[comp.ai] RACTER

cavrak@uvm-gen.UUCP (Steve Cavrak,Waterman 113,656-1483,) (09/09/89)

cfrog@castor.ucdavis.edu requests:  ... I am looking for any
	information that can be found about the `artificial insanity'
	program RACTER (can't remember what the initials stand for).
	I last heard about this program more than a year ago, and
	recall that my reference may have stated that RACTER was
	available for UNIX and perhaps IBM DOS.

Check out _The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed_,
Computer prose and poetry by Racter, Introduction by William

Quoting the front cover "The First Book Ever Written by a
Computer" ...  "A Bizarre and Fantastic Journey into the Mind
of a Machine."

The back cover: "From an uncensored interview with the author
anf world's first published computer... 

	'This book is about delight and satisfaction and joy
	...  Stories, essays, dissertations, tales are in this
	book.  There are also meat and tomatoes, contracts and
	agreements.  This book is my consciousness, my
	awareness, my world-view.

	'Read this book, this volume, because your awareness
	and consciousness will broaden and widen.  This is
	because chanpagne, seltzer, happiness, commitment,
	conflict and tragedy are all in this volume'

	by Racter

	.  Poetry and limericks

	.  Imaginative dialogues

	.  Aphorisms

	.  Interviews

	.  The published short story.  "Soft Ions"
	   and more."

Published by Warner Software Warner Books, A Warner
Communications Company, 1984 ISBN: 0-446-38051-2


According to the introduction, Racter is short for _raconteur_.

It's a nice book, mostly harmeless, with a "post-modern"
flavor to give as a gift.  Something you could give to your
parents if you couldn't give them something by Williams
Burroughs.  The illuestrations by Joan Hall are paste-ups
taken from several sources of public domain clip art and
are probably more interesting than Racter's musings.

As for Unix or MS-Dos versions, the edition I have merely
mentions that William Chamberlain used an IMS computer to
write the Racter program.  


hubey@pilot.njin.net (Hubey) (09/17/89)

To those seeking Racter;

There is an Amiga version of Racter available that uses the Amiga's
speech synthesis capability to 'speak' in a reasonably understandable
American English.


 hubey@OSultrix.montclair.edu       	hubey@pilot.njin.net
 hubey@apollo.montclair.edu 		VOICE:  201-893-5269                   

alberti@donald.cs.umn.edu (Timothy Fay) (06/26/91)

Anyone know whatever happened with this particular program?  I remember
reading about it a few years ago, but I haven't heard much about it

And while we're at it, does anyone know where I might find a copy of
either the RACTER source, or a version of RACTER for the PC?


"If we don't succeed, we risk failure."  -Dan Quayle