[comp.ai] I need information about TRC or Daniel Kary...

carrow@itd.nrl.navy.mil (Steven A. Carrow) (03/14/91)

I recently downloaded a utility to convert expert system rules into C code
called TRC. It was written by Daniel D. Kary, whose location at the time was
North Dakota State University. The four-year-old code I downloaded compiled
but then died on the example given in the documentation with a segmentation
violation. This happened on a Sun3 and a Sun4; however, it seemed to work on
a BBN Butterfly GP1000. I traced the problem into the yacc code, but I'm now
looking for either a newer version, an email address for Mr. Kary, or a .y
file for the TRC grammar (the code included only the y.tab.c). Any info
appreciated greatly.

* Steven A Carrow               *      ARPA: carrow@itd.nrl.navy.mil        *
* Code 5570                     *      UUCP: {backbone}!uunet!              *
* Naval Research Lab            *            nrl-css!carrow (I think)       *
* Washington, DC 20375          *      Disclaimer: I can barely speak for   *
* (202) 767-9125                *      myself, much less the government.    *

dha@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Daryl H. Allred) (04/16/91)

Dan is now at HP, in Colorado Springs, CO.  I hope he doesn't mind me
revealing his whereabouts :-):
