[comp.ai] CFP: IJCAI-91 workshop on production systems

mst+@cs.cmu.edu (Milind Tambe) (04/05/91)


                              **CALL FOR PAPERS**

                               IJCAI-91 WORKSHOP


                     Sydney, Australia, 25th August, 1991

This  workshop is devoted to production systems (or rule-based systems) tightly
coupled to 'real world' problems. Contributions  concerning  new  hardware  and
software  production system architectures focusing on real-time aspects such as
graceful degradation, run-time guarantee, asynchrony, uncertainty, data fusion,
high performance, and resource bound evaluations are recommended.  The workshop
will also focus on the problem of integrating production systems with databases
and  conventional  procedural  languages.   Papers on new ideas criticizing the
current production system paradigm and proposing new  research  directions  are
highly  welcome. Discussions on practical real-time system implementations will
only be considered if they  are  implemented  as  production  systems  and  are
already  running  in  industrial  applications.    Drawbacks  and merits of the
production systems underlying such implementations must be discussed.

Submissions Details

Authors should mail three copies of their submission to one of  the  organizers
(see  addresses below). Submissions should be no longer than 14 *double-spaced*
pages, including the title page, figures, and references. The title page should
contain an abstract, and the e-mail and phone number of the authors.

All   the  accepted  submissions  will  be  duplicated  and  provided  to  each
participant.  Note that a workshop submission  will  not  count  as  "published
elsewhere" if it is later submitted to a conference or journal.

A summary of the workshop will be published in AI Magazine.

Important dates are as follows :

   - May 5: Deadline for submission of papers to workshop organizers.

   - June  1:  Invitation  to  participate  in workshop sent to successful
     applicants along with a workshop registration form.

   - July 15: Workshop registration form and fees from participants to  be
     received   by   IJCAI   this   date.  There  is  US  $65.00  fee  for

Organizing Committee

FRANZ BARACHINI (Workshop Chairman), Alcatel-ELIN Research Centre
Ruthnergasse 1-7, 1210 VIENNA, AUSTRIA, EUROPE
Tel: +431-39-16-21-150, Fax : +431-39-14-52
Email : es_barac@rcvie@tuvie.uucp

TORU ISHIDA, NTT Communications and Information Processing Laboratories
1-2356, Take, Yokosuka, 238-03, JAPAN
Tel : +81-468-59-3670, Fax: +81 468 59 3403
Email : ishida%nttkb.ntt.jp@relay.cs.net

MILIND TAMBE, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Tel : +412-268-8102, Fax: 412-681-5739
Email: tambe@cs.cmu.edu