(Leo Joskowicz) (04/05/91)
************************ CALL FOR PAPERS ************************** Second International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics January 5-8, 1992 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Approach of the Symposium The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics is the second of a biennial series featuring applications of mathematics in artificial intelligence as well as artificial intelligence techniques and results in mathematics. There has always been a strong relationship between the two disciplines; however, the contact between practitioners of each has been limited, partly by the lack of a forum in which the relationship could grow and flourish. This symposium represents a step towards improving contacts and promoting cross-fertilization between the two areas. The editorial board of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence serves as the permanent organizing committee for the series of Symposia. General Chair: Martin Golumbic IBM Science and Technology, Haifa. Conference Chair: Frederick Hoffman Florida Atlantic University. Program Chair: Jean-Louis Lassez IBM Yorktown Heights. Submission deadlines Please submit five copies of extended abstracts (up to 10 double-spaced pages) by July 31st, 1991 to: J-L. Lassez IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, H1-A12 P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, New York, 10598 USA (E-mail: Authors will be notified of acceptance on September 10th, 1991. Authors will be invited to submit within one month after the Symposium a final full length versions of their paper to be considered for inclusion in a thoroughly refereed volume of the series Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, J.C. Baltzer Scientific Publishing Co. Sponsors The symposium is sponsored by Florida Atlantic University and IJCAII. Additional funding is pending. Partial travel subsidies may be available to young researchers. Information Contact Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Mathematics, PO Box 3091, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA (E-mail: or hoffman@fauvax.bitnet) for further information and to receive future announcements. Program Committee: S. Arikawa, Kyushu A. Bundy, Edinburgh V. Chandru, Purdue University T.Y. Chen, Melbourne R.A.T. Guerreiro, IBM Rio de Janeiro P. Hammer, RUTCOR, Rutgers J. Hooker, Carnegie Mellon L. Joskowicz, IBM Watson (Publicity Chair) D. Kapur, Albany P. Kanellakis, Brown Z. Kedem, New York University and EHEI -- Paris V H. Kirchner, Nancy V. Kistlerov, Moscow J-C. Latombe, Stanford R.C.T. Lee, Taiwan R. Lusk, Argonne F. Mizoguchi, Tokyo A. Nerode, Cornell R. Overbeek, Argonne Z. Ras, University of North Carolina M. Richter, Kaiserslautern D. Rosenkrantz, Albany M. Sato, Tohoku R.K. Shyamasundar, Tata Institute, Bombay P. Spirakis, Patras M. Stickel, SRI International L. Valiant, Harvard M. Vardi, IBM Almaden M. Vidyasagar, CAIR, Bangalore