[news.admin] undesirable groups a problem?

heiby@mcdchg.UUCP (Ron Heiby) (05/04/88)

To much sex and drugs on the net getting you down?  Tired of seeing
so many flames start to infiltrate previously sane (mostly) newsgroups?
Well, have I got a solution for you!  Enjoy!
#	kill.group - Delete all articles posted or cross-posted to
#		     a particularly obnoxious or undesirable newsgroup.
#	Written by Ron Heiby for his own amusement.  3/29/88
#	There must be an opportunity between the time that news
#	is un-batched and the time it is batched for downstream
#	sites for this script to be run.  (Simplest is to run a
#	script that calls your batching routine (like sendbatch),
#	but before it does, have it run this.)  If you are running
#	SPOOLNEWS and/or SPOOLINEWS, the call to kill.group would
#	go just after the "rnews -U" line.
#	invoke with (for example):	kill.group alt.flame
#	Any (reasonable) number of newsgroups can be specified on the
#	command line and will be zapped in the order given.  Sub-groups
#	should be specified before parent groups for best effect.

HOME=`awk -F':' '/^usenet/ {print $6}' /etc/passwd`	# News home directory

for newsgroup in $*

killdir=`echo $newsgroup | tr . /`

if [ ! -d $SPOOL/$killdir ]	# If no directory, nothing to do.

cd $SPOOL/$killdir

if [ -z "`ls`" ]	# If no files in directory,
	break		# then don't bother with anything else.

#  Here, we look at the header lines for each article in the group,
#  looking for an Xref header line, meaning that the article was
#  cross-posted and must be exterminated in multiple newsgroups.
#  We specifically look only at the message header in case someone
#  were to post an article full of Xref lines causing other things
#  to be deleted.  Also, we only look at our own system's Xref line.
#  We strip off the leading crap in the Xref line, leaving only the
#  newsgroup name and article number.  Changing the "." and ":"
#  punctuation to "/" gives us pathnames relative to $SPOOL where
#  the trash can be found.
for i in *
	sed -e '/^$/q' $i |
	egrep "^Xref: $MYNAME " |
	sed -e "s/Xref: $MYNAME //" -e 's/:/\//g' -e 's/\./\//g'
done > $NAMES

#  Since the pathnames are relative to $SPOOL, we cd there and do the rm.
rm `cat $NAMES`

#  In case there were some articles in the group that weren't cross-posted
#  to some other group, we now wipe out the directory and everything
#  in it (but not sub-dirs), as well as our temp file.
rm -f $killdir/* $NAMES 2>/dev/null
rmdir $killdir 2>/dev/null


#  Another job, well done!
exit 0
Ron Heiby, heiby@mcdchg.UUCP	Moderator: comp.newprod & comp.unix
"I believe in the Tooth Fairy."  "I believe in Santa Claus."
	"I believe in the future of the Space Program."

heiby@mcdchg.UUCP (Ron Heiby) (05/07/88)

Looks like I missed changing the two "break" statements to "continue"
statements when I modified kill.group to handle multiple undesirable
groups.  I also added an efficiency hack (xargs) and an "-f" option
to one of the "rm" commands, in case no files were found.
----- cut here -----
#	kill.group - Delete all articles posted or cross-posted to
#		     a particularly obnoxious or undesirable newsgroup.
#	Written by Ron Heiby for his own amusement.  3/29/88
#		Minor fixes, mostly for multi-group kills: 5/6/88
#	There must be an opportunity between the time that news
#	is un-batched and the time it is batched for downstream
#	sites for this script to be run.  (Simplest is to run a
#	script that calls your batching routine (like sendbatch),
#	but before it does, have it run this.)  If you are running
#	SPOOLNEWS and/or SPOOLINEWS, the call to kill.group would
#	go just after the "rnews -U" line.
#	invoke with (for example):	kill.group alt.flame
#	Any (reasonable) number of newsgroups can be specified on the
#	command line and will be zapped in the order given.  Sub-groups
#	should be specified before parent groups for best effect.

HOME=`awk -F':' '/^usenet/ {print $6}' /etc/passwd`	# News home directory

for newsgroup in $*

killdir=`echo $newsgroup | tr . /`

if [ ! -d $SPOOL/$killdir ]	# If no directory, nothing to do.

cd $SPOOL/$killdir

if [ -z "`ls`" ]	# If no files in directory,
	continue	# then don't bother with anything else.

#  Here, we look at the header lines for each article in the group,
#  looking for an Xref header line, meaning that the article was
#  cross-posted and must be exterminated in multiple newsgroups.
#  We specifically look only at the message header in case someone
#  were to post an article full of Xref lines causing other things
#  to be deleted.  Also, we only look at our own system's Xref line.
#  We strip off the leading crap in the Xref line, leaving only the
#  newsgroup name and article number.  Changing the "." and ":"
#  punctuation to "/" gives us pathnames relative to $SPOOL where
#  the trash can be found.
for i in *
	sed -e '/^$/q' $i |
	egrep "^Xref: $MYNAME " |
	sed -e "s/Xref: $MYNAME //" -e 's/:/\//g' -e 's/\./\//g'
done > $NAMES

#  Since the pathnames are relative to $SPOOL, we cd there and do the rm.
cat $NAMES | xargs rm -f	#OLD STYLE# rm -f `cat $NAMES`

#  In case there were some articles in the group that weren't cross-posted
#  to some other group, we now wipe out the directory and everything
#  in it (but not sub-dirs), as well as our temp file.
rm -f $killdir/* $NAMES 2>/dev/null
rmdir $killdir 2>/dev/null


#  Another job, well done!
exit 0
----- cut here -----
Ron Heiby, heiby@mcdchg.UUCP	Moderator: comp.newprod & comp.unix
"I believe in the Tooth Fairy."  "I believe in Santa Claus."
	"I believe in the future of the Space Program."