[news.admin] rn macro contest

wyle@ethz.UUCP (06/04/87)

Announcing the first annual rn macro and kill file contest!

Ok, hot-shot, what you got?

Show us your:

1|$/<key phrase>/a|sed <context extract> | <great filter> | cat > file


Which names (other than wyle@ethz) are in YOUR global kill files?

How do YOU e-mail replies to a digest article?

Show us YOUR macros which ferret out the REAL meanings of those
"submission to ..." arpa articles!

* * *

Winners will receive an all-expenses-paid tour of beautiful Zuerich
Switzerland, including the ETH, home of Pascal, Modula-2, Oberon,
Einstein, Pauli, ...  Runners up will be awarded a kilogram of delicious
Swiss chocolates.

Prizes will be awarded in October 1987.  All decisions are final.  All
entries will be summarized to the net.  LET's make the net more useful!

PS:  Please forward this note to rn users who DO have wyle@ethz in    o o
     their global kill files   >>>grin<<                               |

Mitchell F. Wyle           | csnet or arpa:  wyle%ifi.ethz.ch@relay.cs.net
Instituet fuer Informatik  | uucp:           wyle@ethz.uucp
ETH Zentrum / SOT          | Telephone:      011 41 1 256 5237
8092 Zuerich, Switzerland