(Jim Little) (05/10/91)
CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT: CAMP 91 in PARIS, FRANCE _____________ / PARIS \ CO-ORGANIZED by DRET/ETCA and CNRS/IEF | _______ | IN COOPERATION with IEEE CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS SOCIETY | / \ | | | | | SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS | | | | |__| |__| Title: Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (CAMP 91) Date: 16, 17, 18 December 1991 Place: PARIS, FRANCE (Hotel Forest Hill) Topics: CAMP 91 will focus on new architectures, both hardware and software, associated programming environments and algorithms designed for research and industrials applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vision, and more generally Machine Perception (including Decision, Control, Image Processing, Advanced Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, Simulation, etc.). The emphasis of the program will be the presentation of significant new contributions (VLSI, programming and execution models of parallelism, parallel and massively parallel operating system, routing, agorithmics, etc.), plus panel discussion sessions in which attendees can actively compare and contrast their methods. The commitee will endeavor to preserve the spirit of CAPAMI. Commitee: B. Zavidovique (FR) L. Wendel (FR) M. Bayoumi (USA) R. Brodersen (USA) V. Cantoni (IT) P.E. Danielsson (SW) F. Devos (FR) M. Ejiri (JP) J. Gallice (FR) J. Little (Canada) P. Matherat (FR) J. Sanz (USA) S. Tanimoto (USA) Submission: Authors should submit four (4) copies of an extended abstract (1500 words) by July 1st, 1991 to: Louis Wendel Ecole Nationale Superieure de Physique de Strasbourg - LSIT 7 rue de l'Universite 67000 Strasbourg France or by fax to: Louis Wendel Ecole Nationale Superieure de Physique de Strasbourg - LSIT Fax #: 33-88-35-31-76 or by electronic mail to: Authors are requested to furnish an electronic mail address or a fax number. The four best papers will be published in Machine Vision and Applications. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their papers by September 20th. Final camera ready papers are due October 30th. Registration: Information regarding the registration will be available at a latter date in the same way through electronic mail. For further information: Email: Phone: Sylvette / 33-1-42-31-97-21