tims@starfish.Convergent.COM (Tim Simmons) (08/25/89)
friend of mine wants to be able to access USENET, he is hooked up to a UNIX gateway has a mail address and all that but does not know if he can access the USENET newsgroups. Is there some software he needs at his local site? I know very little about USENET myself. All I know is that I type "vn -n news.group". Can anyone explain to my friend what he needs to do, to get access to the network? He is a software engineer and will understand any explaination much better that I can. he can be reached at Brad_Baker@HQ.3+.3Com.COM Thanks in advance for help you can give -- ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] TIM SIMMONS (408)434-2843 Unisys Network Computing Group - San Jose CA tims@starfish.convergent.com