[news.admin] Help with ANU NEWS - CMU/TCP "end-node" client needed...

fuhrman@b.coe.wvu.wvnet.edu (Cris Fuhrman) (02/07/89)


I need some help setting up ANU NEWS 5.7 on a VMS 4.7 VAX.  Specifically I 
would like to have it set up so that using CMU TCP/IP, we can NNTP the news
from an adjacent machine where they've already got it stored on their disks.

If their are any kind souls out there who'd be willing to share their 
experiences with a set-up of this nature, I'd sure appreciate it.

Someone said that ANU NEWS would be more trouble to set up that it's worth,
and I'd like to prove that person wrong (I have the net on my side).

-Cris Fuhrman