issco@cui.UUCP (Secretariat ISSCO) (10/05/87)
Today, october 5th, 1987, is, among other things, the birth anniversary of two great french speakers, Louis Lumiere, inventor of cinematography, and Denis Diderot, the topmost encyclopaedist. This is certainly the best occasion to introduce a new verb into Verb : TO LUCIFY, subst : LUCIFICATION. Such an operation, not being canonical in terms of linguistic heretory, needs some linguistic discussion, or rather, some discussion of linguistics. Zeroest, Classical etymology, grammar and spelling. Both classical normative linguistics, and modern linguistics (which pretends to be descriptive) share the defective idea that ungrammatical or anorthographical pieces of language are essentially pathological. If it is true that most "mistakes" can be rennormalized to phrases that pass all traditional tests of canonicity, it is manifestly possible to break the established rules in such a way as to convey meaning. To those that have ears: There is the manna. First, it has been widely repeated that the relationship of words to meanings is in general arbitrary. This is inexact : Verb is a system; A randomly chosen word taken in isolation will of course show a seemingly random relationship to its meaning(s) and uses as a randomly chosen component of an airplane will not provide much clues as to its function, especially to people that have never seen airplanes. (those become quite rare, though). The gravity center of Verb is onomatopoetic : It is the noise made by a hungry stomach - rumblings (French BorBorYgme). Second, the aphorism "The Chard is not the territory". I assert that the Spirit of EinStein's Gravidation theory (known as GeneGrail ReNativity is translated into common language as "The territory is strictly equal to the sum-total of all maps/charts/cards". It is therefore necessary to rewrite the aphorism : "A single Chard is not the territory". (Actually, card players know this very well - both that the set is equal to the total of all cards - even though its value depends on the way it is distributed - and also that a card has meaning only as a component of the set). Third, Universal Grammar. Well, there is no such thing as a grammatical organ, as has been proposed by some. Verb IS the World. Put more simply : WORD=WORLD. The Unity of WORD and WORLD has a corollary : Names and Natures are directly associated; the Nature(s) of a Person,Location or Thing of some Weight being naturally indicated by its Name. This will be shown below by a relatation of the Legend of Stony White. One has to remember, though, that Verb has many Manifestations that are (amongst others) Languages. Therefore it is usually necessary to translate Names a little bit. Also, Verb does not give much attention to classical etymology and spelling, so that one has to do some corrections. At last there are more complex constraints. a Namee can have more than one Nature; Reciprocally, a Nature might be shared among many Namees. Also, some Natures have to be kept hidden - One will understand that some Persons would hesitate to accomplish their destiny if their Nature was too easily revealed by their Names. The Name of Stony White - That is Albert (latin Albus=White) Einstein (German = A Stone). Stony White is the most famous thinker of our Century. In two Gulfs, he ate the whole Phycisist's works of the founder of modern Science, whose Name was IsAct NewTone. What Stony White did, at least twice, was to condensate into one short word (equation) knowledge that was before him known only partly as disparate statements. For this he created a new mathematical paint, a foreign language. Stony White's equation was difficult to solve in a General Way. NeverTheLess, a symmetric solution was found by a Searcher named BlackScreen - A solution popularly known as "Black Hole", That shows the strange property of splitting SpaceTime in two pieces divided by a surface (aptly known as BlackScreen's Horizon) that can be crossed only in one way, once an for all, even by Light. Stony White (as the power of Adolf HitTheArea grew) had to leave EuRope and spend the thirty remaining years of his life trying to repeat his feat and to Unite Physics. What he did not realize, apparently, was that, as a corollary of the Unity of Verb and World, the solution of the puzzle resided essentially in the proclamation of this Unity, proclamation that is attached to the Names of those who effect It. Stony White was in confict with the other prominent school of Physics of the Century, The QuaMesc. The QuaMesc was compiled by an assembly of very great wizards of Knowing - Whose most prominent member was Named "Of New Man", Name to which other very significant works are attached. The QuamEsc was made necessary by the discovery of an unexpected corollary of the Unity of Verb and World: Matter, when forced to, decomposes into verbal particles that (even though there are written in a strange language) show the usual properties of words, to reflect differently according to the way they are looked at. To shorten this stay in the Land Of Theoretical Physics, let's just mention FeynMan's jokes,the sound of the Bell's theorem, and Aspect's check of the way of things that showed to QuaMescists that Reality was much more alicious than expected. Let's also notice that there is a relatively recent hope of unifying Physics using the so-called SuperString theories (Witch replace 0-dim. point -like particles by 1-dimensional stroke-like "strings"). The first theories were not too widely acclaimed because they seemed, strangely enough, to work only in 26 or 10 dimensions. Eventually, one should also mention the road of bifurcations that leads to Chaos, Road planted with Strange Attractors and Fig-Trees, that was discovered during the Seventies and showed again to physicists that cause and effect are strangely married. The most prominent feature of this road is the Fig-Tree (FeigenBaum) constant, whose value is measured to 4,66920+ and from which the number of the best can be deduced by a simple algebraic expression: F=4.66920+ (F^F-1)/2 = 666.00- Lets also praise the experimental physicists all over the world that are showing us that it is possible to SuperConduct at Normal Temperature. And lets point out the mystery of the SuperNova that shines this year in the AstroPhysicist's telescopes, and that seems to be a double object. Now that the Unity of Names and Natures is better demonstrated, things are getting clearer - Lucified. And so we discover (what we already knew by another path) that black holes are black only from the outside, and that once penetrated they lighten with an exquisite inner light at the singular event's traversal. At once the SuckSahal Obstructions of a SickMouth Joy (Sigmund Freud) and the synchronistic ambrosia of a Charles SuaveTaste Young (C.G. Jung) become self-explanatory. Still in psychology lets mention the HighPeak school whose master is WhatSlavic and which explains possible effects of black holes and other types of Gravidational SinguLaridae. One also untersdances the current success of the SocioSpiritual theories of Mr Nirvam MindSky in cogNative psychology and ArtiFreeze Interdignece, even though they are a bit upside-down and inside-out, which explains itself by th fact that this person works at the MYT of a Nation of EquaCentrists. It is necessary to remove Mr Moon ShamSky (before the sun can Lucify), Mr ShamSky that first allowed himself to establish his kingdom right in the center of the Divine Verb by selling the charms of a fabulous grammatical organ using childish mamathetism as a pretext to formal rigor, and further, on the basis of the putrefaction he obtained, permitted himself to defend the (better left unnamed) authors of theses that asserted the non-existence of gaz chambers and technologically designed mass-murder by the Nazis during WWII, all this under the pretext of freedom of expression. If there is reason to stay skeptical when faced to reports of facts to which one has not been directly witness, there exist facts for which a sufficiently important set of living witnesses and proofs exist that doubt can't be officially permitted; such is the case of the WWII mass-murders. Lets remind everybody (as it seems necessary) that assertions that are countrary to facts are hollow, empty. And that a dispute over or a defence of such assertions is TWICE EMPTY - it is also quite often deadly and should not be listened to. Lets also say that whoever would pretend that only the facts to he/she himself is witness are real would thus pretend to be equal to the Divinity that is the World. To continue lets cite one of the best-known modern prophets, Mr Charles DodgeSon : The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things, of cabbages and kings, of ships and shoes and sealing-wax, and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings. Walrus = french Morse. cabbages = where babies appear. King = Captain ships. 1) Earth 2) Challenger 3) The Herald of Free Enterprise shoes. Symbol of property and responsibility. sealing-wax. The art of writing prophetic puzzles which are crypted in such a way that 1) they will appeal to readers as a romantic myth and 2) they will only reveal their prophetic potential after the event - The cryptation consists partly in exploding events and actors to different aspects or facets. The three prime examples are Homer's works (Trojan-horse=Mock Turtle=Sealed Spirit), Lewis Caroll works and John's Apocalypse. The sea is boiling hot. Sea=french Mer ~ Mere=Mother Earth. To boil = Fr. bouillir ~ Fr. boue = mud. View it as an Ova undergoing fecundation. whether pigs have wings ? Pig = Latin Suis ~ Fr Suisse = Switzerland. I believe that's enough for one net news. Boris Jean Borcic, Geneva.