[comp.ai] Can AI solve non-algorithmic problems?

jmcn@castle.ed.ac.uk (J McNicol) (06/21/91)

Does anyone know if AI systems of any description would be able to cope
with this kind of assertion:

  This statement cannot be proved.

My colleague reckons that it's true by intuition, but in this case
intuition seems to me to be like logic but missing out a step or two.
Can AI systems be intuitive?

Sorry if this has already been done to death on this newsgroup.


Julian Smart
Julian Smart, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA
TEL:              0382 562731 ext 2609     FAX:            0382 562426
EMAIL (UK):       jmcn@uk.ac.ed.castle     EMAIL (non UK): jmcn@castle.ed.ac.uk
EMAIL (INTERNET): jmcn%castle.ed.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk