[news.admin] Removing alt.sources.amiga

jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) (03/16/89)

In article <3442@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>                                                Moderators put a lot of time
>and effort into the net, and should be involved in any decision about the
>group they moderate.

So far the only effort that particular moderator has put into the net
is defending a newsgroup with no traffic in well over the agreed upon
three month idle limit.

Comparing oneself to the real moderators who actually moderate newsgroups
with real traffic and put in real effort doing more than defending the
need for an empty newsgroup is very nervy.

Peter has repeatedly been asked to post submissions or issue an rmgroup.
Perhaps someone else should be questioning his agenda.  Why would someone
want to moderate a newsgroup with no traffic?  So they can be a moderator?
Why would someone complain about another moderator [ comp.sources.amiga ]
when that moderator has been posting submissions?
John F. Haugh II                        +-Cause of the Week:-------------------
VoiceNet: (214) 250-3311   Data: -6272  | St. Patricks Day:  Wear white for
InterNet: jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US       | peace.  End the bloodshed in Ireland.
UucpNet : <backbone>!killer!rpp386!jfh  +--------------------------------------

peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (03/17/89)

(I'm not going to flame...)

In article <13707@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US>, jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) writes:
> In article <3442@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
> >                                                Moderators put a lot of time
> >and effort into the net, and should be involved in any decision about the
> >group they moderate.

> So far the only effort that particular moderator has put into the net
> is defending a newsgroup with no traffic in well over the agreed upon
> three month idle limit.

*WHAT* agreed on 3-month idle limit?

> Comparing oneself to the real moderators who actually moderate newsgroups
> with real traffic and put in real effort doing more than defending the
> need for an empty newsgroup is very nervy.

When there is a need for strenuous activity, I undertake strenuous activity.
So long as Bob Page is alive and well, why should I add to the network load?
Back when comp.sources.amiga was dead I not only published a great quantity of
material, but actually checked and fixed bugs in everything I posted. Which
is a good deal more than most moderators do.

Also, the subject at hand is whether Brad Templeton should be summarily ousted
from his position. He's doing his job, and I don't think anyone will deny
that he's doing it well. It's just his extracurricular activity that's in

> Peter has repeatedly been asked to post submissions or issue an rmgroup.

You have repeatedly asked me to do this. Using phrasing like "Peter has been
repeatedly asked..." implies that there has been some groundswell of support
for your position. I'm sure you don't mean to imply something like that, of

I have explained why I have done neither. You can read it about 3 paragraphs
above. Here are some more answers (for the umpteenth time):

> Why would someone want to moderate a newsgroup with no traffic?

As a safety valve. It was badly needed when the previous moderators were
unable, for reasons beyond their control, to do the job. I think I did
a decent job, and when Bob Page took over I forwarded the remaining
submissions to him and went dormant.

Not dead, just dormant.

> So they can be a moderator?

You try it some time. Not only is it a lot of work, but you get flamed.

> Why would someone complain about another moderator [ comp.sources.amiga ]
> when that moderator has been posting submissions?

I have not complained about Bob Page. I have stated that he is doing a
decent job. I see no need to duplicate his effort. Rest assurred that if
I didn't think he was doing a decent job I *would* be actively soliciting
sources and publishing them.

I'm not a politician. I'm not going to do any more politicking on this
subject. There's no way I can keep you from propogating another unannounced
and undiscussed rmgroup if you really want to. I just think that would be
impolite and unmannerly.
Peter da Silva, Xenix Support, Ferranti International Controls Corporation.

Business: uunet.uu.net!ficc!peter, peter@ficc.uu.net, +1 713 274 5180.
Personal: ...!texbell!sugar!peter, peter@sugar.hackercorp.com.

jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) (03/18/89)

In article <3455@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>(I'm not going to flame...)

Somehow it came out like so much political posturing anyway.

>When there is a need for strenuous activity, I undertake strenuous activity.
>So long as Bob Page is alive and well, why should I add to the network load?
>Back when comp.sources.amiga was dead I not only published a great quantity of
>material, but actually checked and fixed bugs in everything I posted. Which
>is a good deal more than most moderators do.

>Also, the subject at hand is whether Brad Templeton should be summarily ousted
>from his position. He's doing his job, and I don't think anyone will deny
>that he's doing it well. It's just his extracurricular activity that's in

The subject at hand is whatever the poster chooses to make it be.  The
topic right now is the removal of alt.sources.amiga.

