spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (09/12/88)
This posting contains a listing of differences between the version of the article (referenced in the "Subject:" line) just posted to this group, and the version posted a few weeks ago. New users may ignore this posting -- it is intended to enable experienced users to track changes to the regularly posted Usenet documents. *** old/intro.n Tue May 17 11:45:54 1988 --- src/intro.n Sun Sep 11 21:12:41 1988 *************** *** 1,4 Newsgroups: news.announce.newusers ! Expires: 40days ! Approved: spaf@purdue.EDU --- 1,4 ----- Newsgroups: news.announce.newusers ! Expires: 90days ! Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU -- Gene Spafford NSF/Purdue/U of Florida Software Engineering Research Center, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004 Internet: uucp: ...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf
spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (04/09/89)
This posting contains a listing of differences between the version of the article (referenced in the "Subject:" line) just posted to the news.announce.newusers group, and the version posted a few weeks ago. It is intended to enable experienced users to track changes to the regularly posted Usenet documents. *** old/intro.n Sun Sep 11 21:17:31 1988 --- src/intro.n Sat Apr 8 16:45:50 1989 *************** *** 1,3 Newsgroups: news.announce.newusers ! Expires: 90days Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU --- 1,3 ----- Newsgroups: news.announce.newusers ! Expires: +90days Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU -- Gene Spafford NSF/Purdue/U of Florida Software Engineering Research Center, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004 Internet: uucp: ...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf
spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (07/22/89)
This posting contains a listing of differences between the version of the article (referenced in the "Subject:" line) just posted to the news.announce.newusers group, and the version posted a few weeks ago. It is intended to enable experienced users to track changes to the regularly posted Usenet documents. *** /tmp/fo16045 Fri Jul 21 23:12:04 1989 --- /tmp/fo26045 Fri Jul 21 23:12:04 1989 *************** *** 49 --- 49,50 ----- + -- Gene Spafford NSF/Purdue/U of Florida Software Engineering Research Center, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004 Internet: uucp: ...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf