[news.admin] four new groups

ane@hal.UUCP (Aydin "Bif" Edguer) (04/13/88)

I received newgroup messages for 4 new groups recently.  I try to keep up with
all the votes going on in news.group and I don't remember votes for any of them
except comp.unix.aux (which has already been created).  Did someone just make
a mistake creating local groups?  Did Gene Spafford leave Purdue?  Is someone
trying to take over the net?  Are these just more inet groups? 
Concerned administrators want to know.
Included at the bottom of this message is the appropriate articles.

Aydin Edguer

==== original newgroup messages ====
Path: hal!mandrill!decvax!mcnc!gatech!bloom-beacon!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!mailrus!umix!uunet!wucs1!wuibc!quintro!news
From: news@quintro.UUCP (user account)
Newsgroups: comp.theory.ctl
Subject: newgroup comp.theory
Message-ID: <522@quintro.UUCP>
Date: 5 Apr 88 01:28:30 GMT
Control: newgroup comp.theory
Organization: Quintron Corp., Quincy, Il.
Approved: news@quintro.UUCP

Path: hal!mandrill!decvax!mcnc!gatech!bloom-beacon!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!mailrus!umix!uunet!wucs1!wuibc!quintro!news
From: news@quintro.UUCP (user account)
Newsgroups: comp.theory.cell-automata.ctl
Subject: newgroup comp.theory.cell-automata
Message-ID: <523@quintro.UUCP>
Date: 5 Apr 88 01:29:05 GMT
Control: newgroup comp.theory.cell-automata
Organization: Quintron Corp., Quincy, Il.
Approved: news@quintro.UUCP

Path: hal!mandrill!decvax!mcnc!gatech!ncar!ames!elroy!spl1!quintro!news
From: news@quintro.UUCP (user account)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux.ctl
Subject: newgroup comp.unix.aux
Message-ID: <526@quintro.UUCP>
Date: 8 Apr 88 05:02:04 GMT
Control: newgroup comp.unix.aux
Organization: Quintron Corp., Quincy, Il.
Approved: news@quintro.UUCP

Path: hal!mandrill!decvax!mcnc!gatech!ncar!ames!elroy!spl1!quintro!news
From: news@quintro.UUCP (user account)
Newsgroups: news.software.nntp.ctl
Subject: newgroup news.software.nntp
Message-ID: <525@quintro.UUCP>
Date: 8 Apr 88 04:59:53 GMT
Control: newgroup news.software.nntp
Organization: Quintron Corp., Quincy, Il.
Approved: news@quintro.UUCP