[news.software.notes] hostdomain fixed to host.domain

root@pollux.UUCP (The Mighty One) (01/08/87)

When news articles are routed over to notes, the site and domain comes
out like hostdomain instead of host.domain.  The following fixes this

*** /tmp/,RCSt1002900	Thu Jan  8 11:27:09 1987
--- bnewshead.c	Thu Jan  8 11:21:02 1987
*** 306,312
      tp = index (host, '@');
      if (tp != NULL)
  	*tp = 0;
!     sprintf (hp -> from, "%s@%s%s", user, host, MYDOMAIN);
      fullname = index (hp -> path, '(');
      if (fullname != NULL)

--- 306,312 -----
      tp = index (host, '@');
      if (tp != NULL)
  	*tp = 0;
!     sprintf (hp -> from, "%s@%s.%s", user, host, MYDOMAIN);
      fullname = index (hp -> path, '(');
      if (fullname != NULL)

Perry Smith
Pedz Consultants
pedz@megamax, pedz@ctvax, pedz@pollux