[news.misc] news posting

news@sud509.RAY.COM (Usenet News Account) (09/10/89)

Hi-- I'm having a problem in the configuration of news, and wonder if
anyone else had experienced the same thign...  I can't postnews or 
(f)ollowup from vnews.. get (from vnews:  csh:permission denied) 
(from postnews:  link to /usr/lib/news....... bad, check directory permissions)
All the directories are sent to rwx for owner and group...  ownership is
set to news/deaemon...     

I'd sure appreciate any help on this!


Bill Heiser


Bill Heiser @ fidonet 1:324/101

BTW, it works FINE when I'm logged in as 'news', buNOT as root
or any other user!