[comp.ai] Call for Papers MCSEAI

ayeb@terre.DMI.USherb.CA (B. E. AYEB) (04/24/91)

              Second Maghrebien Conference on Software
              Engieneering and Artificial Intelligence
                        April 13-16, 1992
                         Tunis, TUNISIA

This is the second one of a series of Maghreb-wide conferences, which was
started in September 1989, in Constantine (Algeria).  Also, this conference
is part of two-pillar program of technology transfer that TIPS (Tunisian
Information Processing Society) is planning to implement on a Maghreb-wide
scale:  the first pillar is a series of biannual conferences whose purpose
is to present state-of-the-art research conducted worldwide on Software
Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.  The second pillar is a series of
biannual schools, held alternatively with the conferences, which consist in
a set of short courses on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence,
and which serve as a forum of exchange between the academic milieu and the
industrial milieu in the Maghreb.

The topics proposed for this conference are the following:
	 	* Software specification and verification.
	 	* Object oriented languages and systems.
	 	* Distributed systems.
	 	* Software project management.
	 	* Software engineering education.

 -- University of Tunis (UMA-TUN)
 -- Tunisian Information Processing Society - Tunis (UMA-TUN)
 -- University of Constantine (UMA-ALG)

 -- IEEE Computer Society - Washington (USA)
 -- International Federation for Information Processing - Geneva (I) 
 -- Associazione Italiana per il Calcolo Automatico - Milano (I) 
 -- Association Francaise pour la Cybernetique Economique et Technique - 
    Paris (F) 

Authors are invited to submit original contributions in arabic, french or
english, in triplicate to the General Chair. Submissions must be printed 
on one side of the page only and should not exceed 20 double spaced pages. 

   N. Boudrigua, General Chair 
   Faculte' des Sciences
   Dept. Informatique
   1002 Tunis le Belvedere

Papers from North and South America, can be sent to:

K. Zeroual                     
Faculte' des Sciences                
Dept. Math. / Info.                  
Universite' Sherbrooke               
J1K 2R1 Sherbrooke                   

	 	Deadline for submission:  June 30th, 1991
	 	Notification of acceptance:  October 5th, 1991
	 	Final program distributed:  October 26th, 1991
	 	Camera ready papers due:  January 18th, 1992
	 	Deadline for advance registration:  February 2nd, 1992.

A. Mili, Tunis (UMA-TUN)
M. Bettaz, Constantine (UMA-ALG)
Program Committee
E. Astesiano, Genova (I);               B. Belkhouche, New Orleans (USA); 
A. Ben Cherifa Tunis (UMA-TUN);         C. Ben Yelles, Alger (UMA-ALG); 
M. Bidoit, Paris (F);                   N. Boudrigua, Tunis (UMA-TUN); 
M. Broy, Munich (FRG);                  N. Cercone, Vancouver (CND); 
C. Choppy, Paris (F);                   J. Desharnais, Quebec (CND); 
R. Dssouli, Sherbrooke (CND);           J. Eder, Vienna (A); 
A. El. Magarmid, West Lafayette (USA);  A. El. Iraki, Rabat (UMA-MAR); 
J. Feki, Sfax (UMA-TUN);                J.P. Finance, Nancy (F); 
A. Ferchichi, Tunis (UMA-TUN);          P. Freeman, Atlanta (USA); 
M. Gafsi, Tunis (UMA-TUN);              M. Ghellab, Toulouse (F);
F. Gherfal, Tripoli (UMA-LIB);          A. Jaoua, Quebec (CND); 
M. Jazayeri, Palo Alto (USA);           R. Lazrak, Rabat (UMA-MAR); 
Ch. Marlin, Adelaide (AUS);             R. Maourane, Nouakchott (UMA-MAU), 
F. Mhidi, Detroit (USA);                R. Mittermeir, Klagenfurt (A); 
B. Raggad, Tunis (UMA-TN);              G. Rose, Brisbane (AUS); 
Z. Shanoune, Constantine (UMA-ALG);     M. Shaw, Pittsbourg (USA); 
Y. Slimani, Tunis (UMA-TUN);            J. Urban, Tuscon (USA); 
K. Zeroual, Sherbrooke (CND). 
N. Boudrigua
Faculte' des Sciences de Tunis
Dept. Informatique
1002 Tunis belvedere, TUNISIA
Tel: [+216] (1) 662 886 
Fax: [+216] (1) 500 666

Distribute hard copies of this note or forward to any lists 
you think appropriate. 
B. E. AYEB, ayeb@dmi.usherb.ca

+ B. E. AYEB -- Professeur, Dept. Math-Info +                             +
+ Universite' - Sherbrooke                  +  Tel: (819) 821 78 55       +