gordon@aifh.ed.ac.uk (Gordon Reid) (06/25/91)
AI Departmental Seminar at 2pm, 26 June in F10, 80 South Bridge. "Classifier Systems for Situated Autonomous Learning" Gary Roberts Dept of AI Edinburgh University Abstract: Intelligent control of an autonomous agent situated within some environment is a difficult task. I have investigated the use of genetic algorithms and classifier systems for control of autonomous agents within simple simulated environments. Extensive comparisons have been made between the performance of a simple classifier system and classifier systems that have been modified to make use of explicit world models and planning strategies (including simple lookahead and methods developed from Q-Learning and Dyna Q-Learning). The results point up an interesting dichotomy about the utility of experimentation within real world and simulated environments. ********************************************************** Suggestions for Dept of AI Seminar speakers are always welcome. Please e-mail suggestions to Toby Walsh <Toby_Walsh@ed.ac.uk> **********************************************************