raj@spl1.UUCP (Robert Alan Johnson) (02/28/88)

I've been getting some regular mail asking if we're still offering free 
feeds and mail gateways, the answer is a most emphatic YES, so I'm
reposting this notice.

We would like to let all you netlanders know that site spl1 is available to
provide high speed news feeds and mail links to all eligable organizations

spl1 is located in downtown Chicago and now has multiple USR Courrier HST's,
TELEBIT TRAILBLAZERS, and a gaggle of vanilla 2400BPS modems online 
on our news/mail engine machine to support feeds.  

The site is accessable through PC Persuit and operates 24 Hours/Day 7
Days/Week, dedicated to news and mail.

If there any sites which are interested in:

	o	Getting a news feed
	o	Switching their feed to a high speed (Telebit or HST)
		DDD/ (your) Out WATS site
	o	Picking up alt, biz, unix-pc or other non-standard groups, 

we would be happy to accept new users (again, no fees involved).

Sound too good to be true?  It's not.  spl1 is now feeding sites like
Arthur Anderson's Corporate Offices, AT&T's National Tech Support Center,
The Santa Cruz Operation, The Internal Revenue Service, Beatrice Foods' 
Corporate Offices, Reuter's Rich Inc, and others.  

spl1 is well connected to both east and west coast sites and maintains
exceptional email delivery performance.

We've been up continuously for 60 days (knock on wood, a good indicator of 
reliability) and haven't yet missed a feed for our sites.  

Qualification for connection to our site is a function of the number of
news readers your site supports and your willingness to offer downstream
feeds.  We want to help extend and support USENET, helping a good thing 
get better.

Robert A. Johnson, SYSOP        UUCP: {ihnp4,ddsw1,ll1!ll1a,laidbak}!spl1!raj
The Software Public Library    VOICE: 1 312 248 5777

jane@tolerant.UUCP (Jane Medefesser) (03/01/88)

In article <977@spl1.UUCP> raj@spl1.UUCP (Robert Alan Johnson) writes:
>provide high speed news feeds and mail links to all eligable organizations

What a nice guy you are, Robert. I though all news feeds were free of all
charges except phone bills. Anyone want to tell me I'm wrong? (First-hand
examples only, please....)

(*Look, ma - no offensive quotes!!!*)

Jane Medefesser		uucp: {pyramid,mordor,oliveb,sci}!tolerant!jane
Tolerant Systems
San Jose, Ca  95134

jane@tolerant.UUCP (Jane Medefesser) (03/01/88)

In article <1353@tolerant.UUCP> jane@tolerant.UUCP (hey, that's me) writes:
>In article <977@spl1.UUCP> raj@spl1.UUCP (Robert Alan Johnson) writes:
>>provide high speed news feeds and mail links to all eligable organizations
>What a nice guy you are, Robert. I though all news feeds were free of all
>charges except phone bills. Anyone want to tell me I'm wrong? (First-hand
>examples only, please....)

To all those who sent me mail, I say;


(And thanks!)

(*Look, ma - no offensive quotes!!!*)

Jane Medefesser		uucp: {pyramid,mordor,oliveb,sci}!tolerant!jane
Tolerant Systems
San Jose, Ca  95134

rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP (Robert Sweeney) (03/01/88)

In article <977@spl1.UUCP> raj@spl1.UUCP (Robert Alan Johnson) writes:
>We would like to let all you netlanders know that site spl1 is available to
>provide high speed news feeds and mail links to all eligable organizations
> (lots of hype about high speed modems, etc. deleted)

Who currently charges for news and mail links (except uunet)?

Just curious.. /rs
Robert Sweeney              {sun!hoptoad,cmcl2!phri}!dasys1!rsweeney
Big Electric Cat Public Access Unix (212) 879-9031 - System Operator
Ada: Reliable software must kill people reliably.

rick@seismo.CSS.GOV (Rick Adams) (03/02/88)

In article <3211@dasys1.UUCP>, rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP (Robert Sweeney) writes:
> Who currently charges for news and mail links (except uunet)?

UUNET charges for connect time only. There is no charge for mail or
news or getting the GNU software or anything else.

The distinction is very important.


keld@diku.dk (Keld J|rn Simonsen) (03/03/88)

In article <1353@tolerant.UUCP> jane@tolerant.UUCP (Jane Medefesser) writes:

>What a nice guy you are, Robert. I though all news feeds were free of all
>charges except phone bills. Anyone want to tell me I'm wrong? (First-hand
>examples only, please....)

Well, we do. And it costs about USD 200 a month to take news
from us. Plus your own transmission costs.

Keld Simonsen, U of Copenhagen                keld@diku.dk