Here is the recently posted index of the _entire_ existence of Peter's
newsgroup.  You be the judge.  I removed the blank lines and collapsed
multi-part listings.

|alt.sources.amiga index.
|Size	Posted	File Name	Description.
|37162	Jul 13	bind.shar.Z	Convert .fd files to libraries. Bill Barton.
| 6331	Jul 24	tmpras.shar.Z	Create a TmpRas structure. Pat White.
|41407	Jul 30	mackie.shar.Z	Macro key handler. Tom Rokicki.
|11929	Jul 31	maze.shar.Z	3-d maze gen. and display. Werner Guenther.
| 6603	Aug  9	pcpatch.shar.Z	Patch PCutils for 3.5" drive. Werner Guenther.
|25631	Aug 20	bcpl.shar.Z	Call BCPL from 'C'. Bill Kinnersly.
|12327	Aug 21	data2obj.sh.Z	Convert file to object module. Werner Guenther.
|25964	Aug 22	arpbind.1.Z	ARP programmer's bindings (archived only).
|[ 4 parts ]
|24136	Sep 11	ipc.demosrc.Z	Pete/Peter IPC sources.
|[ 4 parts ]
| 3386	Sep 18	launch.shar.Z	Launch worknbench program from CLI
| 9600 	Sep 29	flipper.sh.Z	Screen Flipper.
|22446	Oct 15	meter.sh.Z	3-channel fuel gauge.

This IS NOT an example of strenuous activity.  This IS an example of
political posturing.

This is the 'ls -s' output for the c.s.{unix,misc,games} indices:

  24 /usr/jfh/usenet/index.games.Z
  18 /usr/jfh/usenet/index.misc.Z
  72 /usr/jfh/usenet/index.unix.Z

Those numbers are the sizes of the 16 bit compressed files in 512
byte blocks.  Even the smallest index, c.s.misc, contains more blocks
than Peter's newsgroup contains submissions.

I will also mention that Peter has told me in private mail he would
have supported the rmgroup had he been asked first.  Obviously he
cares about the politics of newsgroup creation and removal more than
the fact we still have this totally worthless newsgroup.  At some point
in time the net must accept the responsiblity for keeping its house

I forget the source of this quote, but I think it applies here quite
	``If not you, who.  If not now, when?''

Alt is a bloody mess.  Who wants to DO SOMETHING to clean it up?
John F. Haugh II                        +-Cause of the Week:-------------------
VoiceNet: (214) 250-3311   Data: -6272  | St. Patricks Day:  Wear white for
InterNet: jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US       | peace.  End the bloodshed in Ireland.
UucpNet : <backbone>!killer!rpp386!jfh  +--------------------------------------

slaurel@contact.UUCP (David Maxwell) (03/18/89)

In article <3455@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>In article <13707@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US>, jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) writes:
>> In article <3442@ficc.uu.net> peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>When there is a need for strenuous activity, I undertake strenuous activity.
>So long as Bob Page is alive and well, why should I add to the network load?
>Back when comp.sources.amiga was dead I not only published a great quantity of
>material, but actually checked and fixed bugs in everything I posted. Which
>is a good deal more than most moderators do.
>> Why would someone want to moderate a newsgroup with no traffic?

>As a safety valve. It was badly needed when the previous moderators were
>unable, for reasons beyond their control, to do the job. I think I did
>a decent job, and when Bob Page took over I forwarded the remaining
>submissions to him and went dormant.

>Peter da Silva, Xenix Support, Ferranti International Controls Corporation.
>Business: uunet.uu.net!ficc!peter, peter@ficc.uu.net, +1 713 274 5180.
>Personal: ...!texbell!sugar!peter, peter@sugar.hackercorp.com.

Incidently, a recent article in Comp.sys.amiga revealed that Bob Page is
moving, and is therefore also moving his base of operations to another (as yet
unknown) site. During the week of his move, and until he finds a new site near
his new home, This would seem to be a time when the 'moderators are unable,
for reasons beyond their control, to do the job.' I also feel Bob Page does a
fine job, but even with his marathon posting this last week before his move, I
suspect a number of sources will pile up, sources that people ARE waiting for.
I see no reason why (Until Bob Page can find a new site to moderate and post
from) Alt.sources.amiga should not take up the load for a week or two, as this
is the use of 'a safety valve' right? Therefore Alt.sources.amiga has a use,
therefore Alt.sources.amiga will have traffic, therefore Don't rmgroup
Alt.sources.amiga .

							David Maxwell


emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti) (03/18/89)

In article <13744@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US> jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) writes:
>Alt is a bloody mess.  Who wants to DO SOMETHING to clean it up?

it's ok for alt to be a mess.  lots of people in alt groups like it
that way.

now get the hell out of my namespace, I like it just as it is.


jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US (John F. Haugh II) (03/21/89)

In article <430@contact.UUCP> slaurel@.UUCP (David Maxwell Contact! -/- Sysop) writes:
>                                      Therefore Alt.sources.amiga has a use,
>therefore Alt.sources.amiga will have traffic, therefore Don't rmgroup
>Alt.sources.amiga .


How about `Therefore Peter da Silva acts as moderator of comp.sources.amiga
for a week'?

John F. Haugh II                        +-Quote of the Week:-------------------
VoiceNet: (214) 250-3311   Data: -6272  | "Do not drink and bake"
InterNet: jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US       |         -- Arnold Swartzenegger
UucpNet : <backbone>!killer!rpp386!jfh  +--------------------------------------