[comp.ai] Seminar on Classifier Systems at Dept of AI, Edinburgh

gordon@aifh.ed.ac.uk (Gordon Reid) (06/25/91)

AI Departmental Seminar at 2pm, 26 June in F10, 80 South Bridge.

         "Classifier Systems for Situated Autonomous Learning"

                           Gary Roberts
                            Dept of AI
                       Edinburgh University


    Intelligent control of an autonomous agent situated within some
environment is a difficult task.  I have investigated the use of
genetic algorithms and classifier systems for control of autonomous
agents within simple simulated environments.  Extensive comparisons
have been made between the performance of a simple classifier system
and classifier systems that have been modified to make use of explicit
world models and planning strategies (including simple lookahead and
methods developed from Q-Learning and Dyna Q-Learning).  The results
point up an interesting dichotomy about the utility of experimentation
within real world and simulated environments.

       Suggestions for Dept of AI Seminar speakers are always
                welcome.   Please e-mail suggestions to
                    Toby Walsh <Toby_Walsh@ed.ac.uk>