[news.admin] Bug in moderated groups handling?

rjnoe@uniq.UUCP (Roger J. Noe) (12/18/86)

As USENET administrator at this site I got some mail sent back from the local
backbone that looks like it points to a 2.11 rnews bug in the way moderated
newsgroups are handled.  Here's the mail:

> From postmaster  Tue Dec 16 18:13:57 1986 remote from ihnp4
> From: ihnp4!postmaster
> Full-Name: Mail Delivery Subsystem
> Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
> Received: by ihnp4.ATT.COM id AA08036; 16 Dec 86 18:13:57 CST (Tue)
> To: uniq!news
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> 550 mod-politics... User unknown
>    ----- Unsent message follows -----
> From: uniq!news
> Received: by ihnp4.ATT.COM id AA08015; 16 Dec 86 18:13:57 CST (Tue)
> Date: 16 Dec 86 23:18:43 GMT
> To: mod-politics
> Subject: Submission for mod-politics
> Responding-System: uniq.UUCP
> Path: uniq!ihnp4!dual!paul
> From: paul@dual.UUCP (Baker)
> Newsgroups: mod.politics
> Subject: Re: Reply to Rich Cowan
> Summary: More Libertarian bullshit
> Message-ID: <1353@dual.UUCP>
> Date: 16 Dec 86 16:16:41 GMT
> References: <12263063217.2.MCGREW@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
> Organization: Dual Systems, Berkeley, CA
> Lines: 14
(I've deleted the body of the article for brevity; it did not look munged in
any way.)

Here's what was in LIBDIR/log for this time (there may have been a "Newsgroups
in active, but not sys" message in here - I delete all such lines daily from
both the log and errlog):

Dec 16 17:18	ihnp4	received <1353@dual.UUCP> ng mod.politics subj 'Re: Reply to Rich Cowan' from paul@dual.UUCP (Baker)
Dec 16 17:19	ihnp4	Article mailed to ihnp4!mod-politics

I also noted the Message-ID <1353@dual.UUCP> did not get into LIBDIR/history.
Somehow rnews got to thinking that this article was posted locally or something
like that.  We do have SPOOLNEWS #defined, so maybe that has something to do
with it (this would of course have been when rnews -U was running).  Now we
do receive several mod.* groups by the way the local site line of the sys file
is set up, but mod.politics is not one of them.  For the ones we do receive,
we actually get articles correctly installed there.  I have verified that for
other mod.* groups we don't receive (not in our line of LIBDIR/sys), they get
tossed into junk.  I don't think anyone at this site has tried posting to
a mod.* group since we've installed 2.11 news (and we do have the first
patch in, by the way).  Here's the line from the LIBDIR/active file:

mod.politics 00001 00001 m

and mod.politics doesn't appear in LIBDIR/aliases.  Here's LIBDIR/mailpaths:

backbone	ihnp4!%s
internet	ihnp4!%s

Which also looks right, assuming ihnp4 has mail aliases for moderated groups
(it sort of looks like it doesn't).  And here's the outgoing news line from our
LIBDIR/sys file:


Which probably doesn't matter anyway; I just wanted to note that "mod" groups
don't appear in the line to the backbone site.

This is a PDP-11/44 running UNIX System V Release 2.0.  I'll try digging into
the code to see what's happening, but likely someone experienced in looking at
rnews will find and fix this before I can post a solution.  Please contact me
if I can supply more details to clarify the situation.
	Roger Noe			ihnp4!uniq!rjnoe
	Uniq Digital Technologies	rjnoe@uniq.UUCP
	28 South Water Street		+1 312 879 1566
	Batavia, Illinois  60510	41:50:58 N.  88:18:35 W.

rjnoe@uniq.UUCP (Roger J. Noe) (12/18/86)

In article <221@uniq.UUCP>, rjnoe@uniq.UUCP (Roger J. Noe) writes:
> As USENET administrator at this site I got some mail sent back from the local
> backbone that looks like it points to a 2.11 rnews bug in the way moderated
> newsgroups are handled. . . .
> Here's what was in LIBDIR/log for this time . . .
> Dec 16 17:18	ihnp4	received <1353@dual.UUCP> ng mod.politics subj 'Re: Reply to Rich Cowan' from paul@dual.UUCP (Baker)
> Dec 16 17:19	ihnp4	Article mailed to ihnp4!mod-politics
> . . . . Here's LIBDIR/mailpaths:
> backbone	ihnp4!%s
> internet	ihnp4!%s
> Which also looks right, assuming ihnp4 has mail aliases for moderated groups

