.cs.cmu.edu (03/29/91)

I don't read this newsgroup regularly -- it eats up too much time -- but I
was just browsing and saw Blake's McBride's post asking what has become of
the NETL system.  Since a few other people have asked me about this lately,
I thought it might be useful to post the answer.

First, I have been at Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer
Science, since 1978.  I can be reached by Internet at <fahlman@cs.cmu.edu>.

For those who have never heard of NETL, it was an early (1977) attempt to
embed a knowledge-representation system in massively parallel hardware.
Essentially, NETL represents the nodes and links of a semantic network as
very simple hardware devices capable of passing around single-bit markers.
Such a machine can do property inheritance and some forms of search very
fast.  For more details, see my book _NETL: A System for Representing and
Using Real-World Knowledge_, MIT Press, 1979.

A quick summary of what has happened since then:

1. One of my Ph.D. students, Dave Touretzky, undertook the task of putting
NETL (or at least the part about multiple inheritance with exceptions) on a
firm logical foundation.  This work became his Ph.D.  thesis, and was
published by Morgan-Kaufmann as _The Mathematics of Inheritance Systems_
(1986).  There has been considerable subsequent work in this vein by
Touretzky, Thomason, Horty, and others.  Touretzky is now on the CMU

2. I spent some time working on ways of implementing a massively parallel
NETL machine.  In the meantime, Danny Hillis at MIT designed the Connection
Machine as a way of implementing NETL-like "data-level parallelism".  The
Connection machine, generalized to handle a much wider range of problems
than just NETL, is now being manufactured by Thinking Machines Corporation.
Surprisingly, not much NETL-like work has been done on the CM.  I suspect
that this is because the current model CM is too small for NETL-like
applications, but is large enough for many other useful tasks.

3. While Touretzky and others were trying to formalize some aspects of
knowledge representation, I personally was more interested in dealing with
the sloppy, fuzzy-edged stuff that didn't quite fit into a clean symbolic
framework.  For a while I worked on ideas for a so-called "Thistle" machine
that was sort of a fuzzy NETL.  It passed around continuous values
representing degrees of certainty, strength of evidence, etc.  I eventually
became convinced that such systems would have to incorporate some powerful
form of learning -- building them by hand was so hard that it seemed like a
dead end.  However, Jerry Feldman and others of the "Rochester School" have
gone on to build some impressive value-passing systems by hand.

4. I began working with Geoff Hinton, and gradually came around to his view
that a more neuron-like approach, with a distributed representation and
some powerful methods for learning from examples, is more likely to lead to
an understanding of intelligence than a "localist" system like NETL.  Some
of the early steps along this path are documented in an article I wrote
with Geoff for the January 1987 issue of IEEE Computer.

5. Lately, I've been working on developing better learning algorithms for
what are now called "artificial neural networks".  This has led to the
Quickprop and Cascade-Correlation architectures, among other things.
(There was also a period of about 5 years when most of my time went into
Common Lisp -- a bit of tool-building that got seriously out of control.)

So, for the past 8-10 years, the NETL work has been on the back burner.  I
still think that there are a number of good ideas about knowledge
representation in that work, such as the way contexts are handled.  I'm a
bit surprised that others working on big real-world knowledge bases haven't
picked up some of these ideas, but then I haven't been out there hitting
people over the head with them.  To me, right now, the question of how to
deal with all the fuzzy, messy stuff seems more important, so I'm spending
most of my time on the neural-net research.

-- Scott Fahlman

hendler@dormouse.cs.umd.edu (Jim Hendler) (04/02/91)

Scott Fahlman writes that little or no follow up work has been done to
NETL on the CM.  He's only partially right, my students and I have
been working on developing a frame-based knowledge rep. language for
the CM.  The inheritance algorithms in PARKA are more sophisticated
than those used by NETL, more information is propagated in the
activation stage, and the language is significantly more ambitious
than NETL was (the PARKA language, when completed, should be close to
equivalent to most of the term subsumption languages being discussed 
these days).  It will also be quite fast, several conference papers
and a forthcoming JPDC article discuss the results in inheritance -
basically we get linear (order of depth of the network) times for
top-down inheritance in multiple inheritance hierarchies.  For
networks having over 30,000 nodes (averaging 8-10 links per node) we
can find all nodes with a given property on time in the order of 1 - 5
seconds (depending on the network topology).  These timings were done
on random networks.  We've also hand crafted a 1000 node network of
facts about US states, animals, and agriculture that we are analyzing
so as to get a better topological analysis to use in the generation of
large random networks.  Technical reports describing both the parallel
implementation and the language design are available.
  -Jim Hendler
p.s. work in PARKA is funded by the office of naval research under
grant N00014-88-K-0560.