[comp.ai] Call for Papers: International NLG Workshop 1992

rda@cogsci.edinburgh.ac.uk (Robert Dale) (06/06/91)

			   Call for Papers
   The Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation
	   Castel Ivano, Trento, Italy, 5th--7th April 1992

PURPOSE AND SCOPE: Following on from the five previous International
Workshops on Natural Language Generation, this workshop aims to bring
together researchers in a rapidly consolidating field.  We intend to
structure the workshop around a number of emerging topic areas:

Multi-modality:  the practical and theoretical issues underlying 
	the development of systems that integrate language generation
	with other media (such as graphics, maps, and forms). 

The representation and use of syntactic knowledge: we particularly 
	welcome papers which attempt to bridge the gap between earlier
	phrase structure grammar based approaches, systemic
	approaches, and newer constraint-based approaches, and
	discussions of how these approaches address the motivation of
	syntactic choice.  

Approaches to text planning: a number of approaches to discourse
	structure (such as RST, DRT and schemas) have relevance to text
	planning. What are their respective strengths and, especially,
	weaknesses?  In what areas do we need additional theories?

Applications of NLG: the use of language generation techniques in, for
	example, expert system explanation, machine translation,
	dialogue systems, and report generation; their implications
	for more theoretical issues.

Multi-linguality: the effects upon system architecture and underlying
	representation of building systems which generate text in more
	than one language. To what extent is it possible to build
	plug-and-play realization components for different languages
	for use with generic text planners?

SUBMISSIONS: It is our intention to publish a book consisting of the
workshop papers in time for the workshop itself; contributors
interested in participating in this workshop are initially requested
to submit A PAPER OF BETWEEN 10 AND 20 PAGES in length.  Accepted
papers will be returned for final polishing and revision into full
length papers before inclusion into the workshop proceedings.  The
cover page of the draft paper should include the title, the name(s) of
the author(s), complete addresses (including email address and fax
number if available), a short (10 line) summary, and a specification
of the topic area.  Send to:

	Mail:	Robert Dale
		Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh
		2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW
	Tel: 	(+44) 31 650 4416
	Fax:	(+44) 31 662 4912
	Email:	R.Dale@uk.ac.edinburgh

SCHEDULE: Submissions are due at the above address NO LATER THAN 15TH
SEPTEMBER 1991, either by paper mail, email (in LaTeX form), or fax;
notifications of acceptance should be received by authors BY 1ST
DECEMBER 1991; camera ready versions of the final papers are due 15TH
JANUARY 1992.  Approximately 15 papers will be accepted for
presentation at the workshop and inclusion in the book.

WORKSHOP INFORMATION: Attendance at the workshop will be limited to
around 50 people.  The workshop has been timed to follow the Third
Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, being held in
Trento, Italy from 1st--3rd April 1991. Details of this conference can
be obtained from Oliviero Stock, IRST, 38050 Povo (Trento),
Italy; Tel: (+39) 461 81444, email: stock@irst.it.

The cost of the workshop, including accommodation and meals, is
expected to be in the region of $300 per person.  Financial support
for the workshop is being sought.  The workshop is co-sponsored by the
Esprit Basic Research Actions and the Special Interest Group on
Generation of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Organising Committee:  Robert Dale, Eduard Hovy, Dietmar R\"osner and
Oliviero Stock.