This was easier to track down than I thought it would be, mostly because it
happened a second time (but with a different group, mod.mac).  When our
rnews receives an article in a moderated group and no Approved: header line
included, it executes the code found around line 746 in inews.c (version
2.70, 11/21/86).  The first executable code after the block declarations
is enclosed in an #ifdef not mentioned by any of the installation notes:

		if(mode == PROC) {
			logerr("Unapproved article in moderated group %s",
			if (localize("junk"))
			goto writeout;
#endif /* DONTFORWARD */

I don't know if the spelling DONTFOWARD in line 752 is intentional or not.
In any event, this code doesn't get included in our inews/rnews.  It looks
to me like it should.  Why was it #ifdef'd out in the first place?  Is there
something wrong with the code?  Without this, the code following it is
executed upon receipt/posting of an article in a moderated group if not
approved.  That code prints out a message to stderr, pulls the backbone
line from the LIBDIR/mailpaths file and mails the offending article to
the moderated newsgroup alias on the backbone.  This is obviously what
should happen for an article posted from the local site, not one received
from another site.  #defining DONTFORWARD wouldn't change this action,
would it?

I guess I have a few questions that beg to be answered:
	1. Why was DONTFORWARD used to exclude the above code?
	2. Why was DONTFORWARD left out of the 2.11 news installation
	   notes?  Is it just an oversight or should it not be used?
	3. Why is a site that apparently runs 2.11 news (ihnp4) sending
	   on unapproved articles in moderated newsgroups?
	4. Why does backbone site ihnp4 not have mail aliases for the
	   moderated groups?  Does this mean that I *do* have to maintain
	   a moderators list and have a line for every different moderator
	   in my LIBDIR/mailpaths file?
Thanks for the help.
	Roger Noe			ihnp4!uniq!rjnoe
	Uniq Digital Technologies	rjnoe@uniq.UUCP
	28 South Water Street		+1 312 879 1566
	Batavia, Illinois  60510	41:50:56 N.  88:18:35 W.

rick@seismo.CSS.GOV (Rick Adams) (12/18/86)

ihnp4 is not an official backbone site that handles those aliases.

You need to correct your mailpaths file to send the "backbone" mail
to somewhere else. seismo at least handles it. I don't have the complete


spaf@gatech.EDU (Gene Spafford) (12/19/86)

In article <222@uniq.UUCP> rjnoe@uniq.UUCP (Roger J. Noe) writes:
>I guess I have a few questions that beg to be answered:
>	1. Why was DONTFORWARD used to exclude the above code?
Because we intend the default behavior the way it is in order to
keep sites running pre-2.11 news from mucking up.  If the default
behavior were to simply throw the article into the bit bucket, posting
attempts from sites with faulty flags in their active files or faulty
software might just lose their postings.  This way, the postings don't
get circulated but they *do* get to the moderator rather quickly
and can then be posted correctly.

The ifdef'd code is there for the sites in Europe, mostly, where they
don't want this behavior.

>	2. Why was DONTFORWARD left out of the 2.11 news installation
>	   notes?  Is it just an oversight or should it not be used?

It shouldn't be used by sites in North America.  I assume it was left
out as an oversight.

>	3. Why is a site that apparently runs 2.11 news (ihnp4) sending
>	   on unapproved articles in moderated newsgroups?

Well, at a guess, either ihnp4 isn't running 2.11 news, or they don't have
the moderated flag (field 4 in "active") set properly for the moderated
groups.  I'd suspect the later.

>	4. Why does backbone site ihnp4 not have mail aliases for the
>	   moderated groups?  Does this mean that I *do* have to maintain
>	   a moderators list and have a line for every different moderator
>	   in my LIBDIR/mailpaths file?

