[news.misc] digest formats

welty@lewis.crd.ge.com (richard welty) (08/31/89)

i'm about to write a digestifier for the italian-cars mailing
list, and i'm wondering if there is any sort of standard (or
even quasi-standard) format that it would be good for me to follow.

if all else fails, i'll make it look like the articles in the
digestified unix questions newsgroup.

richard welty    518-387-6346, GE R&D, K1-5C39, Niskayuna, New York
..!crdgw1!lewis.crd.ge.com!welty            welty@lewis.crd.ge.com
       Officer:  Do you know how fast you were going?
       Driver:   No.  The speedometer only goes up to 85

mdb@bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM (Mark D. Baushke) (09/02/89)

In article <2829502761@lewis.crd.ge.com> welty@lewis.crd.ge.com (richard welty)

welty> i'm about to write a digestifier for the italian-cars mailing
welty> list, and i'm wondering if there is any sort of standard (or
welty> even quasi-standard) format that it would be good for me to follow.

welty> if all else fails, i'll make it look like the articles in the
welty> digestified unix questions newsgroup.

Check out RFC 934.

	934   Rose, M.T.; Stefferud, E.A.  Proposed standard for message 
	      encapsulation.  1985 January; 10 p. (22340 bytes)

You might also consider obtaining 


(Mail digest utilities) as a starting point...

Mark D. Baushke
Internet:   mdb@ESD.3Com.COM
UUCP:	    {3comvax,auspex,sun}!bridge2!mdb