[news.misc] Racism, Anti/Pro-Jewish, and the USENET plug.

ed@maven.UUCP (Ed Hand) (12/07/88)

     First, mostly because I have no desire to read F*ck off in my mail,
I'd like to say that I don't feel that I am in any way racist.  I have
no gripes towards any one group of people based on their race or religion
etc.  I may not agree with them but I can live with them.  

Big Soapbox....forget the asbestos suit, I can take it.

     I think this whole buisiness is way out of hand.  Unfortunatly I
missed the origianl joke in RFH that started this whole mess about
racism and all the sidelines branching off.  To bring the "real world"
as has been said is completely unecessary.  I don't believe Brad or
RFH should be restricted in the posting of what some consider funny.
There is no way to please everyone with every joke posted!  To refuse
to post something because it is racist is wrong.  While those the joke
points a finger at may not agree it causes all who read it to accept
that there is a problem of being racist against them.  While the posting
may only intensify one persons dislike for a race it may also give
someone else the desire help get rid of the racist feelings toward them.

      If we refuse to accept the problems by not listening to what is
out there then they will as likely be ignored as solved.  If we start
insisting on censorship to the degree some have called for then my
vote is that all they fear will come true.  The son's of Hitler will
jump up and surprise them.  

      While this *mess* has caused greif for some it has forced many to
reevaluate their position and reminded us that we should not forget things
like the holocost(No am not Jewish, or any religion for that matter).

     In MY opinion, if someone wants to pull the plug on USENET because
our topic got a little hot for a while then they are no better than 
someone going out and burning books!

Soapbox off....Here's to open eyes and minds.

   /---\               |   ...I may be crazy...     |  
  ( o o )    *   The   |   ...But it just might be  |   Ed Hand
  \  '  /   ***  Mad   |   a lunatic your looking   |   Intergraph Corp.
   \ ^ /    /*   One   |   for...                   |   {ihnp4,uunet}
    ---\___/           |             Billy Joel     |    !ingr!b11!maven!ed