[comp.ai] Symbolic Math package?

levy@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (David Levy) (06/13/91)

I am seeking a supplier of a package to do symbolic mathematical
manipulation on a workstation.

I have heard of Macsyma and Mathematica

I would appreciate comments on these packages, info on where they can
be obtained, and directions to similar packages

Thanks in anticipation


David C Levy, Dept of Electronic Eng, Univ of Natal, King George V Ave, Durban,
South Africa,  levy@ee.und.ac.za,  levy%ee.und.ac.za@saqqara.cis.ohio-state.edu
m2xenix!quagga!levy%undee@uunet.uu.net,      levy.undee@f4.n7104.z5.fidonet.org