[news.admin] Please -- no back-quotes in maps

gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) (01/21/88)

A recent posting of u.usa.co.1, in shar form, failed when run through /bin/sh,
becuase there were some back-quotes (`) in the comments.  Please avoid those.

Jacob Gore				gore@EECS.NWU.Edu
Northwestern Univ., EECS Dept.		{gargoyle,ihnp4,chinet}!nucsrl!gore

david@sun.uucp (David DiGiacomo) (01/22/88)

In article <3720006@nucsrl.UUCP> gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) writes:
>A recent posting of u.usa.co.1, in shar form, failed when run through /bin/sh,
>becuase there were some back-quotes (`) in the comments.  Please avoid those.

No, it failed because of an unquoted here document terminator.  Please
avoid them.

David DiGiacomo, Sun Microsystems, Mt. View, CA  sun!david david@sun.com

david@infopro.UUCP (David Fiedler) (01/23/88)

In article <39622@sun.uucp>, david@sun.uucp (David DiGiacomo) writes:
> In article <3720006@nucsrl.UUCP> gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) writes:
>>A recent posting of u.usa.co.1, in shar form, failed when run through /bin/sh,
>>becuase there were some back-quotes (`) in the comments.  Please avoid those.
> No, it failed because of an unquoted here document terminator.  Please
> avoid them.

We just got a bunch without the "#!/bin/sh" line up front, which REALLY
messed things up! This isn't a complaint to the people who do the maps
(they all deserve our undying gratitude), but a warning to those who might
think the maps are coming in just fine...
David Fiedler         {ames,attmail,hplabs,ihnp4,pyramid,ucdavis}!infopro!david
USMail: InfoPro Systems, PO Box 220, Rescue CA 95672      Phone: (916) 677-5870

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

long@savax.UUCP (David Long) (01/26/88)

In article <39622@sun.uucp>, david@sun.uucp (David DiGiacomo) writes:
> In article <3720006@nucsrl.UUCP> gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) writes:
> >A recent posting of u.usa.co.1, in shar form, failed when run through /bin/sh,
> >becuase there were some back-quotes (`) in the comments.  Please avoid those.
> No, it failed because of an unquoted here document terminator.  ...

It did indeed fail because of back-quotes. Constructors of shar files should
be aware that dollar-signs and back-quotes are interpretted in here-text as
they would be in any shell command.
David Long  ...decvax!savax!long  (Sanders Associates, Inc., Nashua, NH)

long@savax.UUCP (David Long) (01/27/88)

I stand corrected (via E-mail). I didn't realize argument and command
expansion in here-text could be turned off by quoting the terminator

On another subject, I'm finally trying to bring our news system up
to date and I found when I posted news to a moderated site with
the entry:

	backbone	decvax!decwrl!%s

in my mailpaths file I got the return mail:

	550 comp-unix-ultrix... User unknown

This doesn't agree with my understanding of the way things are set up.
Isn't decwrl one of the backbone sites containing aliases for moderators?
Responses via E-mail would be appreciated since I must be doing something
obviously wrong.

David Long  ...decvax!savax!long  (Sanders Associates, Inc., Nashua, NH)

blm@cxsea.UUCP (Brian Matthews) (01/28/88)

David Long (long@savax.UUCP) writes:
|In article <39622@sun.uucp>, david@sun.uucp (David DiGiacomo) writes:
|> In article <3720006@nucsrl.UUCP> gore@nucsrl.UUCP (Jacob Gore) writes:
|> >A recent posting of u.usa.co.1, in shar form, failed when run through /bin/sh,
|> >becuase there were some back-quotes (`) in the comments.  Please avoid those.
|> No, it failed because of an unquoted here document terminator.  ...
|It did indeed fail because of back-quotes. Constructors of shar files should
|be aware that dollar-signs and back-quotes are interpretted in here-text as
|they would be in any shell command.

No.  As David DiGiacomo stated, it's because the here document terminator
string was unquoted.  Quoting any character in the here document string
causes the shell to simply copy the document itself, ignoring things like
dollar signs and back-quotes.

Evidently the map folk feel this way also - the last maps had a quoted
here document terminator.

Brian L. Matthews                               "A power tool is not a toy.
...{mnetor,uw-beaver!ssc-vax}!cxsea!blm          Unix is a power tool."
+1 206 251 6811
Computer X Inc. - a division of Motorola New Enterprises

clewis@spectrix.UUCP (Chris R. Lewis) (01/28/88)

In article <690@savax.UUCP> long@savax.UUCP (David Long) writes:
>It did indeed fail because of back-quotes. Constructors of shar files should
>be aware that dollar-signs and back-quotes are interpretted in here-text as
>they would be in any shell command.

Could the mappers make sure that the shar they're using uses this 

cat <<\END-OF-SHAR

instead of this:


Then $, ` and * won't be processed inside the here-text document.
Read sh(1) on file redirection...

[Nice security hole.  Details omitted to protect the naive...]
Chris Lewis, Spectrix Microsystems Inc,
UUCP: {uunet!mnetor, utcsri!utzoo, lsuc, yunexus}!spectrix!clewis
Phone: (416)-474-1955