[news.misc] Help! kill file ...

frost@sdsu.edu (Richard Frost) (08/12/89)

When I use "K" to kill a subject, 
	/: *whateverthesubjectwas/:j
appears in my kill file.  Great.  But what I'd like to do is kill any
occurance of "cramer@optilink" in the header, esp. in the "From:" line.
I've tried
at the suggestion of another user but it doesn't do the job.
Similarly, I'd like to include another line in my kill files which will
kill any occurance of "thatsubject" ANYWHERE in the subject line.

Please (R)eply to:  frost@sdsu.edu

Richard Frost		E-mail:	frost@sdsu.edu

- a scientist is someone who learns more and more about less and less
  until they know everything about nothing!	(Ziman)