(Th. Fraichard) (04/26/91)
SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS Modeling Autonomous Agents in a Multi Agent World Third European Workshop *********************** * MAAMAW ' 91 * *********************** 5-7 August 1991, Kaiserslautern, Germany PURPOSE ------- The purpose of the Workshop is to stimulate exchange and discussion of research in the field of multi-agent systems. A multi-agent system consists of at least two agents that are engaged in some tasks that may require coordination, cooperation and/or competition. An autonomous agent has its own goals, capabilities and knowledge. The actions of an agent occur in the context of other agents that may have structures and strategies different from the agent's own. Multi-agent problems arise when several autonomous agents share a common environment. These problems may result from limited resources, shared or competing goals, etc. While classical Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) was mainly concerned with distributed problem solving leading to a common global goal, recently DAI has been moving closer to the multi-agent perspective, in allowing the agents to have unrelated goals. However, we emphasize multi-agent systems of all sorts from very simple to very complex agents and agent organizations. TOPICS ------ As the area is new and vital we want to encourage new theoretical and practical approaches to multi-agent problems. The following is a list of suggested topics but all relevant work is welcome. * Formal specification and verification of agents and systems of agents * Agent architectures (high-level,reactive,situated agents) * Sociological and biological approaches to multi-agent interactions * Cooperation, coordination, and conflict (generation, evolution,resolution) * Communication (protocols, negotiation approaches) * Distributed multi-agent planning and collaboration * Social simulation and formalization of social concepts * Artificial life from a multi-agent perspective * Learning in multi-agent worlds * Distributed algorithms for multi-agent interactions * Dedicated multi-agent software testbeds and hardware * Applications (robotics, vision, simulation, network management, etc.) Leading experts of the domain will be invited to give presentations. Preprints of the proceedings will be available at the workshop. Papers from the Proceedings will be revised and published as a book. MULTI-AGENTS OLYMPICS --------------------- There will be a competition (and possibly a prize) for the most interesting multi-agent system (software, hardware) CEC ESPRIT DAY -------------- The workshop will possibly be followed on August, 8th, by a one-day CEC workshop devoted to the presentation of results and progresses from on-going ESPRIT projects, on a similar format than for MAAMAW '90. PROGRAM COCHAIRS ---------------- Yves Demazeau (F - LIFIA/IMAG/CNRS, Grenoble) Eric Werner (D - University of Hamburg) PROGRAM COMMITTEE ----------------- John Campbell (UK - University College of London) David Connah (UK - Philips Research Laboratory) Rosaria Conte (I - CNR Rome) Mauro Di Manzo (I - University of Ancona) Jean Erceau (F - ONERA Chatillon ss Bagneux) Jacques Ferber (F - LAFORIA/University of Paris 6-7) Julia Galliers (UK - University of Cambridge) Heikki Hammainen (SF - Helsinki University of Technology) Frank Martial (D - GMD Sankt Augustin) Jean-Pierre Muller (CH - IMI University of Neuchatel) Jurgen Muller (D - DFKI Kaiserslautern) Martin Nilsson (S - Swedish Institute for CS, Stockholm) John Perram (DK - University of Odense) Nigel Seel (UK - STC Technology Ltd. Harlow) Genevieve Teil (F - CSI/Ecole des Mines de Paris) Walter Van De Velde (B - AI-Lab/VUB University of Brussels) ORGANIZING CHAIRMAN ------------------- Donald Steiner (D - Siemens/DFKI Kaiserslautern) PAPER SUBMISSION ---------------- The contributed papers are required to cover both artificial intelligence and autonomy. Papers are to be written in English. Five copies of the paper, no longer than 5000 words shoud be mailed to Dr. Eric Werner at the following address : MAAMAW '91 / attn. Eric Werner Universitat Hamburg tel ~49 40 41236152 FB Informatik fax ~49 40 41236530 Bodenstedtstr. 16 D-2000 Hamburg 50 GERMANY Papers must be received by May 6, 1991. The title page must include the title, the names of the authors, their full address, phone number, fax number, electronic mail address, and an abstract of the paper. Acceptance will be notified by the 10th of June. Revised papers are due by July 8, 1991. WORKSHOP REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION ------------------------------------- For registration forms and information related to MAAMAW '91, please contact the organisation chair : MAAMAW '91 / attn. Donald STEINER German Research Center of AI (DFKI) tel ~49 631 2053501 P.O. 2080 fax ~49 631 2053210 D-6750 Kaiserslautern GERMANY IMPORTANT DATES --------------- Deadline for submission : May 6, 1991 Notification of acceptance : June 10, 1991 Revised papers for Workshop Proceedings : July 8, 1991 Workshop : August 5-7, 1991 MULTI-AGENT PERMANENT INFORMATION --------------------------------- A permanent electronic mailing-list (The MAAMAW list) dedicated to the "Modelling an Autonomous Agent in a Multi-Agent World", has been assembled. Regular news are sent to the suscribers. It is mainly focusing on multi-agents paradigms, their development, their application, and their evaluation. The purpose of this mailing list is originally to announce and promote MAAMAW activities, but it is also recommanded to be used to gather people, to stimulate regular exchange, to announce available reports, in fact to disseminate any information that is relevant to the domain. Please send at most your full coordinates (address, phone and fax numbers, email address), at least your email address to : MAAMAW SIG / attn. Yves Demazeau Laboratoire LIFIA/IMAG tel ~33 76574654 46 avenue Felix Viallet fax ~33 76574602 F-38031 Grenoble Cedex FRANCE