dd1k+@andrew.cmu.edu (Dong-Ping Deng) (11/07/87)
Did China really sell Silkworm missiles to Iran ? What has happened in Tibet since 1950 ? How modern technology will help China to improve its 1 billion-plus people's living standards ? Will Dow-Jones have an influence on China's stock markets which are just burgeoning ? China is going to send satellites into orbits for a couple of American companies, will China be able to catch up with U.S. in space sciences ? Over 10,000 Chinese students are studying in the States, how will they help China's economy to a new level being able to compete in all spheres with Western industrial countries ? ... There are many many questions to be asked, things to talk about China, with its distinctive culture, with a new younger leadership. Here, I propose the creation of a new newsgroup soc.culture.China, to discuss things related to China. I'd like to take a preliminary vote. Please send your vote to me by e-mail. Could anyone out there tell me how to get contact with the administration of newgroups ? Thanks. Dong-Ping Deng dd1k+@andrew.cmu.edu or dd1k%andrew@CMCCVB or dd1k%adnrew@CMUCVMA or JNET%"dd1k%andrew@CMCCVB"