[news.misc] The BIZ Sub-net Policy Manual

karl@ddsw1.UUCP (Karl Denninger) (09/15/88)

In article <10476@ncc.Nexus.CA> lyndon@ncc.nexus.ca (Lyndon Nerenberg) writes:
>In article <2610@inco.UUCP> mack@inco.UUCP (Dave Mack) writes:
>> [...]
>>I'm not sure how useful this would be actually be, however. There is
>>very little traffic in the biz groups. Presumably, this is due to
>>horrible connectivity and/or lack of interest.
>Connectivity is quite good. I think the lack of traffic is caused by
>the majority of net readers not knowing the groups are there, or not
>knowing their purpose. If Karl doesn't speak up I'll post the biz
>"policy statement."

Well, since I haven't posted this in a while, and you asked for it....

Wed Sep 14 21:56:29 CDT 1988

 Please send comments to 'karl@ddsw1', or post them as followups.
 Discussion is welcome.
 Please; if you have interesting information to share on various hardware
 and software products (whether you produce them or not!) post it in the
 appropriate place.  And if you administer a netnews site, tell your
 neighbors about the 'biz' groups -- KSD]

Charter for the 'biz' distribution.

I.	What is BIZ
II.	Posting, receiving, and forwarding guidelines
III.	Obtaining a top-level group
IV.	Administrative issues and concerns

Note:	This is a consensus government, with some anarchy thrown in for
	good measure.  These are just guidelines which I feel are
	appropriate to the distribution.  Agree or disagree as you see fit,
	but please refrain from being destructive.  Newgrp/rmgroup wars and
	worthless flaming help _no one_.


BIZ is a distribution of newsgroups which are carried and propagated by
sites interested in the world of business products around them -- in
particular, computer products and services.

The distribution currently encompases only the computer-related business,
although the break-down points for other lines of business have been allowed
for (ie: the 'hooks' are there).  As a result, this may eventually grow to
be a distribution medium for information from all sorts of manufacturers.

The structure has been set up to maximize the selection capabilities of the 
individual sites which will be carrying these groups.

As originally envisioned, 'biz' is a place where companies can support 
their products free from the inevitable charges of 'commercializing'
the Usenet.  Some commercial material will undoubtably be present in that
which is posted to 'biz', in fact, as long as the material posted is 
factual (as opposed to marketing 'hype') it is encouraged.

The following newsgroups will be created at the outset:

	biz.config		- Configuration discussions.
	biz.control		- Control messages and distribution
	biz.newgroup		- New group requests
	biz.test		- Of course
	biz.comp.hardware	- Non-vendor specific hardware forum
	biz.comp.software	- Non-vendor specific software forum
	biz.comp.software.demos	- Demonstration versions of software
	biz.comp.services 	- Non-vendor specific services forum

	biz.comp.telebit	- Telebit modems and other telebit stuff
	biz.comp.xxxxx		- Other companies who wish a group

	The groups at the top are considered 'general'; any posting within
	the description is welcome.  The groups below the split are created
	for specific traffic; Telebit due to anticipated high volume of
	information, and 'mcs' because we would like a group for our 
	support functions as well as product announcements.


Those users who post to the 'biz' distribution should direct their general
questions to the appropriate non-vendor specific forum, unless they are
vendor-specific, in which case posting to a vendor's group is acceptable.

Companies are free to use their own forums (if they have one), and post 
to the non-vendor specific forums as well (or if they have not obtained
their own group).  HOWEVER -- companies should *not* cross-post to
both their own group and the non-vendor specific groups.  If the material 
posted deals with your firm's products or services, and you have your own
group, post it there.  If you do not have your own group, then use one of
the "generic" groups which best fits your product or service.

Each site which receives and propagates these groups should know that the
following is considered 'standard policy' with regards to these groups,
and should be willing to try to comply with the 'biz'nets requests in this

1) Messages of a commercial nature *will* appear in this distribution.
   If you do not want to or cannot have this material on your machine, or if
   your communications methods prohibit this type of activity, you should
   not receive or forward 'biz'.  Firms who are using the 'biznet' are
   actively encouraged to offer support, suggestions, and light
   factual advertisements and announcements on the 'biznet'.

