aw@grpthry.UUCP (Alan Whitton) (10/29/86)
Munch, munch, munch Hello, I am looking for an undump utility for system V. We are currently running on a Plexus P55 and are trying to get a preloaded version of TeX to work with NO success. The utility takes an executable and core image as input and creates an executable which has initialized variables (using those set before the core was dumped). Is there another way of doing this on SYS V? (someone has suggested adb but I cannot see how). We are also running SYS III on a P60, if anyone knows of an undump for that please respond. Please respond via mail as our news is a bit flakey right now. Thanks alan whitton ...watmath!utcs!bnr-vpa!nrcaer!grpthry!aw or ...utzoo!dciem!nrcaer!gprthry!aw or 237 King Edward Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7L8 (613) 594-0227 PS: If my description sounds like something you know of, but you are not sure answer anyway, my language skills may be our only barrier.
thomas@utah-gr.UUCP (Spencer W. Thomas) (10/31/86)
I frequently receive requests for an undump for this or that system (I am the original author). While I am pleased the people like the program so much, I have not been maintaining it for a long time (nor do I know anyone who has). It has, for the most part, been superseded by "unexec", a function that can be called from a running program to create an "a.out" image (of that program). It is available for many different systems (including SYS V), and is part of the Gnu Emacs distribution. For those of you on the internet, the GNU Emacs distribution is on in /u2/emacs/edist.tar. You could also try sending mail to (I'm not positive this works.) The administrators of also maintains copies of GNU Emacs. The files are available via anonymous ftp under directory ~ftp/gnu. louie's addresses are (as of 24 Oct 1986): udel-louie louie udel-relay udel . OSU is distributing GNU Emacs via uucp. Details from Karl Kleinpaste <osu-eddie!karl> or <karl@ohio-state.CSNET> I can send individual copies, but my turnaround is usually pretty long these days. I know this isn't what the original poster was looking for, but perhaps looking at the unexec source will suggest how to fix undump. -- =Spencer ({ihnp4,decvax}!utah-cs!thomas, thomas@utah-cs.ARPA)