[comp.ai] 5/22/91 LA TACART: Allen on "Case-Based Reasoning using ART"

campbell@aero.org (Andrew Campbell) (05/10/91)

Los Angeles (LA) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Technical Activity Committee on Artificial Intelligence (TACART)


TOPIC:       Case-Based Reasoning Using ART
SPEAKER:     Bradley P. Allen, Inference Corporation.
DATE:        Wednesday, 22 May, 1991.
             Note that this is the FOURTH Wednesday of the month.
TIME:        The talk will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m.
             There may be a few minutes of TACART business beforehand.
ABSTRACT:    The talk will give an overview of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR),
             with emphasis on the integration of CBR and other Machine
             Learning technologies in the context provided by Inference 
             Corporation's ART-IM (Automated Reasoning Tool for 
             Information Management).  The talk will feature CBR Express, 
             an end-user knowledge acquisition and performance tool, 
             and will conclude with a demonstration of CBR Express 
             on a micro-computer.
BIOGRAPHY:   Bradley P. Allen is currently Director of Advanced
             Technology at Inference Corporation. He was a principal 
             member of the original development team for ART, Inference 
             Corporation's primary expert system development tool.
PLACE:       The Conference Room, in the Basement of the Santa Monica
             Public Library, located at the corner of 6th St. and
             Santa Monica, in Santa Monica (4th/5th St. Exit from I-10).
DINNER:      No dinner is planned. No social activities are planned.
CONTACT:     L. Andrew Campbell (213) 336-8642 (days)
|L. Andrew Campbell     internet: campbell@aerospace.aero.org   |
|M1-102 PO Box 9295     organization: The Aerospace Corp.       |
|Los Angeles CA 9009    telephone: (213) 336-8642               |