2) Postings should show, at a minimum, some level of intelligence.
   Obnoxious flames will be resoundingly cancelled.  Postings from
   customers and the like should *not* be interefered with if they are
   posted to a non-vendor specific group (what you do with your own
   namespace is up to you, but censorship is likely to be noticed and will
   undoubtably be frowned upon...)

3) Advertising is permitted.  However, mindless drivel and 'puff' is
   annoying, useless, and may prompt people to refuse to forward your 
   group(s).  It is thus recommended that firms stick to the hard facts in 
   their postings, and not attempt to be inflamatory or 'puff' their products.


If you are a company (incorporated or not) and want a top-level newsgroup
(with possible subordinate newsgroups under the top): 

1) All firms wishing to have a group for themselves (or multiple groups)
   should first obtain a feed of the *current* biz groups.  Once you have
   done this, post a message to 'biz.newgroup' requesting the group name you
   wish to use.  If there is no overwhelming scream of anguish :-), a 
   'newgroup' message may be sent by you (or will be sent by us here) a couple
   of weeks later (we will, and you should, wait 14-21 days to allow all sites
   to receive and comment on your proposed name).  If you post the 'newgroup' 
   yourself, *please* post it to biz.control.  All sites receiving 'biz' 
   should receive and forward this group, as it is where control messages 
   related to the 'biz' distribution will appear.

2) No firm's top-level group should be moderated.  Free discussion is one of
   the primary purposes of this forum.  If you feel you need a moderated 
   place to sound off, create a group under your top-level 
   (ie: biz.comp.mcs.support).

3) Any firm which has a top-level group should feel free to act as 'god'
   with regards to groups under their top-level.  This means that creation
   of multiple groups under the top-level within reason, cancellation of 
   inappropriate messages in your *own* group, etc. should all be considered 
   'legit' activities.  However, you should use your censorship "right" with
   extreme caution.

4) Bogus newgroup messages, or those which have not been preceeded by
   notification to the biznet as a whole (ie: if you do not follow 1-2) will
   be promptly cancelled or 'rmgroup'ed at 'ddsw1' as soon as it's obvious
   what has occurred.  This should tend to cut down on the number of bogus
   group creation messages that are passed (or at least act to remove their
   effect quickly).  Note that we will not pass judgement on the proposals;
   all we ask is that your proposal be aired a few days before you take


All networks need some form of administration.  We at 'ddsw1' will
provide the service of sending newgroup messages, providing feeds (system
capacity permitting), and other miscellaneous administrative functions for
as long as the users of the 'biznet' desire our services.

A couple of common questions which have been asked of me (and points 
brought up on the net when the discussion was taking place there):

Q.	Creating many newsgroups is bad, isn't it?  Won't it break a lot of
	smaller systems?

A.	There is nothing inherently wrong with many groups.  What IS bad is
	a group which is not used.  The news software does have a "builtin"
	limit of 512 newsgroups, but this can be easily changed with a few
	minutes work and a recompile (it's a tunable constant).  Some
	machines might not be able to handle changes to this -- those
	systems (PDP-11s and similar probably fall in here) will simply be
	unable to carry all of the biznet.

Q.	Won't commercial postings just make the net into a place of
	commercial exploitation, as occurred with roadsides when billboards
	were erected, for example?

A.	I doubt it.  There is a fundamental difference -- those who carry
	the groups can STOP if the level of noise gets too high.  Since
	there is a natural check and balance on a company's activities, this
	problem should not occur.  If it does, then the offender can be
	isolated given that the others who carry the net really find the
	material offensive or useless.  This is impossible with something
	like a billboard -- remember that the owner of the board does not
	bear any additional cost from a *particular* renter.

Q.	How do I get a feed of the biznet?

A.	If you are unable to find a local feed (try posting to the regular
	usenet; you are likely to find someone who has the groups) you may
	feed from 'ddsw1' at 2400 baud or PEP (Trailblazer).  1200-baud
	feeds are discouraged, but we will accept them if you have no
	alternative.  Send your request to 'ddsw1!usenet' for your login 
	id and further instructions.  Make sure you include your system name
	and a return path to your site from a well-known system (ex: codas,
	rutgers, ihnp4, etc).

Suggestions are, as always, welcome.

Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl) Data: (312) 566-8912, Voice: (312) 566-8910
Macro Computer Solutions, Inc.    "Quality solutions at a fair price"