It means that ihnp4 is not one of the backbone sites supporting the
aliases for moderated groups.  You don't have to keep a separate line for
each group (unless you want to).  I will post something soon that will
list the syntax of the mailpaths file and list the sites maintaining
official mail aliases for the moderated groups.  For the moment, you
might want to one of these sites: cbatt, clyde, cuae2, gatech, seismo,
sdcsvax, hao, uw-beaver and watmath.
Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center (SERC), Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf@gatech.EDU
uucp:	...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf

jso@edison.GE.COM (John Owens) (12/19/86)

In article <221@uniq.UUCP>, rjnoe@uniq.UUCP (Roger J. Noe) writes:
> > From: ihnp4!postmaster
> > To: uniq!news
> > 550 mod-politics... User unknown
> Dec 16 17:18	ihnp4	received <1353@dual.UUCP> ng mod.politics subj 'Re: Reply to Rich Cowan' from paul@dual.UUCP (Baker)
> Dec 16 17:19	ihnp4	Article mailed to ihnp4!mod-politics
> I also noted the Message-ID <1353@dual.UUCP> did not get into LIBDIR/history.
> Somehow rnews got to thinking that this article was posted locally or something
> like that.

2.11 news will do this if there is no Approved: line in the article.
Somehow that article got posted to mod.politics either without an
approved line, or it got stripped off at some point.  This doesn't
explain why ihnp4 doesn't have the "mod-politics" alias that it should

John Owens		Old Dominion University - Norfolk, Virginia, USA
john@ODU.EDU		old arpa: john%odu.edu@RELAY.CS.NET
+1 804 440 3915		old uucp: {seismo,decuac,cbosgd,uvacs}!xanth!john

dhp@ihlpa.UUCP (Douglas H. Price) (12/20/86)

> >	3. Why is a site that apparently runs 2.11 news (ihnp4) sending
> >	   on unapproved articles in moderated newsgroups?
> >
> >	4. Why does backbone site ihnp4 not have mail aliases for the
> >	   moderated groups? 

Ihnp4 is currently running news 2.11, patch level #0.  I just checked the
active file and indeed the moderated groups hadn't been set up correctly.
This has been fixed.  We hope to come up to patch level #2 next week 
(with luck).  We will also be investigating supporting the moderated group
mail aliases.  At the moment, ihnp4 does not support them.

						Douglas H. Price
						Analysts International Corp.
						@ AT&T Bell Laboratories

gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) (12/31/86)

In article <8076@gatech.EDU>, spaf@gatech.EDU (Gene Spafford) writes:
>            ...ihnp4 is not one of the backbone sites supporting the
> aliases for moderated groups.                 ...For the moment, you
> might want to one of these sites: cbatt, clyde, cuae2, gatech, seismo,
> sdcsvax, hao, uw-beaver and watmath.

Now there are two classes of backbone sites?  Ones that "do" and ones
that "don't"?  Only your news links know for sure...	:-;
John Gilmore  {sun,ptsfa,lll-crg,ihnp4}!hoptoad!gnu   gnu@ingres.berkeley.edu
  I forsee a day when there are two kinds of C compilers: standard ones and 
  useful ones ... just like Pascal and Fortran.  Are we making progress yet?
	-- ASC:GUTHERY%slb-test.csnet

jbuck@epimass.UUCP (Joe Buck) (12/31/86)

In article <8076@gatech.EDU>, spaf@gatech.EDU (Gene Spafford) writes:
>>            ...ihnp4 is not one of the backbone sites supporting the
>> aliases for moderated groups.                 ...For the moment, you
>> might want to one of these sites: cbatt, clyde, cuae2, gatech, seismo,
>> sdcsvax, hao, uw-beaver and watmath.

In article <1599@hoptoad.uucp> gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) writes:
>Now there are two classes of backbone sites?  Ones that "do" and ones
>that "don't"?  Only your news links know for sure...	:-;

Your news links don't know either.

The installation documentation says that "backbone" should be a mail
path "to a Usenet backbone site".  The only source of information
anyone had on what a backbone site is is the backbone map
occasionally posted by Gene.  Really, Gene, how was anyone supposed
to know which sites could be used for this purpose?  Seems putting
ihnp4 in that field was just obeying the instructions in the
installation manual.

Thanks for the list given above, but it doesn't look that official
("you might want to ...").  We news administrators need a regularly
posted, official list so this scheme can work.  Also, none of your
listed sites are in the Bay Area, even though several moderators are.
This will hardly promote efficient mail paths.

- Joe Buck 	{hplabs,ihnp4,sun}!oliveb!epimass!jbuck		HASA (A,S)
  Entropic Processing, Inc., Cupertino, California

mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM (Mark Horton) (01/02/87)

In article <786@epimass.UUCP> jbuck@epimass.UUCP (Joe Buck) writes:
>The installation documentation says that "backbone" should be a mail
>path "to a Usenet backbone site".  The only source of information
>anyone had on what a backbone site is is the backbone map
>occasionally posted by Gene.  Really, Gene, how was anyone supposed
>to know which sites could be used for this purpose?  Seems putting
>ihnp4 in that field was just obeying the instructions in the
>installation manual.
>Thanks for the list given above, but it doesn't look that official
>("you might want to ...").  We news administrators need a regularly
>posted, official list so this scheme can work.  Also, none of your
>listed sites are in the Bay Area, even though several moderators are.
>This will hardly promote efficient mail paths.

See the monthly message "How to construct the mailpaths file", posted
to news.lists.  It will always have the correct official list.

This posting didn't exist before, but Gene has been working on it for
several weeks, and the first posting occurred Jan 1.  It's message 19
on our system, and since news.lists is a new group, it's probably around
19 on yours, too.

By the way, according to the arbitron stats, only 58% of the sites are
getting news.lists - if your site isn't, check your active file, log
file, junk dir, and upstream, to find out why.  While you're at it, check
for mod.announce - the stats say only 94% of the sites are getting it.
There has been recent traffic in both (although mod.announce is very
low volume - 2 messages in December.)


reid@decwrl.DEC.COM (Brian Reid) (01/03/87)

decwrl is a moderated group relay site, and always has been. Furthermore,
Gene knows this. I don't understand why he left it out of the posting.
We do not do what Gene calls "internet" mail relaying, though; this is because
we are a true Internet site and we use the true Internet protocols, rather
than the uucp variant of those protocols that the "internet relay host"
mechanism implies.

tron@nsc.NSC.COM (Ronald S. Karr) (01/06/87)

In article <1599@hoptoad.uucp> gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) writes:
>Now there are two classes of backbone sites?  Ones that "do" and ones
>that "don't"?  Only your news links know for sure...	:-;

Personally, I decided to just use the moderator lists sent out over
mod.newslists and news.lists (or whatever it is) to make the aliases
myself.  We are hardly an official site and we can be as much over a
month out of date (or more).  But it is better than nothing.  Thus,
I guess NSC is now an unofficial backbone site :-).
   tron  |-<=>-|    ARPAnet: nsc!tron@sun.COM
  tron@sc.nsc.com   UUCPnet: {amdahl,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,sun}!nsc!tron

simon@einode.UUCP (Simon Kenyon) (01/07/87)

tron@nsc.NSC.COM (Ronald S. Karr):
> Personally, I decided to just use the moderator lists sent out over
> mod.newslists and news.lists (or whatever it is) to make the aliases
> myself.  We are hardly an official site and we can be as much over a
> month out of date (or more).  But it is better than nothing.  Thus,
> I guess NSC is now an unofficial backbone site :-).

well, here at the NSC (National Software Centre) we are an offical backbone
site :-)
Simon Kenyon
EUnet: simon@einode.UUCP
Smail: The National Software Centre, Dublin, IRELAND
Phone: +353-1-716255

tron@nsc.NSC.COM (Ronald S. Karr) (01/09/87)

In article <281@einode.UUCP> simon@einode.UUCP (Simon Kenyon) writes:
 >tron@nsc.NSC.COM (Ronald S. Karr):
 >> myself.  We are hardly an official site and we can be as much over a
 >> month out of date (or more).  But it is better than nothing.  Thus,
 >> I guess NSC is now an unofficial backbone site :-).
 >well, here at the NSC (National Software Centre) we are an offical backbone
 >site :-)
 >Simon Kenyon
 >EUnet: simon@einode.UUCP
 >Smail: The National Software Centre, Dublin, IRELAND
 >Phone: +353-1-716255

Hey that's pretty neat.  I wonder what the NSC (National Security Council)
thinks of all this?
   tron  |-<=>-|    ARPAnet: nsc!tron@sun.COM
  tron@sc.nsc.com   UUCPnet: {amdahl,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,sun}!nsc!tron