[comp.ai] TEI European Workshop Announcement

IDE@VAXSAR.VASSAR.EDU ("NANCY M. IDE 437 5988", 914) (05/06/91)

An announcement for a TEI workshop to be held in North American was posted
earlier. The following is for a similar TEI workshop, to be held in Europe.

                      Living with the Guidelines
                      The European TEI Workshop
                  Oxford University Computing Service
                           1-2 July 1991

What is it?

	The TEI Workshop is an opportunity for you to learn more about the 
thinking behind the TEI's draft Guidelines for the Encoding and  Interchange 
of  Machine-Readable Texts, and to  see for yourselves how the principles 
they describe can be used in a practical situation.  The Workshop will be a 
mixture of group discussion work, detailed presentations and hands-on 
	Topics covered will include
	*	nature and purpose of descriptive markup
	*	basic features of SGML
	*	essential components of the TEI Guidelines
	*	TEI conformance -- what it is and why it matters
	*	an overview of  SGML aware software 
	*	using TEI texts with standard software packages

Who can attend? 
	The numbers attending  will be limited to ensure that
everyone has both a  chance to be heard and the opportunity to try for
him or herself the full  variety of software tools we will be
demonstrating.  Places will be allocated on  a first come, first served
basis, with a degree of priority  given to members of  existing TEI
Workgroups, Committees and Affiliated Project representatives  based in
Europe who have not previously attended a TEI Workshop. 

Who will be there?
	The Workshop is being organised by the TEI Editors, Lou Burnard and 
Michael Sperberg-McQueen,  with additional support from Elaine Brennan 
and Harry Gaylord, who also ran the TEI Workshop at the recent highly 
successful ACH/ALLC conference in Tempe, Arizona. The European 
Workshop is being run back to back with the first TEI Affiliated Projects 
Workshop, which means that a number of important major research projects  
planning to use the TEI recommendations will also be in attendance. The 
Workshop is therefore  likely to provide an unusual opportunity for SGML 
experts, TEI experts and just plain text hackers to get together. 

Where and when?
	The Workshop will be hosted by Oxford University Computing Service, 
which is located in the centre of Oxford, one of the most beautiful cities of 
Europe, (even in the middle of summer when it is traditionally over-run by 
tourists), an hour's journey from London and within easy reach of the 
Midlands.  Overnight accommodation will be arranged for delegates 
requesting it on the application form. 
	The Workshop will begin at 0900 on Monday 1st July and finish around 
1500 on Tuesday 2nd July.  

How much?
	There will be a fixed charge of #80 per head for workshop participants, 
reduced to #60 for members of ACH, ALLC or ACL.  This covers attendance 
fees and  a manual and other illustrative material, together with 
refreshments and lunch on Monday and Tuesday.  Attendants will be 
expected to pay their own travel, accommodation and dinner, but we will do 
our best to make  hotel reservations for anyone requesting this on the 
application form.
	All expenses of members of official TEI Working Groups and Working 
Committees and  of one representative from any TEI Affiliated Project will be 
refunded, subject to the usual limits, provided that they have not previously 
attended any TEI Workshop.
Oxford July 1-2 1991

Please reserve a place at the workshop for:

FAX:		telephone:
 * I enclose payment of #80 (British sterling)
 * I am a member of ACH/ALLC/ACL and enclose payment of #60 (British sterling)
 * I am a member of  TEI Workgroup/Committee  ....
 * I am the official representative of Affiliated Project ...
Cheques must be made payable to Oxford University Computing Service. 
Please note that places will not be reserved unless payment is enclosed with 
this form, except for TEI-funded attendants.

 *	Please reserve  overnight accomodation for me  on Sunday and 	Monday, 
	in the price range
		[ 	#30-#50       [   #50-#70

This form should be returned as soon as possible to:
TEI  Euro-Workshop
Oxford University Computing Service
13 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 6NN
tel +44 865 273200 fax +44 865 273275
Please note that reservations cannot be accepted after 1 June 91