[news.misc] Group Selection

hes@ccvr1.ncsu.edu (Henry E. Schaffer) (02/04/91)

  I read both comp.dcom.telecom and alt.dcom.telecom because I'm 
interested in the subject, not because of posting policies.  I'll
cancel one (or both) of my subscriptions when I no longer find it
worth my time to read that subscription.  I suspect that most net
readers behave in approximately the same manner, and so news.groups
will flourish or decay in response to this "vote with your feet"
behavior of the readers/posters.

  The bottom line is that as long as there is interest in reading/
posting in comp.dcom.telecom it proves that PAT is doing an
acceptable job as moderator.  Likewise if all the readership and
posting shifts to another group, then that would prove that PAT
is doing an unacceptable job.

--henry schaffer  n c state univ

P.S. My personal view is that the moderator appending a signed
note is *not* the same as "editing a submission to change it".
From a technical point of view, entering it as a separate posting
would generally either lose the context or increase net bandwidth,
and so appending is better.  I don't always agree with PAT, but
his opinions are signed, so I can take them or leave them.  Also,
I haven't seen much wonderful or interesting material on alt.dcom.
telecom, and so I wonder a bit about the controversy over 
material rejected by PAT.